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Show BEHIND PLEASURE WAS A SIN ANY TIME. THE TIMES HELP FOR THE AGED. No Need Trouble. GENTLE CRITICISM OF THE MODERN ENGLISH MOTHER. Mrs. Catherine Sullivan, 1712 Mof-faSt, Joplin, Mo., says: .Like most elderly people, I suffered from kidney trouble for years. My back ached Inand there tensely was a feeling of numbness in my spine. My hands and the cramped tt Nothing more pleasant and healthful than a cup of good tea. Misguided, She Begin Early to Crush All Individuality In Her Daugh-te- r American Girls Are Superior In Charm. HEWLETT'S TEAS Are Always Good. You do not need to Cone in Person By Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Black Duck, Minn. I wrote you that About a year sick and could not do any of ago I was my housework. My Bipkness was called Retroflexion. When 1 would sit down I felt as if I could not To purchase anything of us, nor to have your wateh fixed A letter from you is attended to immediately by an expert, who furnishes his Judgment free of charge. V V What he does Is subeot to your approval and our guarantee. fet up. I took E. Pinkhams ComVegetable and did pound just &a- - you told me and now I am perfectly cured, and have a big bapy boy. Mrs. Anna Anderson,- Box 19, Black (ALT LAKi - Duck, Minn.. Consider PINGREE Is the newest town in Idaho. It will be opened early in June with sale of lots and excursion on Oregon Short Line new branch to be completed to that point at the same time. : : : : IDAHO The wonder state of the west, has developed in the last five years thousands of new acres and homes. Do you wish to live and thrive in a really NEW TOWN If so, ask about PINGIiEE. Merchants of all kinds are wanted there at once. Now is your opportunity. Write for booklet to rW H. Scott, Gen. Manager Pingree Townsite Company Pingree, Idaho or Jas. F. Burton, Secretary ' Ogden, Utah : Ba THE SHORTEST ROUTE TO mwm ....IS VIA..... DEETII, NEVADA CRAGER WIRE & , $. TiiiSAdvioe. No woman should submit to a surgical operation, which may mean death, until she has given Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, made exclusively from roots and herbs, a fair trial.. This famous medicine for women has for thirty years proved to be the most valuable tonic And in vigors tor of the female organism. Women residing in almost every city and town in the United States bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. It cures female ills; and creates radiant, buoyant female health. If you are ill, for your own sake as well as those you love, give it a trial. Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., Invites all sick women to write her for advice. Her advice Is free, and always helpful DROVE HUSBAND FROM HOME Act of Militant Suffragette That Wat Too Arbitrary to Be Upheld by the Court) The results that may ensue from being married to a suffragette were revealed the other day in a London Mrs. and was TunnlcllfTe took up not able to spend much time at home. When the husband remonstrated she simply commanded her daughter to pack her father's gripsack and there and then ordered him out of the house, He went and then the lady sued him for desertion and demanded alimony But surely yap did not take it so feebly? asked tie magistrate of the, husband. f . It was no nsq' otyectlng, was the answer; "She wanted to be master and said that-I- f I annoyed her she would lock me up. I was only too anxious to go back home, but she would not let . me. i Jhe case was dismissed (Eng) suburban police court. the-caus- One Tyge of Religion. said Rev, . many,- - people, Charles F. Aked. at a luncheon in New York, regard their religion as did the little boy in fhe jam closeL ' His mother pounced on him sud denly. He stood on tiptoe,' ladling jam with both hands from the jam, pot . ' to his mouth. Oh, Jackj J his .an Other' crfedl And last night jou prayed to be made ' a saint! "His face, ad expressionless mask of jam, turned towards her. Yes, but not till after Im dead, he explained. Too , il. DEETH i only 65 froa JARBIDGE tad it oa the main line of both tho Sootkero Pacific and tk Wet term Pacific Railroadt. IRON WORKS 31 STATE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY IfxTl X Out of the Race. Because of the general scrapping match between the various citioa .p, to who shall have the honor of 'the National or International Congress of Aviators, Washington jaipl -- BMKirfcirtr have both withdrawn from the whole . . business. The odd thing Is, that for all they're so dead anxious to marry their girls, English mothers dont a bit know how to do it Theyre right back in the middle ages In their Ideas. They think a girl should be good, and quiet, and not too smart, and not too talkative, and not different