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Show V v . -v i- G' '.-- .' 5T k - - IRE DANK OF RANDOLPH accomodat-ions.L- safe ce policies; deeds, notes, and all ' Business Directory. twrvie. Apply To Them. First-cln- . Fred R H organ Notary public Nkws OrriCE Utah.1 Randolph. Notice , Department51.25 per year Tor "your life For F. J. Alexander ' .representing' the Optometrist 218 Main StfeW Co. Alexander ordinary efforts should be made by both parents and graduates to go on into ibe high schools and prepare the young men and women to battle in the race for supremacy. In this age of keen competition and strife, the boy cr girl is poorly equipped indeed who has not at least a thorough training iu the public schools. The sturdy pioneers had the wild and untamed West to contend with but in this- - age it is a battle of mind against... matter, and they who are the best equip ped will win," ' Optical Halt, Lake City will' visit Randolph every 4 mouths; Anyone nvediilg optical Vprk should' leavd' word at the v Post OJtiee. LAKETOWN HOTEL .'t Card of Thanks. Randolph, , & ' - Mrs, A. E. Wing. Notary Public Utah: Church Nicknames in China. Chinese converts 4o - Christianity recognise distinctions in the pommon faith,, albeit sects and schisms are contrary no their national traditions. The description1 of Quakers ds Nowash society, Anglicans as Little-wassociegy, and Baptists &s La r society has, of cours, ;' regard to the administration of baptism in but othet (be three communities; salient points frequently form the baste of title. ' Thus, to Celestial are Christians, Congregationallsts known as the society, Wesieyans as Hand shakers in consequence of the cus ton! of their social gatherings while Presbyterians figure as J society. . JL gee-was- HOTTENDORF (Licensed In Utah by Examination.) t ' Successor to or M. S. Ilaty; SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN Tlt-Bit- Superintendent Of' Cara Without Platforms. The Randolph Hospital Hr. A. J. Wahu, AsHintnuL Mtu of operated in Montreal: Tha entrance and exit eonalet of aid opoi- Inga omewhat to tha rear-O- f (ho eon-fawhile in addition to thlo thor is a small exit at the forwaM 4nd of the ear to the rear of the motormana box The passengers enter the car through the central platform and, after depositing their fares in the box, move either front or back, the interior of the car being divided by a partition. The rear rart cf the : car is- designated for smokers. The doors are opera ed by the conductor through compressed air mechanism. Main Street; between Bank Bids. and McKmuon Hotel or Day Might Street can without platforms hi the ordinary seose of the word art liolng 'Phono Pod 40 Jos. F. Neville Countv Surveyor'nnd YngW)itfr - Am prepared to do Civil Engineering in general. Increase Liquor' Outtsa. has in Tha ' British government creased lbs duties on spirits for Sierra Leone 26 per cent, in response to tha agitation concerning liquor traffic in Africa. RANDOLPH HOTEL I MAIL J. M. Hbndbiwon Ifop, Accommodation for Transient and Other Cueata. First-clas- s I - A Busi-ne- ss given Prompt Attentioh. Irrigat, l,m and Prolmte Matters given Especial Attention. .Use the own weapon" Scientists Found in Erroi.', After regarding it as a true mollusc for many years, French scientists have creature found that a small snail-likfound on , trees Is the larva of a ape-eie- a jr of fly, ' i I IT MX b, W.X. L. We pay - Highest prices for Hides, Pelts and Furs. Mail orders Solicited S' Only when a lazy liver vntd sluggish bowels cause frightful despondency. .But Dr, Kings Nw Lift Pills expel 'poisons from the system; bring hope & courage; cure all Liver, Stomach and Kidney troubles; impart health and vigor to the weak, nervous ailing. 