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Show s , A ,r"x W' ' , j ,. V V7 if P IA ? i'A i A ,.'' - r--- 1 ; 1 M , i l w r J V. 1 VOL. XIV. RANDOLP.H;.RICH.COUNTY, UTAH. FRIDAY, MAY m Items of Interest' -- coot i. Exercises. T9 BE" COLONIZED If In nM! VIaRHM,ittl)erilaift m Qttarter. of Million Dollars paid for Tract of 10,000 huggie, or saddles call on Bpeneer Bros. Joshua Eldredge made a business trip to Evanston this week. Cement isjCommencement Twenty-on- e in-tk- Acres. One of the largest real estate deals Mrs, A.W. Nebeker arrived home in from Lyman where she has been vistkjs state io many mouths was aniting her daughter Mrs. Jessie Bruogh, nounced Tuesday from tlie office of the Wimmer Investment company. Thru Have you seen tboso premiums Ike that Beal estate firm David Rees of Smith is giving away with cosh pur Coalville purchased from T. O. Wim- chases? mer the old Booth A Crocker ranch in Rich county. It is Mv reported that Hazel Jones The Ranch includes 10,000 acres and y4ingeC dwffghtefof our townsman John Jones, hr now improving after it is understood that- - the price paid her serious illness. .This will be good was 125' per acr, thus making the news to tle many friends at till family consideration $250,000. The land! s sitthroughout the County. Bear uated on the river and for many been one of the best bay and has years Xjgw good arriving every Twek at '' ", grain ranches in the state, Spencer Bros. At the present time there are about 6000 hed of pattle on the ground and Wont you be a News correspondent? for the next year no changes are O. J, Spencer, the genial manager of However when the cattle the U. AAV. Ind. Tel. Co, 'Who A. asi lute teste hdve'besn disponed of - the , evidently been miking n study of HI-- ' land hftMie volontzed by eastern inter- h - claims that the earth will g tail of tho emiw t the thru puns eys Comet prrt-vidln- the tail in blgiuH)gh- John.T. Price - l- - A Randolph's new inrstihll succeeding Louis Thompson resigned.'- , - A -- f- v. - Blanche and IhizeUSpenger, .GV A. Pror Khi Ad. Bex" Mr. A MtcrfrnvRex, Harry and son Bert, were wbi tors at tiie S' Misse i s S-- - . '8. Oewnvntlwrat ;; ' f' Vn I time Graduated County. Thef Programme render! at the Commencement exorcises held at Randolph May 14 was excellent A good nixed audience was in attendMhoe, allowing the appreciation the patron of the school bad in the well faro of the graduates. The school work of th past year reflect great credit Upod - -- WWgSU. . the-trip- Thb which fiiicnt of lbt - cents ;er month, you friri. liimen-- - lie-fo- v By-la- - e loss-- ; dislocated. Lyman Early wm throwu from a wild bone Injuring hi knee quite severly. Leslie Price wm kicked in the face by a hone rendering him uueouckius, All cases are Improving. , and expense Notice. My lease on Blacksmith shop expirJuly 1st 1910. 1 desire all hills paid es. by that date. Mrs, jMper Kearl wm taken by her hustiaud to the Budge A Budge hospital for treatment and the hope of ail are ihat be permanently ben- etluial to her. N.B. Uoff An attempt is to tie made by distinguished acien lists by spreading glycerine on glam, they would catch some of the small particles floating in the Comets' tail. Ther was a chanc over looked by our Merchants to get rid of of that old stock of fly paper. Ii pays to advertise. ' . ' ' Henry Howel a fleutkblig YffAH of FUb Haven-ga wink U b wo poakiug to the mill. Bp. Price thankfully aaknewledge that a imllarguod conditio wm avr va dent at the Round VaBy ftnd ooufor-euheld lmultnyiicCak Mat of Laketown. ' ee I A Peace meeting wln(ld hero Aun night with TohdwflatttbIt, Al: Three aoeideaUiM JMCMnoMnepflL at Round Valley thfr VMfc Jk . MiU stoekmfae. rheepmen