from any other girl. Above everything on earth, she Is not to be conspicuous. From what English girls have confided to my sympathetic ear, I should udge that consplcuousness Is looked upon' over here as one of the seven deadly sins. What is there that a man wants In a wife? Ask him and hell reel you oft a catalogue of solid virtues. But watch him, and you'll see him attracted either by beauty (and the English girl could be the most beautiful in tha world If she only knew bow to dress and do her hair); propinquity which Is the cause of half the marriages In England, especially the unhappy ones (for Englishmen and girls seldom have the , chance to walk out with each other, as lower class girls and Americans in every class do, so that theyrt only too likely to marry the first per-sothey really get a few tete-a-tet- e with); or else what the English mother ignores Individuality, that something in a woman which separates her from the crowd. English women generally have their Individuality quenched by parents who want their offspring to be lay figures draped to copy mamma. At the best, they seldom develop a marked person ality till they are nearly thirty and have lost the bloom of their youth and the cream of what to the American girls are the happiest years of her life One of the most pathetic sights in the world to me Is an English ballroom full of young girls, all much of a muchness in white, and all shy, unfledged hobgauche, bledehoys still, instead of having entered Into their kingdom of charming womanhood. They have nothing to distinguish them from one another. Why, their very partners cant tell them apart, and have to make careful mental notes of gold bangle, good teeth, or stick-uthing iu hair! -- Dora DEspaigne Chapman, In the New York American n The "Singing Dog. In Sammy, a handsome collie, Lud wig Carlson of Montclair, N J., pos sesses a canine tenor soloist. Every morning when the bell on St. Johns Episcopal church, near the dog's house, begins ringing, Sammy takes up a position not far from the edifice and begins an aecom paniment that has none of the dis eordance of the ordinary canine howl, It Is a musical voice which Sammy blends with the deep notes of the bell and it has been observed that the dog Is exactly in tune with the metallic sounds that come from the church belfry. At noon the collie makes tracks for a lumber plant operated by his owner Here the dog accompanies the whistle which is blown at midday, and here, too. be always achieves perfect harmony. The dog also joins his voice with fhe town curfew bell at nine oclock at night Persons who have studied the dog' performances say that in the begin nlng hfs voice was harsh and not attuned to the bells or the whistles, but devotion to practice and love of harmony have made hlin an accom plished canine vocalist self-educat- urinary were Mrs. Wise I told the next-doo- r neighbor today that it was a sin to play the piano on Sunday. Mr. Wise Why did you mention Sunday? BABY WASTED TO SKELETON 'My little son, when about a year and a half old, began to have sores come out on his face. I had a physician treat him, bat the sores grew worse. Then they began to come out on his arms, then on other parts of his body, and then one came on his chest, worse than the others. Then I called another physician. Still he grew worse. At the end of about a year and a half of suffering he grew so bad that I had to tie his hands In cloths at night to keep him from scratching the sores and tearing the flesh. He got to be a mere skeleton, and was hardly able to walk. My aunt advised me to try CutI cura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment I sent to a drug store and got a cake of Cutlcura Soap and a box of the Ointment and followed directions. At the end of two months the sores were all well. He has never had any sores of any kind since. I can sincerely say that only for Cutlcura my child would have died. I used only one cake of Cuticura Soap and about three boxes of Ointment I am a nurse and my profession brings me Into many different families and it is always a pleasure for me to tell my story and recommend Cuticura Remedies. Mrs. Egbert Sheldon, Litchfield, Conn., Oct 23, 1909. Importation of Leeches. Leeches are enumerated by the bureau of statistics under Its general head of animals Imported, the total value of the Imports of this species In 1908 having been $5,341; In 1907, (6,922; In 1906, $4,494; in 1905, $3,862; In 1904, $3,589; In 1903, $3,240, and in 1902, $2,412 the commerce In leeches being thus of a growing character. The total value of the leeches Imported into the United States In tho iecade ending with 1908, is about Leeches are Imported free of Snails were at one time enufluty. merated as an article of importation, the records from 1894 to 1898 showing Bnalls imported to the extent of about $5,000; but the snail trade so dwindled, showing only $24 of imports In 1898, that the bureau discontinued its statements of this article. $40,-1)0- An passages profuse. Doctors prescribed for me but I was not A Pleasing Sense of Health and benefited. At last I Strength Renewed and of began taking Doan's Kidney Pills. Ease and Comfort I and They drove my troubles away, now enjoy excellent health." use of Syrup of Fig9 and the follows Remember the name Doans Elixir of Senna, as it acts gently on For sale by all dealers. 