Show RESULTS HARD TO FORECAST politicians in two states look into tho the future with much misgiving AWAIT RETURN OF ROOSEVELT situation in new york and ohio ap patently parent ly will bo be tangled until hit his return conservation la Is sue in james river dam bill washington reinforced pressure to being brought to bear dally daily on an representative nicholas longworth to secure hla his consent to be a candidate before the republican state convention tor or governor of ohio ha la Is still coy mr longworth as the world knows or ought to know Is tho the sonin son in law ot of former president theodore roosevelt the ohio representative has tol told d president taft several times that he Is and will continue to be as long as the present tatt taft endeavor la is continued a strong and sincere supporter of the administrations policies there are some politicians in washington who look on the declaration of the fealty of mr longworth to the administration as being evidence in part that the ohioan believes that his father in law when he comes back likewise will declare fealty other politicians say that there to la nothing to this and that nick acts for himself in political and personal m matters without regard to the advice or suggestion of his cifes distinguished father it if the son in tn law representative should become the candidate of the republicans for the governorship nomination tn in ohio there are those who say emphatically that he will draw the roosevelt republicans to his banner per and also the other republicans tor for it Is averred that mr longworth Is popular with all buckeye republicans and that his bis kinship inlaw in law to colonel roosevelt will have a great sentimental effect on some of the republicans public ans who seem to have withdrawn their support from president tatt taft and who are apparently careless about the result in ohio democratic faith in harmon the democrats say that judson normon norman present governor and the man who Is to be their candidate for reelection tj to that high office can win against any candidate whom the republicans public ans choose to name they say that ll bannona Han armons nona record Is excellent and that the state republicans are split bastions jAst ions insurgents ara and regulars just as they are in other states jal although though the outward manifestation of party trouble has not been as aa marked in ohio as it has been elsewhere the democrats scout the truth of at any statement to the street effect that a mere relationship lation ship by marriage between betwee mr n roosevelt will have any sentimental or other effect in deciding the election in ohio next fall in new york the governorship govern elgua letlon Is extremely interesting colonel roosevelt when he returns Is expected to try to straighten out state affairs even though he takes no hand in rational pat ional affairs and says nothing pro pr or con upon the taft administrations achievements it seems possible that it if the roosevelt influence prevails and it if the record which william loeb jr collector of bf the port of new york has bus made in a 10 score of cases stands him in good stead that he bo who once on a time was air mr Roosevel ts secretary will be the Ite republican publican candidate for governor it may be that the democrats will nominate binate william J gaylor mayor of new york city for the governorship of 0 the state provided judge gaynor says that he Is willing to mako make the race it if the mayor runs for governor and to Is elected find and mr Ilar harmon nion runs for governor tn in ohio and Is elected it readily can be seen what prestige each will havo have as a candidate for the democratic nomination for the presidency sees roosevelt opposing taft william jennings bryan has said according to presa press re reports porta that be believes when theodore roosevelt returns to america he will be found in the ranks of the in insurgents surge nta and that instead of standing in defense of the taft administration the tha colonel will take the position of an adverse critic I 1 on tour four or five different happenings mr dryan bryan bases his prediction ile ho thinks that because the colonel has promised to speak at the conservation convention tn in the west and because rd it his bis enthusiastic and delighted welcome to gifford pinchot mr roosevelt Is ripe for tho the fight in defense of all that the former chief forester stands for in the way of conservation including his position of antagonism to mr air tafts secretary sec retry of th interior richard I 1 A ballinger mr bryan touches also though kightly it must be admitted on the report that a stenographer who took some of mr Roosevel ts correspond lace hns has leaked information to the effect that the strenuous one intends to get into the field of progressive activities tivi livi ties once more and toas to argall sall thie nuts acts of the present administration which he be thinks denote tendencies to retreat from the position which the present president originally took in senator roots private visit to theodore roosevelt mr bryan also goes signs which point to a fear on tho the part of mr air taft that his predecessor la inclined to object to some ot of III ills 1111 methods t cods hods mince he be has bag been in office it la Is likely mr brynn bryan does not believe th that a t senator hoot by his bis statement ot of tile the case of the administration can entirely convince the colonel that mr tatt taft has been sincere and whole hearted lu in hla his endeavors to secure the furtherance ther atice of the roosevelt policies tafts friends not