25e at Ike Smiths. , i Snowstorm Defined. The Biddeford Jouraal man explains that any fall of aoaw in sufficient t is a "atorm." quantity to track This lcfcrmata tor the tai'gloa benefit of tkaarktrfi to keep tabs on tha nuataas-e- t snowstorms In preparing for this this winter. work it will be noticed that's cat is necessary, but if you do not own such an animal, it will be easy to borrow ' . one. Kennebec Journal. April 9th, 1910 Notice is hereby given that Albert E. May ne, of Garden City, Utah1,' who, on Nov. 3rd 1904, made Homestead entry No. 16142, Serial No. 02111 for SEi section 30, Township 14N, Range 5 E, S. L.M.V, lias filed notice of intention to make Final five year proof to establish claim to the lund above described, tieforethe Clerk of the District Court at Randulph, Utah on the 1st day of June, 1910. Claimant names as witnesse:-JoiC. Fanier, Edward C. (alder, Samuel Weston and Thomas J Hodges, all of Garden City, Utah. E. JD. R. Thompson. Rcgisteh' - - Utah; V tock Carried. h JFinesj, . Wyoming at,s Edholm & Akin Co. Restless and sleepless Jeweleis Evanston & Green River, Wyoming, FORMERLY' The Randolph Jewelers. g mmmmmmtmmmnmmmmM ItttttttaSSittttm UMWHt 4 Clacksmith, Wheelwright 6 Horseshoer s Carriages Repaired and Painted in Style Repairing Plows and Farm Implimenta a specialty. Firat-clas- Common Shoes Xoa. to 3 per span.. 4.00 and 6 ...4.26 Nos. 8 A 7 per span 4.50 m it i N. r IB. 1 4 Roff North Main Street real Randolph; Utah. aaaaaaaa.. wowwowwti NOTICE -- - - Watches, Diamonds, Silver Ware, Cut Glass o Hand Painted Chin;i - Notice A Evans Props- - - - FRESH AND CURED MEATS Randolph, 1 yunu ADVERTISING e Vtv 1 Marshall ALL' KINDS O Oounty Clerk. 1 Manwflnts toDIe." They sail the high and low seas of commerce. They pay millions a year for 'advertising. Their profit IT millions. Spike their guns with generous advertising in this your home paper. Woodruff Utah Matter and aD Legnl 3T T - Attorney A Counselor at law 5olt Lake City ORDER PIRATES ' Hay. Grain Stablinff and Livery in Connection Termt fUfcabndble.-- ' Reuel Walton- X RANDOLPH MEAT MARKET - reser-)ye- d M hinery The place to buy Probate and Guardianship non-miner- al Woodkiff Utah.' ADDRESS Loose Seeds NoticeFor further information apply to J,t t. A&k'tfccb&imr New Embroidery - Notice to Creditors if Waists 6tc, etc. Skirts," E.P.R. Ihoinpmn Rigister Estate of Robert Calder, deceased. Creditors w ill present clHinis with vouclicrs to the undersigned at hi residence iti Garden City in the CounSecty of Rich and State of Utah, on or beNotice is hereby given that the fore the 10th of Augliit A. D. 1910. vacated has of DepInterior the retary artmental orders of withdrawal so far Date of first publication April 9: 1910 ' as they effect the1 withdrawal for the Edward (aider, Bear Lake Reservoir tUl?, (under the Executor of the estate of Robert Calder Act of October 2, 1888 (28 Htat. 626) Deceased. 