60 cents a the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansbox. Foster-Milbur- n Co., Buffalo, N. Y. ing the system effectually, when conIn Outdoor Schools. Benefit stipated, or bilious, and dispels colds Speaking before the National Associ- and headaches. To get its beneficial effects, always ation for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis recently, Dr. Henry Far-nu- buy the genuine, manufactured by Stoll of Hartford, Conn., said: the California Fig Syrup Co. Every city should have one or more such institutions for all delicate, scrofulous or anaemic children, and those with tuberculosis of the bones, who are now in ordinary schools. Doctor Stoll declared that Grt t etthulia ud Bjrauin, TWnM twenty to forty per cent of school children in large cities are infected CARTERS LITTLE. with tuberculosis. By the use of UVER PILLS was ascertained that 79 per Ad , PurdymdiL. cent, of the children from tuberculous Carters homes were infected as against only 26 ottb. SwUkI. d aabfM per cent, of those from supposedly liubml, healthy homes. It was also found that Cm Cm- 60 per cent of the frail children from healthy homes had the germs of the Sick Hnlirl, ul UmUm. m aliw know. disease, but that only 13 per cent, of the robust children from similar homes Small Pill. Small Dote, Small Price GENUINE miut bear (ignatur t were thus affected. Interruption. Dont Persecute your Bowels Shows Value of Steel Car. That the steel car Is of great value as a protection to passengers In the event of collision was demonstrated in a recent clash of two trains in the Hudson tunnel, New York city. L. DOUGLAS W- - $47 $3.50, $3 $5, W? Workingmen dtlU M There was no such telescoping as 92.00 bhocs would probably have occurred with W. L. Douglas wooden cars, and the injures were shot's are 'worn merely such as resulted from the pas- by more men than sengers being thrown down by the any other make, shock of the collision. BEOAUSEi W. L. IVnnglu Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, m thfy cannot rauft the neat of the Ulutaae. Catarrh la a blood or constitutional diacnae, and In order to curt It you must taka internal remedies. Hall a Catarrh Cure to taken Internally and act dlrwtly upon the blood and mucoua surfaces Hall a (Catarrh Cure to not a quack medicine it wan prescribed by one of the best physicians in tills country (or years and to a regular prescript ion. It to composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on tha mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tha two Ingredients to what produces such wonderful results lu curltig catarrh Bend (or testimonial, free. F J (Hi N'EY ft CO, Props.. Toledo, Bold by Drugirlftta, price Hall Family Pills tor oonatlpnUoa. a New Work for Women. Mrs. Frederick II. Snyder Is the only woman Impresario on earth, she sajs. She decided that grand opera would be a good thing for St. Paul and made her first venture sosuccessful that she has continued in the business after the fashion of men engaged In the same work. & $2.50 Bout Shoet COlX $2.60 A $2 5.00 and 4.00iilitftNiil, In style, fit uid wrsr, ether makes ousting 90.00 to 8.0fl. WaTt. Douglas ftS.KO, 3.00,94.50 and 4.00 slues are the lowestconsidprice, quality ered,lntlie world Fast Coior Byefots. The genuine hare W. L. Domrla nsmeand prloa tamtwd on the bottom. Take Nn tolitklnie If they Ask yonrilenler Cor W ! DonulMFliors. are not for al in your town write for Mail Order Catmall. order 8hoes to full directions how by alog. glvTng n1rd dlreet from fa tory delivered to the wearer all okiutfes prepaid. W. L IOUJLA8, ttrockton, A for a Dime bo Why spend dollar when lOo buys of CASCARETS at any drug atoreP Usa as directed get the natural, easy result. Saves many dollars masted on medt ine Important to Mothersbottle of that do not cure. Millions regularly usa Examine caretully every CASCARETS. Buy- - a box now lOo CASTOItlA, a safe and sure remedy for weeks treatment proof in the morn infants and children, and see that it log. 9 CASCARETS toe a boa for a werk't Bears the treatment, all druggists. Biggest seller In tbs world. Million boxes a month