Show As asinine impressionist an extraordinary hoax has been perpetrated pet rated nt at the expense ot of tile the exhibition ol of the artistes artists Arti stes says ays tho the london dally daily mall among the works on view nt at this exhibition which was solemnly inaugurated by it II dujardin the under see detary ot of ine arts la in one entered in the catalogue as an the setting betting sun still by J H R Bo boronell ronall according to a sworn adworn statement the painting was executed in tile the well known cabaret at or the lapin agile at Alonte martre in the following man nor ner A square of 0 canvas was waa placed on oil a chair and a brush was tied to the end nd of a donkeys tall the brush was waa then smeared alternately with blue green yellow and red paint and the animal its tall held by the artist was hacked up tu to the canvas As the animal turned about switching 1 its tan tall tron front side to side a realistic horror resulted when it was judged to be hideous the setting sun was trained framed and signed the authors of the hoax have hava last issued letI a manifesto in favor of a now school I 1 of painting that of 1 I t |