888 the and June 17, 1902 Neliekcr Hart NeU ker & Thatcher fullowing descrilted land In .tbf stwt. Attorneys for the Executor of Utah, and hy ids autharity, in pur--( suanceof section 17, Act of Marcli 3, 1991 (26 Stat. 1095), and nfttie Act of 1902, supia, such as these lauds as have NbT1C E not been heretofore finally restored United States Land Office, Salt Lakef.ity. Utah. ijgid are not otherwise w ithdraw n t lie will sHbjt-eMay. 2, 1910. (o ipp, appropriated, scttien.edt under the puMitr1and,laws To Whom It May Concern oi tha United States YnteffiTi arttfr July is hereby given that the State 12ti,19J0, but shall fliiti'litwilfi'Jcct to or Utah haa filed in this office lists of entry, filing or selection Iriitif'AVig. 11 lands, selected by the said State' under 1910, at the United States land office section C of the act of Congress, approvat Salt Lake City. Utah, warning being ed July 16 1S94, as Indemnity School expressly given that no person will lie lands, vi.: permitted to gain or exercise any right SWi NKi Sec. 9, T. 11 X., R. 6 E; whatever under any settlement or ocSKi SKi; NWiSlV Sec. 33,' T. 12 N., cupation begun after March 27, 1910, R.5E. S. L. M., Serial 06003. and prior to July 12 1910, all such settlement or occupation being forbidden. Copies of said lists, so far as they relate to said tracts by descriptive subSalt Lake Principal Meridian. T. 13N., R. 5E., lota I, 2 and 3 sec. 22; divisions, have been conspieously (Hiniota 1. 2, 3, and 4 eec. 23; lot Sec. 24; ted in this office for Inspection by any T. 15N., It. person interested and by the public lota 1. 2, 3 and 4 sec. 25. 5E. lota 1 and 4 dec 32; 1. 13N. R.bE. generally. lota 1, 2, 'land 4 Sec. 5; lota 1, 2, 3, 4&5 During the period of publication ol sec; 8; lota 1, 2, 3jand 4 sec 17; lota 1 this notice, or any time thereafter, artd 2 and i sec. 19; lota 1, 2. 3 and 4 and before' final approval and certification sEJswisec. 20; lot 1, NWJNF.J and under departmental regulations of Apr. NEJNWi sec. 30. T. 14N., R. 6E., lota 25, 1907, protests or contests against 2, 8, 4 and 6 sec. 4; Iota 1,2,3 and 4 Seo. the claim of the State to any of the 9; Iota 1,2,3 aDd 4 se . 16; Iota I,2,3aird4 tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore sec. 21; loti See. 28; lota 1, 2. 3 and 4 described, on the grounds that the see. 29;vlots 1, 2, 3 and 4 see,. 32 T. ,15 same is more Valuable for mineral than N. R. 6E., tota and;2and sEisE see agricultural purposes, will lie received ' 33; lot 4 aec. 34. and noted' for report to the general S,V. Proudflt Assistant (omniission-e- r Land olficp at Washington D. C. Fail of the General Land Office. tire toso protest or contest, within the Frank PeircC, first Assiataut Secre- time specified, will be considered cuff icielit evidence of tire tary of the Interior; character of tl tracts and the seleot ions thereof, being otherwise free from A ' Regular Tomboy will lx approved to the wm Suale climbing trees and fences, objection, E. I). R. Thompson Register State.' jumping ditches, whitling, always getting scratches, cuts, sprains, bruises, burns or hcalds. Rut laws! her mother for Publication just applied Bucklens 'Arnica salve and cured herquick. Heals everything DEPARTMENT OF THE healable ioils, ulcers; Ex.ema, old INTERIOR sore, Corns and Pill's. Try it- - 5c at U.' S. Land Office Ike Smiths. Salt Lake City Utah (32-Hta- , DOCTOR 1. 1. Pongees, Calicos,Ging-hams- , Ghalie, Linon, Mohair, Voile and white Goods. Ladies Voil j Silks,-- given that M; of Randolph', Utah', who on May 2nd, 1905, made Homestead entry No. Ihls7, serial No, 02143, for sKlswi; swIskI see.22;NKiNwi; nwLne see. 27, T. 13 N., U. 7 K. S.L.M., has filed notice of intention t& make Final live year Proof, to establish claim to the land hIhivc described before the Clerk eftlie PUtrict Court at Randolph Utah on the 1st day of June 1910. Claimant 'names as 'witnesses: John Nebekerof Laketown, Utah; E. W. Beckwith and Win. Jones of Randolph, Utah; and Tlios. Daniels of Fossil, Wyoming. s 7 