Signature of Years. Over Use For In 30 In this book for you Jnst of The Kind You Have Always Bought. the press Three thounan4 valuable bnsiues enterprise ee. " New Fly Trap. plana, secrets and high grade formula trade valuable A Californian has taken advantage fortbehoniAi farm, workahop and every depart of the fact that flies always walk up ment of human endeavor, eotse of the content a window by inventing a trap to be SILVERING RECIPES HOUSEHOLD FORMULAS BRONZING RECIPES GOLD ALLOYS iastened to a pane in Buch a manner GILDING PAINTING RECIPES RECIPES that a fly will enter It without being PLATING RECIPES BEAUTY RECIPES aware that It has left the Burface of and You may now get a more. thoaaand many the glass. copy of thlHdTtbpage eilk volume for ouly fiOs poatpaid. Money back if not satietled. For llril, Itrhlns Erlld. Cyst, Styes ENTERPRISE CO. Box 337, Amherst, Ohio Falllnx Eyi'l ujIioh and All Eyes That Among the primary pupils enrolled In a Baltimore school this term is the son of a prominent business man of that city. One afternoon, at close of school, the youngster sought out his father In his office, to him he said; I Dad, Im gettang tired of school think Ill quit Why? asked the astonished parent; "whats the matter, Tommy? I thought jou were fond of going to school. Need I'm- - Ti y Murine Ee Salve. Asep"So I am, dad, responded the young- tic Tubes Trial Hlze J5o Ask Your Drug-glRELIABLE i PROMPT or Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Isold end Silver, fl 00; ster, suppressing a yawn, but It Chicago. (old, Tdc. Gold, Hllvor and Conner, 11.60. breaks up the day so. Harper's Mag rite fo Hold and RHvcr refined and bought mailing mcka (Kil)FN ANRAY CO-Information. fre azlne. Colorado Court 1530 Deuver, Place, Census Taker What is your color? Mr. Adee in Europe. Sweet Young Thing George says It GREAT BARGAIN FOR YOU Second Assistant Secretary Adee of Is peaches and cream Bilk NockUe, any color; tine Tie Pin, or Cuff Links; the state department is on his annual pair Ruspenderti, pair Hox, any color Ntatesise, paif (,ii tors alltorOne Hollar, postageklkpaid. Hendqulck fAVIH PAINKII.I.ER SsUivss SKLUkti W. PAkklkAOS vacation In Europe. In company with draw lFRKY IImw) Cato the pain and iniliininiatlon from t bit Hoothes and allays the awful Mr. Thackera, United Slates consul and Inwn-and 5Uo bottles. itching of mosquito bites. 26c, CANVAR GLOVKH AT IIOMF. M iWI wA If WC Ci p Big protH I nlimlt- general at Berlin, and Mrs. Thackera, We demand ed he will devote about six weeks to a Is what you are worrying about small and grow hlgsupply gloves roudys to sew Htart tioed u., AtasM, bs. and outfit ffoe. las He really worth while? bicycle tour of southern France expects to return to Washington about 100 money making accrete 10a klAIICV IIMIfC Mr. Winslow Soothing 8ymp. R1A&C IflURbl We sell everything OurKleo-tr- o the middle of June., ForrhiUlrun torihtn 00. wanted (ktalig free Rf7orl Agent Magnet pain, cure wind oolio. 2cabutu. tan au&AL mjyklti (., ess eu si., OhUfcwta, Okie A New Dress for 10 Cents, Dont criticise a fool; fools cant the cost of a package of Dyola Dyes. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. being foolish. help You dont have to know whether It Is cotton, wool, silk or mixed goods Dyola gives the same fast brilliant colors on all goods. Comes in 16 colors. At your dealers or if not In Doe not take into consideration the one essential to wostock we will send you any color for man, happiness womanly health. 10 cents with direction book and color The woman who neglects her health ia neglecting the card. Dyola, Burlington, Vt. very foundation of all good fortune. For without health love loses its lustre and gold is but dross. Not a Case of Treat. Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally be How Jong has the doctor been regained by the use of Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription. treating your wife," This Prescription has, tor orer W rears, Treatin her? Gosh, if you been his d been curing delicate, weak, bills you wouldn't think there was of hundreds thousands the women, Recby much treatin about it. Chicago and this too In the privacy ot their homes , . ord Herald. to to Money-makin- g V y The Artists Compensation. business concerns, great Save and concerns,- Harrods, the army navy stores and the like, what Exercise Good for It. Tbs above represents one of the many different Asked the progressive woman of strange welter Is in our whole system designs of Iron Fence we manufacture for residence, cemetery lots and public buildings. the beauty culturist: Don't you think of payment for work more especially Write for catalogue and prices. Art women should exercise. tie sufftae?