Show the singing dog lit in sammy ilamay a handsome collie lud ag wig carlson of 0 montclair N J pos ceases a self educated canine tenor soloist every morning when tile the bell an on st johns episcopal church near th the e dogs house begins ringing sammy takes up a position not far from the edifice and begins an accompaniment pani ment that has none of the discordance cor dance of th the ordinary canine howl it la 19 a musical voice which sammy blends with the deep notes of the beli bell and it has been observed that the dog Is exactly in tune with the metallic sounds that come from the church belfry at adon noon the collie makes tracks for a lumber plant operated by his owner here the dog accompanies the whis whistle tie alch Is blown at midday find and here bore too bo bel always achieves perfect harmony the abe dog niso also joins his voice wath file town curfew bell nt at nine at night persons who have studied the dogs performances say that in tile beginning lita his voice was harsh and not nt at tuned tuned try to tile the bells or the whist whistles lem but devotion t to practice and love of 0 have mad 0 efin an accomplished canine vocalist I 1 |