Abstractor Publication Cr The'Richf County Furniture Hctn-ne- noii-minei- I wish to return my heartfelt Washington P.C.Apr. 11, 1910 OF RESTORATION OF NOTICE thanks to the many generous PUBLIC LAN PS TO SETTLEMENT friend who stood by me during & ENTRY. the illness and death of my be- Hay, Crain & Stabling Also left by death. . public generally. Pu ring the period1 of publication of this notice, or any time "thereafter, and lief re filial approval and certification, under departmental regulations of April 2o, 190T, proiests or eontesrs against the claim of the State to any of the tracts or subdiveKinns hereinbefo'e described, on the ground that the sail e is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purpose, wlli be received and noted for report to the Genera! Land Offlde at Washington D C. failure so-tprotestor conte.it, within time specified, wilf be ''onsidefed sufficient evidrnce of the' character of the tracts and the. selections thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will lie approved to the State E. P. U. Thompson, Register DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR General Land Office, loved Jiusband. The many deeds of sympathy and love, gives a silver h'hlng- to. Ihe dark cloud G. ii. Thompson Prop. John Snowball N. I - ins-uran- af tw i Deposit department. WMTa KMTM TjfZATjMrjXrA ZX li-- ll needs. re Goods ind Commencement us know your Dont forget our ofT'u-e- . . et n wSct A Child - Cnttertt Sate Land has-tita- out of the county for financial Lfcnrcrndies Notice' Ii Pittslxirg a savage- lion fondled the that a ehihl thrust Into hie eage. Dauber to a child in sometimes; Publisher. great lien Last regarded, Often it BoUMrfJn th sniitoff io rt (bmkilph. ITtah. T Whom C'unpfm:-wiim through colds. croupe and u hoop IWL A Koifnbm Not ire i hereby given that the State u lewnl mg cough. They slay thousands Hr. of HUBHuurmo.v, 1.50 pkk year of Utahselected in tnix'ettiee under King New Discovery could have savsaid the lands, by State, ed. A few dosea cured our baby of case of croup,11 wittiS Mrs Advertising rates upon request. auction 6 oft lie Act of Congress, approv, ed July 16,1894,0 Imleuuity School ( iHfrife R DavjMof plat lauds, viz: We alwa.vs give it (o him when lie It was a beautiful object less SI 8E1 Sec 19: SWWs XKWJ; j (1 of the 21 on to see thp graduates Rich County public schools, ob tain their certificates and the HWiNKi sec. 20; N EiSWi see. 7; SH"tew ,ty Ike bl"ilh-- ' 8W1SE1 sec. 8; N KjSWl tied 9, patr'ons of the school should be HWi; T, 12 N K. 7K., S.L'M., Serial. (74. proud of the excellent work done for Copies of .aid list, o far as they reby teacher sand pupil?.Department of the Interior The parents should remember late to said tracts' ly descriptive have been conspicuously that this is but the stepping posted in this office for inspection by U.S. Land Office at Salt Lake City Ct Apr. 9th, 1910. atone of their careers, and extra any erson interested and hy the Notice is hereby Joel V Tta. r FRIDAY EACH I'red itrilorgjin, Editor and Not nececsary to go t IlftS EECKIT RICK PUBLISHED Is prepared to take care of vour needs. 1 2. Atiila THE -. Moline, Peering, Kingman More Danielsen, Walter Woo'd Lines. A. TO ALL KAXCHEKS IX HICK CO. Whenever you, are in Eva ns ton, come in and see us for Wj E have the Implements and stock 4 of repairs that will make you say; Gee! if I had only called before , My worries would all be o'er, For there 1 found to my surprise, Where alSsuchthings were kevt in store DiBtai Eii?ator&. UiUing. Company ' v .5 4I::; ' I Vi' - |