Show I 1 BEHIND BEH IND THE TIMES GENTLE CRITICISM OF THE MOD ERN ENGLISH MOTHER misguided she begins begin early to crush all individuality in her daugh ter american girls are superior in charm the odd thing la in that for or nil all thyr so dead anxious fou to marry their girls rs E english glish mothers dont a bit to do it right back in the middle ages in their ideas they think a girl should be good and an quiet and not too smart and not too talkative and not different from any other girl above everything on an earth she Is not to be conspicuous from what english girls have confided to my sympathetic ear I 1 should judge that conspicuousness la in looked upon nover over here as one 0 of f the tha seven deadly sin what is there that a man wants in a wlter wife ask him and hell reel you off od OL a catalogue ot of solid virtues dut but watch him and see him attracted either by beauty and the english girl could be the most beautiful I 1 in the world it if she only knew how to dress and do her hair propinquity which Is the cause of halt half the marriages la in england especially the unhappy ones for englishmen and girls seldom have the chance to walk out with each other as lower class girls and americans in every class do so that only too likely to marry the first person they really get a few tete a betes with or else what the english mother ignores individuality IUM ehst something in a woman which separates her from the crowd E english women generally have their individuality quenched by parents who want their offspring to be lay figures draped to copy mamma at the best they seldom develop a marked personality till they are nearly thirty and have lost the bloom of their youth and the cream of what to the american girls girl s are the happiest years of her life one of the most moat pathetic sights in the world to me Is an english be ballroom 11 full of young girls all much of a in white and all shy gauche self c 0 necious unfledged hob bob ble blede deboys hoys still instead of having entered into their kingdom of charming womanhood they have nothing to distinguish them from one another why their very partners cant tell them apart and have to make careful mental notes of gold bangle good teeth or stick up thing lit in hairl dora despaigne Cb chapman apman in the new york american |