uneasy thero there are in washington friends of mr air tatt taft who also are friends alenda of mr roosevelt who say that mr cryan bryan Is utterly sai mistaken staken and that when the colonel returns it will be found that he is abill loyal to the man who succeeded no him in the white rouse house senator root as one has had bad occasion to write before was depended upon by mr air roosevelt when he ha was president to give him advice from a strict conservative serva tive point of view tho the colonel has implicit confidence in his secretary of state the man who now la Is a senator from the state of new york the friends ot of mr root say that nothing has happened to change the colonels opinion of the senator and that it any man can bring mr roosevell to the belief that mr talt taft Is alsol absolutely sol sincere and Is 13 doing all that be can along the lines of progressive legislation that man is ellhu root most recent political gossip la Is to the effect that when colonel roosevelt comes back he be will enter the field against chauncey M depow depew tor for united states senatorial honors in new york state republicans insurgents nta and regulars alike and the democrats also say that if mr air roosevelt Hoos avelt should make up his mind to be a senator of the united states there would be no contest between him and mr depew worthy of name the feeling is that the colonel would sweep everything before him as least as aa far as the republicans republic public ans are concerned and that his bla only tear fear of defeat would come from democratic victory in the state a victory which would elect a Democrat io legislature james dam bill will president tatt taft veto tho the james jamea river dam bill on the answer to this question intense interest Is in hanging the conservationists of the country believe that president tatt taft will see his way clear to forbid the enactment into law of the bill but the friends of the measure insist that the president being judicial minded will find that it la Is drawn in strict accordance with law and that he cannot tail fall consistently to affix his signature it the president makes up hla his mind to sign this bill when it comes before him he ha will nullify one of the acts ot of theodore roosevelt which the friends ot of conservation say bay showed more mora conclusively than anything else the real heartfelt interest ot of the colonel ot of rough riders in measures to safeguard the peoples heritage of natural resources issue closely drawn this matter in the minds ot of many resolves itself into this it A sharp drawn n I 1 issue asue with conservation as its basis between the maving policies ot at theodore theodare roosevelt and tho those se at william if tatt taft ll 11 1 has been charged by some boxa ot of the extreme extreme conservationists that president tutt taft is not wholly in sympathy with their movement it he signs the james river dam bill they will say that the tact has been proved on the other hand band there are those who tay say that mr roosevelt ovelt went to an fx ex in vetoing doing the measure and that the grounds vilh he gave for his veto were outside ot of the field ol of reason this particular james river liver Is I 1 in n Misso missoura url and the purpose of the bill la Is to permit certain specific persons to 10 construct a dam across it in stone county and to divert a portion of its waters through a channel into tho the river again to create electric power the james river is a navigable stream at least leant it is so held hd to be in part and for this reason mr air roosevelt felt that the federal government had jurisdiction und the fact that congles con gres blonak legislation Is necessary tor for the construction of the dam in a u measure lioves the tha contention the bill which la its a counterpart counter pait lart of at tha vetoed measure legalizing the dam construction again has been reported to the senate and it beems likely that it will why Roose roosevelt veit vetoed it in order that it may be understood just how sharp the issue will be made between air taft and mr roosevelt it the former signs the bill it la Is wo worth tb while to quote train tho the roosevelt veto message mesa agu to give away without conditions this one of the greatest of our resources would be an act of folly it we are guilty ot of it our children will tc be forced to pay an annual return upon j 1 capitalization based baat U upon the highest prices which the traffic will bear they will find themselves lace to face aca with powerful interests In trenched behind the doctrine ot of vested rights I 1 find and strengthened by every deh aibe which money can bu and the Inge ingente ity of able corporation lawyers lawra can devise in mr air Roosevel ts veto ot of the picas uro tire he be spoke ot of the great combinations formed to control water for thu development of electric currents 1 hi I sa that an astonishing consolidation of the interests has taken place within the last live years and that while we the movement to la still in its infancy unless it is controlled the history of thu tho ol ch industry meaning the standard oil operations will be repeated lit in the hydroelectric hydro electric power industry and that the results would bo be far more oppressive and disastrous tor for the people it can caa be readily understood from the tone tona of mr Roosevel ts veto why it is that the conservationists and also the friends ot of the james river dam bill are amul ting with extreme interest the acolon of president taft when this bill la ja brought to him for sanction or for 0 o veto GEORGE CLINTON |