Show ita GOODS 10 00 GOING 1 N G AT COST we ANre arc giving 13 1 gigantic bargains in our line of lawns all gradis grades will go atcosta at cost ta za calland 11 and see our line of fancy up tip to date dress esig goods roo ds all the popular s shades i and aim mate materials 1 riak also our new M muslin ia yand khit khi underwear nar ands aal well swell hose if its twe the latest thing in a shoo or oxford you want dont fail to tall call on inH iiA UA pi E 13 dIAR lasts for sale for fora short thue only we are offering building buil dinK lots lota for sale on oil canyon st it blocks west house homo finest a art rt of town for residence many n these lots lota will in uie the near future III occupied by fine linnit a buy now before price was iteal estadt co mr FredI frial aitz our fo former rivier hotel proprietor lit iri here from froin garden city on oil business bu alnesa call on oil Is 14 slid and wee this the latest style of ou nult it puritan tailors arn jacobson Jacob Kon for at iblas loy henderson Ilc Is tilt ahm week with her a aunt tit kt evanston birs A I 1 E wing returned td iland olph week if it in rit ed of I 1 wire doors hallm shoes hata ha indies waists or lit the grocery or r hard hardware warL line juit jutasi ask spencer they have thern notice 0 I 1 mul gall interest in the argyle BelfI inn horse liori ii for fifty cents oil oi the I 1 dollar will leita ifor was wan m n of 1910 1016 for fi v john W I s notice nty my leftie on shop eila rn es july 1610 1 I desire delro it nil I 1 bills paid by that date N KB B llott NOTICE all il temporary water changes changer for tile wrt iriti soll buist bo lit in to t tle the secretary L IM foye ote monday evening may nt at ol 61 01 ni ill wm na tile the will te be dp ail after no for or tile in ill tile tl It andolph Irre gat I 1 tell ie fo co john it II south sw TRADE MORAL the merchant who is trying to do business without lad advertising verti tind ls s at dame fortune through NUD spectacles lie he knows hes winking but she dods nt this paper is a good adverl advertising bising medium TRADE MORAL MURAL joan of are arc was the only woman on earth able to resist a bargain advertisement ti and ashes dead if youve got a bargain in something advertise it to the women folks in this paper TRADE MORAL Adv advertising CrUsing prominence in this par paper ter as s to you mr home merchant what steam is to an engine I 1 1 nl ia aili have a g KO 0 tt to sage kage and rv turnery avery WC Y K u i clevela cleveland fid aw N 6 X i ap pp nr HERES a lot of 0 money amer y hm and jn this read ibis by it they want bown 1 your goods ar they tacy want vant to buy this kapee talks to that at regular intervals itts itt money that talks back and talks back bc ge gc your sharer do dar your talking tall cinn through our id IA colu columns baw br W 1 |