arnlfomwra. sou of ' Send In your brand, and range., Eor a hone and hkyahauldar wm partially we cau save few a hawAd6 Prosperity must our county headq uar Rich wm trailing S buggtortT wag-o- n over ther for StudMttK,e,tkrt In vty0 , j. d. Tlie Gibbon family IftM thl wo A or the r i howe Ik Logom Theludr W...O here to dwell fi7 yean ogu-khleaves with the bent wish of for tbe suooras of herself andfkmil . for tbe remainder of thtr lira.' ' - -- The Stake presidency and H.S. Bupt. Sutton were here attending the . ward conference and were (lad ta accept fur coats for their houiaword journey, . Jfc -- d k tttkr War.iklaiieiL'Tbiwa Laketown feels a pride In the fact hat one of her sous Aqulila C bouncy Nebeker who is here spending a few days with father and mother and borne kin , is about to enter the servla df the U. 8. as civil engineer. For this purpose he will leave lor the PbUUplne ' Island accompanied by his wty. kua-wgo with thm. t J, G. Farner hud ooqkiele'-'Wefor Woodruff Park to ruxtf wtHMSing . Y ral and hotel. bert Weston and Bp. Uo. Robfnaon. v A finely reodered quartette, 'wm Weather vrp nice Indeed thl Wed, by Albert Westdn, Edward N. a m, no fineror clearer almoapbere on Crowther Ellubeth Wwtaa and Let the face of the earth. Rut SaL . A Sun. Hoffiat. was Jan. weather. Snow, tain, Ice and wind. Charge itaii up to HoHey comet or the DeuwcMt party. It ha no friend here. -- - ,r- Laketown. 1 - 27. A v the taiiernacle BulldlrtflC for Sale has been pafiered is .undergo time only we are offering short Fora hands at the lug a thorougn cleaning lots for sale on Canyon St. H If it is in the line of , clothes,"- don't of some of the yoang ladies tit the Y.L building of school House. Finest blocks west and saves I, A. This forget that W jeprem nt of for re sidence. Many o town art alive for the- Puritan Tailors' 'of Chha-- - the ward considerable expense. lots will in the near future he these go, is at your service. fine homes. Buy now t -' .Bishop Kennedy and son John 8. occupied by advances. price The Wyo. Times comments on the passed thru Randolph Thursday on McKinnon Bros. Real Estate Co. notice John W. Dyke us, Mayor of Ev- their way to Crowther Bros, mill at Rich County News Laketown; anston had in tile ' Mr. Fred Lutz, our former hotel prosale of his stock In, tlie regarding the prietor is here from Garden City on Argyie Belgium horse for 50e on the The Commercial Club will shortly business. dollar. The .times w ants to know what have completed the and ConCall on us and see the latest style of he would take for his job. Why we stitution of the organization. This difsuits. Puritan Tailors.-- ' would take the ficult task fe in th6 hands of Randolph are led to believe be local representative. Jacobson Wm. same as h'e "wants for the Belgian! tiorse directors and the Secretary. . Dramatic; Reading T 1 1 the JYtsifcfr was had ' and v . wet's well pipe kffor making A Rich County Farmers Institute will be held during th latter rt of June. Prof. Merrill of the A. C. at tltere is a goood move on foot by Logan will have charge. The Commerour citizens and projkrty holder- -, to cial Club has the matter lu hand. The News thru its eolumt will advise later build cement sidewalks along Main the exact (late 'amS 'pfogratnate to b street, It is the intention f the prop- rendered; erty owners to build same from Can-yo- u jtrfcet south to the point where Church street intersects with Main 8t Tlil will pave our business center for one block with ill fliatance ofwalks. A dramatic reading of Corlatiton Til work is to le given to George the Well known Evunstou was given In the Tabernacle Sunday ClikCtor whose reputation os a ve eveniag by Thos. Cutler. of Trenton, IhSOPworker is seldom equalled. Utah, Those who have witnessed the ifw with 1 paved sidewalks assured play in Its entirety as presented In the let tis get together on that Electric Salt Lake Theatre - will recollect the Lighting Plant. It can easily lie ac- magnificent acting of 'Mr.