Show S sarsaparilla cures all blood humors all eruptions clears the complexion ton creates an appetite aids digestion relieves that tired feeling gives vigor and vim get it today rn in usual liquid form 0 f tablets culled called Harsa tabs dose 1 iw idall Idt ll IR w J wr G roll fl IS MUSH fengfish feN GLiSH bl ABOUT AT A itell h feol 11 for ir ni nelm rullus J tm nj fill 1 1 iiii nill I 1 11 11 1 am til lair nil raj aa t ill illel ll bw 04 lr lf ral nm tl tal tila til 0 8 tal MUS I 1 C L ESSONS FREE FR a IN youit OWN to t ante mily in t w will afta tn lun bi it nol you lr pupil 1110 liin will ellb artila amir nr ian it t let Y mupi aunt al onca lur lor our busis ilij il 14 tj ani P I 1 U km ab or 1 1 when wh other 0 gia d deir kieri Kin ri cl hr firlej dr K fl 1111 a 4 W 4 bt BL IN 11 tave nam it writ wrin tor for pr proof f adek difo pifo ll 11 23 4 norall bl rk FREE anc C lp amr i r yf itaro Y 0 arti 1 1 11 b beada nimie IL t P homo ay I 1 17 1 7 ti Kitt I 1 T u IV pro 11 A storekeeper says do A lady came into my store lately and said 1 I have been using a new perfection oil cook stove all winter in my apartment I 1 want one now formy for my summer home I 1 think these oil stoves are wonderful if only women icem what a comfort they are they would all have bavo one I 1 spoke a bout about my wave stove to a lot of my friends and they were astonished they thought that there was smell and smoke froman oil stove and that it heated a room just like any other stove I 1 told them of my experience and one after another they got one and n now ow not one of them would give bets bera up for live five times its cost cort 1 11 the lady who cald this had bad thought it an a oil stove was wag all right for quickly beating milk for a bay ba y or boiling a kettle of water or to make coffee coffeo quickly in tho the morn morning mornant int but she never dreamed of using it for difficult or cir heavy cooking now sho she knows D do a you ou really 0 appreciate p pr eci a te w whit h at a N new ew P perfection a r f c t g 0 0 oil cook s batove 0 v m anen c a s t ta yo you m no m more 0 re c coal to carry no doe more coment to thi the d inner dinner table sotires no tired out that you tan cant teat eat just juit light a perfection stove and ami immedi immediately t the h e be heat i kt fr from 0 m a an n i antine nt e n e blue flame hoam shoot tra t t h b bottom ot to m 0 of f p pot 0 t kettle or of oven but the room heated there them Is I 1 no brooke ke I 1 n co that the rame plate niell ft no outside h ht heat t no drudgery la in th the reads 14 ew perfection where one of these Is used bied ncik per recal e olm ca L IS it has a cabinet top with a shelf for keeping plates platea and food hot the tha nickel finish with the bright blue of the chimneys makes the stove ornamental and attractive made with 1 li 2 and 3 burners the 2 and 3 burner stoves stove can be had bad with or without cabinet s every dealer everywhere ve 01 if not at youn write for descriptive CIrca lax to the nearest agency of the oil company incorporated afi 4 A ome U 0 im ah sweet loft 0 may day you may be served with 0 OEM a A rost post 0 91 X Toa astl sties es 01 10 0 bud and cream then you will know y j what a dainty tempt 1 ing food you llave bee rl as t U ace ii n CV awtar wd U N missing e areal C r every very serving wins win s r Y a friend 0 SC he memory lingers sold by grocers cereal co ltd dattle battle creek mich |