-- ' fir the higher branches of work trfeth5S viUJfncreae and literary work are terrible exCertainly.-MPuck. it two inches. amples of this confusion and want of , . science The payments to many of It costs hundred, of dollar, every year to Arithmetic! the beat workers in those barren TEST OUR SEEDS Teacher If I give you one apple fields tfre.sp bad that a man is quite But hen you buy them you ran depend do it, teachthey poe Tha Quality. Write for our Young Americap-Dosanguine if Jie sees not at the end of Fraa Doaerlptiva Catalog. er, Rnd you wWt start any of that his carter themadhouse of the pauRORTER-ALTON CO., Salt Lake City trouble that Adfilir and J9ve got into. pers gftive Jf he "paint without genius, a paint Co As a mule Js compelled listen 8H.AL8, SlhM'ILS, may,-battracting an ignorant pub B TRAUh .jpt U)K,fctu Full his own Voice, we dont j"blame blm(ff lie, make himself CHHCKS. secure If he write ' kicker chronic a la Une Rubber Type Outfit, and nupplies stock. being without or real force, the -jhidiyiduality Mall orders receive prompt attention. T" 5K t ' SALT LAKE STAMP CO., Salt Lake City writer iqW likewise make himself se ! A clear brain an d . cure byidrjying hard bargains with Hard to Choose. those will bujj and sell his wares But Steady, dependable nerves for the rtjopt part, good work in these the said Edward," teacher, jou fame,. branchesjfs the woik of sensitive men have spelled the word rabbit with two Can win wealth and who are little children In inouey matts. You must leave one of them out.' For their owner.' A ters and kho shrink from bargaining 'D' Yes, Edward; maam, rep'ied v Politics and public life' ant business Catholic News. which one? Clear headednessvand a " make a rntuh better game than art or The Reason Why. letters London Saturday Review Strong, healthy body , . see so much of He "We dont you Depend largely on the Not Quite Qualified. as we used to do. Rare Do you have to Found Gardener. Polieenian by Cjsln elements in She My husband objects to very Right : , "While care of the dog? exicavating recently a gardenlow cut dresses. Nurse Girl No. The missis says er of Me bile, Ala., unearthed In the Regular food and drinfci of that city a bronze Im too young and Inexperienced, western pert t Force of Habit. Coffee contains iih It later came into the posbes only look after the children. Life. did you break jour engage-nen- t Why sioft of C. A. Dodge, a local Inventor with that school teacher? A poisonous drug. If You Are a Trifle Sensitive who had the coin photographed and the size of your shoes, many eop1e ssked the friend. to the Smithsonian institution. About sent shoes by using Allens smsUer wear Postum rich the is in house her at If I failed to show up Antiseptic Powder to shake Into the shoes. Washington. T. T. Belote. of the di- the cures It Swollen, Aching Eeet and Tired, vision of history of the institution, rives rest and comfort very evening, she expected me to Gluten and phosphates that Just the thtnff for Sold every where, 25c. In shoes. my by find is a kew a most valuable breaking says that the irlng written excuse, signed KLE. Address, Alien 8. Olmsted, sent the vital I Furnish Sample energy nother. one; In fact, so rare that there is no UKuy.N.Y. and That specimen of the coin in the National "ginger puts of Notice. Not Worthy Odd Fellows' Paper? museum. According to Mr. Belote "hustle Hes going to call his new Wrigh "No, we have decided not to have the coin la of Roman mintage, struck Links. her. She the do with to paper Sausage of L. inythlng njore Emperor Septiduring the reign Into body and brain. Pc nman B in three scetlona, 1 mus Severus. who ruled from 197 to really isnt In our set. When she 211 A D started for Europe last fail she never "There's a Reason iu; j o i Y nkers Statesman letter. steamer received a single i'M to Longer Suffer from Kidney a'-fe- - y TESTED SEEDS nt y caffeinrr., - Foot-Lan- gt anant-wor- VaiiiHblnmomy-maklDrlntruo-Uon- 10. Fortune Telling pain-wracke- tndell submit without their having cate qnestlonln&s and offensively repu& aant examinations. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter frtt. All correspondence held as sacredly confidential. Address World Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Da. Pierces Great Family Doctor Book, The Peoples Common Sense Medical Adviser, newly revised edition 1000 pages, answers in Plain Enghsb hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or married, ought to know about. Sent free, in plain wrapper to any address on receipt of 21 one-cestamps to cover mailing only, or in cloth binding for 31 stamps. te nt n AXLE GREASE is the turning-poito economy in wear and tear of wagons. Try a box. Every dealer, everywhere nt FOX SALS ST OIL CO. CONTINENTAL UNMMLPOaUTBlM |