- - Cutler os complished at a nominal exqense and Alma. In hL reading he depicted each without question become a dividend character in a pleasing manner.-- ' pAtiiitf proposition for the Investor. Business ifien, get busy. the Buptrinlehdaut, principals-- . teachers.-- W trust that Our iobjttaAf flbtji may attit'naPwttb as able of teacbmig-have had during the last year. The following were the graduates; Woodruff: Tommy Cook, Mark Walton Katie Ise, Lottie Cook.1 Argyie; Alf Limb, Oscar Nicholld, Clyde Hutchinson,' Bay Kennedy,' Hannah Kennedy, Randolph; Gus, Pearce, Gladys McK- in non, Lottie McKinnon, Vilate Peart. laketown; Rebecca Thompson, Allle tT business men, Ranchers, Stock Johnson, Jennie Moffat, Kozella Irwin. anJMkregation Companies If your Garden City: Leona Karley, Hettie Cal hooks need auditing or your business shown up by modern,'-- metlimls der, Beliua Pope, Inex Benson, of look keeping, Call and seelus at the ests, This wilt not be withij tbe oext ' WC have plenty of alt kinds of wire isews office. All business strictly .confides tinl. year at (east. Salt Lake Tribune. fencing nud barb- wire on hand, get ourr . V,IP 'J prices and be convinced That; we ore sI. ' ac of the .We nte In iwcentjssue selling everything in this line right.! Notice. ' .! Logan Journal that AquU&A Nebeker Bpeneer Rft. , a team go to Sage aud will have is to leave shortly for tlfe,' Philliplue return Wednesday. tw of very servlee the Islandst vCter 'the si Garden Ulty pros in our El E. C: Cleveland. ' tgih Jill County Oojmuenei bm imkwtided oxtrcdoM. m. XTWe:idlsiirt 6aVa 'and KatherJnwE-- McKinnon ArotvlidUng friends at Sage the it .Awnie returned and Konuedy Kemnrerer; Wyomiug. Wm. Jacobnon and 8atiirday from a pleasant trip to aris see them. .AV" and Montpelier. We propose to advertise the brands of v.'v , ' I w ) Farmers Institute Randolph - V. tor Walks NO. 20, 1910. i New York Mutual Life Insurance traveling tiupt. Iim been here introducing from house to houfe the geuial focal representative Norman Crowther a lot of money' this ribnity. Possessor of fttatmoney rood this papery they wear by it. They wont tdi-t- abowB. ' If your goods or right, they This pope want to buy.' talks to that money at regular It-intervals. monsy that talks back and talk back strong.' Ge. your share do your talking through our advertising columns. THERE'S .. .r - t - (Cuprwai. uw. r w. B. Off total DlrootOrf1 - CITY. Bister Harriet Merrit Clara Budge Price in behalf of the Stake primary President, Robert MeKinaou. John B. South. organization held an officers and mem- Trustees, bers of the local association. Th" usHenry Hoffman. , Japan Building Locomotive. ual class- - exercises and a programme Oluf Larsou, Miss Loy Henderson is visiting this Tboa. Wilson. Japan is building ; her flrat 'boma of songs fine talks by the ladies which made locomotives H. J. Norris Jr. week with her aunt at Evanston. Clerk, touched the spot-werrendered. Lewis Thompson MKrehel, . NOTICE' Merchant Prioo wMenroute to .EvWm. T. Brough. Puundkeeper, Mrs. A. E, Wing returned to RandAll temporary water changes for the anston on anegg selling. and produce Constable, Baiuuel Hanney beseason must he in to the secretary olph Monday of this week. buying trip for hi Circledale firm Justice of the Peace Heber B. Jones 23rd at fore Monday evening May 6.p Wed. Wing If in ned of wire doors, naiis, shoes, m as the scheduele will tie made up afRansom Board Mr. dont flatter