Show Import importation on of leeches leeches are enumerated by the b bureau U of statistics under its general head of animals imported Import the total edthe value of 0 the imports of t this species in 1908 having been in 1907 in 1906 1494 in 1905 in 1901 in 1903 and in 1302 1902 2412 tho the commerce in leeches being thus of a growing brewing diameter character the tha total value of the leeches imported into the ho united states in tho ho decade ending with 1908 Is about leeches are imported free ot of duty snails were at one time enumerated ns as an article of importation ahw the records from 1891 to 1898 showing snails imported to tho the extent of about but the snail trade so BO dwindled showing allowing only 24 of imports in 1898 that the bureau discontinued its statements of this article |