Bay sditor, yourcor hats, ladies skirts, waists or anything ter that and no more changes' mad for Hauser. theyll be Road Supervisor, in the grocery or' hardware line the season in the Randolph Irregat-ie- u respondents too much'-oJacob Benslty. John R. South Sec. - needing larger size bats and get to Mk- - Bextoo, Co, just ask Bpencer Bros. They have Joseph Wlldber, for 100 per cent increase in tbelr them. TRAD- E- MORAL The mcrchint Ing COUNTY. Meekly pay envelopes, - -- . Mrs. Arthur McKinnon is a Randol- BORN Friday, May 13 to Mr. A Mrs Heber of'Argy le, a son. Mrs. ph visitor this week. She lias been vis- BowdenRpwden been has quite seriously III, Brough at iting her iieice, Mrs.-Ji-ssis but improving. Lyman- - e eor e Dunford of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mckinnoff of Evanston, was Evanston weie Randolph visitors of x a Randolph business visitor Ibis week this week. . I Ah kteal Husband GOODS GOING AT COST We are giving gigantic bargains x " in-ou- ; r i . dress goods our line of fancy, All the popular shades and materials. Also our new. muslin.R and knit, under- up-to-da- ", te , . wear and swell hose. If it's the latest thing in a want don't fail t6all - L- - he-W- M Call and see v i wifle nagging potient even with Hi he knows thM h aha need help, She may tie so nervous and hin down tneattb that trifles annoy her. If she iu iiiehuicholly, excitable troubled with . loss of appetite, headache, sleeplessness express and while constipation ordizzy and fainting sjiells medium. on ether did not pa calling tlie Bitters most needs Electric she us by. wonderful remedy for ailing women. TRADE MORAL-J- oan of Arc Thousands of sufferers from female vplrttusl frMtr. Joe, was the only woman on earth R.Now M to our troubles, nervous troubles, backaceh & Shepherd, Wni-L- . Rich, Wilfbrd able to resist a bargain adverweek kidneys have used them and beW. Rich and JehA A. Button Jr. were come healthy aud happy. Try them, tisement and shes dead. If the visitors, being pnmut at our Bun only 50c. Hatisfsetion guaranteed by Bcbnol, PrisaUlteg niretlng and youve got a bargain in some- day Ward Ike Smith. he conference et 2 p.m. wher womthing, advertise it to the exeellen tad vice WMgivenrThe reports en folks in this paperl , given were la the main encouraging Notice in the will' I sell, my interest and the good spirit manifested doubt. Argjlc MORAL Advertising KAUt Belgium horse for fifty cents on the1 IsMfisksd echo and lodgeweat ia- - th for seas dollar. Will leae my interest prominence in this paper is to ' Jiearts-oe Lettirecngad oig on of 1910, 'for 30.00. what Mr. Home Is line of lawns. All grades will . , cost. at go , trying to do business - Mr. A MrsOeorg Earley were treat- - CotnmUsiehers, without 'advertising is .winking' eu John NeUker with their imt m at Dame Fortune through blue jut de. They weren't a tit- afraid He knows hes evident,Jr , spectacles. Our old friend TbomM Cutlsr of winking, but she doesnt. This Trentort wm a north bound passenger paper is a good advertising eu the jkdoheon karlff. who Shoe or Oxford - yon Oeo. Kannsdy . T.J.Tlngey C.W.Popw sftBWsstoa 3? Fiarl Biough. dr J. Hauser. . ' Earner, Wm. Marshal JWf-.Batterthw- . Attospey, uy. ef Bsksnf,1 - Haber C Cox Jos. F. Neville. Hoed Uemmlsslonee r Peter McKinnon Probation Oftiaer, John Snowball DISTRICT. Sarveyo-- ' Judge, First Judicial District, W. H. Maughn. B. C. Call Attorney State Senator, Third Sen at-- . orlal Dint. Christopher Burton Jr. State Representative, Joseph Hodges f on.- - Merchant, steam is to an engine. you, Jolin-- JOSHUA EL.DREDOE ssssesssssssocscstxsssexscxsssa I Dy kins. - - ' ' 4 T 1 t i v - i . . h vjf . LUMWIk 7 ha dk SM . e w- - toJhWWS. i ' |