Show nem new rolls baclig mi fart wooi wool at dle ene tae soar syr suar works cardine carding I 1 mills agui ivill will flad find their rolls kolla at the tithing office offices I 1 in care botak of otan A N HILL 26 1 NOTICE have lot lat a an mare ware eule MULE branded 0 on the left Phou shou lifer I 1 wig win pay sa 25 ferber ferher ter her ber jeffrery dei def frery to me at G gilbert lbert ibert ft gerrish adore fa MJ T R walger WALKER WANTE ii goad GOOD miller millen nt at K E staisia wo gos fi flawing jurin min mill A in farm agton A yang inn ran man iao lacily pe pie feard terr ferr in attala jace ince or at 26 tf tr S W NOTICE THAT rito PIATO aranci ane UP otton neron to the ludian indian San pitch gave a pinto mare MARK 3 rears years old branded 11 W in utah valley vally will please forward it to it datt DA TV G S L chy city aud ami gel get bis his py PAY 26 t AIND AD LOT eoll FOR SALE in III tm gih u bira lira square U together toge thet with bard bare ice howe bowe ac there la is a good eil ell up in the e also a rew tew fruit trees pam particulars mars wars izquie or of 25 26 I 1 J IT MARTINEAU ath ward STOLEN OR OP STRAYED big ou go enwood tun wood tout two we a porri sorri porri 1 camare rel rei mahu MAHE three years sears om branded JL on the left thigh she bhe hatt hag willi her a four tour month old sorrel colt call with tripe in its lace 1 tol toi 26 margaret LOCKHART HEIFER pame ame AMR into my yard larg lart a pale red yearling C j heifer helfer some white under belly no marks or brands visible the owner will her ty by prating and paying charr ts gol 26 61 1 Loit ENZO D toung YOUNG WHEAT WANTED ator jordn jord d n mills 1 ro 60 per bubel pod for tor rood good clean A AT rhe che wheat t on the store of gilbert gerrib gerri lh b G S 1 hiyi it delivered before the ot 01 of september litant ln tant t DR U R ALLEN ALLEK 26 3 jordan mills LOST ROII sugar house ward a red COW with white forehead prom FROM on flanks and near th ouMer short borns horn branded it A on oa near hip and wm J SILVER on i near horn about 2 12 1 2 yean yeam old whoever will eive elve information leading lending to her recovery or bring her to the wilt will be rewarded 26 LL L L r JOH JOHN jonn 1 I FORBES ward PONY A ND supposed to be run from the south to utah OT or A ind AND q G S L county an iron grey prey indian PONY Is 5 ut ur 6 years oldy oli old and branded T won the top of the hip OX 1 A red OX about 7 years old oid oldy and branded on r C th the left itt bip hip and R 0 on the horn whoever will return either or both 0 of sald eald animals ani sai nials tc to the subscriber shall be ilbe liberally rally reward te warded rewarded Ml ROBERT KOBERT 26 2 biti um Uco eco ider WANTED 0 NE kne HUNDRED t rony tony Joll I 1 I 1 fl f inonia ont to drive cattle to pike pikes peak g aptly ah it apply at kur our our oar office in salt lake like house 26 2 MILLER RUSSELL KUSSELL C COW JL good COW of a it dm dark red or brown color colors mt abruckle A facey tace lace branded H rarden ralden on oa the 12 leorr 1 and anil T 9 on the hip strayed from city creek eyou kyou some aonie weeks since the should have ave a young calf any person who will either deliver them or give gire I 1 formation or of their whereabouts to 0 o the undersign at the presidents crace G S L city olty will be reward reword rw rj for their trouble by 2631 26 31 HE nesby NRY mairen malben GIRLS SCHOOL MRS S A COOKE will reopen re open b hi bt t school at h he residence nih nth ward wards on monday the p september i 1 TERMS PER pen QUARTER and nd spelling uni Kni foo C readings writing arithmetic geography etc melic music with use of meloron and anil books 1500 1600 naif half hour Lessons halt balf price baard board per week required bait half in alvance 26 3 M MRS R S STENHOUSE MILLINER DRESS and CLOAK FIRST finst HOUSE WEST OF or talan nacle MACLE callea ea who he attena ti to their own family linen can bapa hava SHIRT shirr BOSOMS COLLARS and WRIST BANDS finely stitched by a sewing machine of the latent im ua straw bonnets cleaned and alffred alaf red to latest fah fash ons ono on ariet Bonnet shapes always an hand band and made to order 01 ayery kind of needlework executed to order 23 tt WANTED an apprentice to learn irn and asi Dres dressmaking making rott sctt SC tt ninna lallou CACHE JAMES H MARTINEAU mar MAE IT coarr COUNTY SURVEYOR will attend to any bustness business in his bla lice line la id cache county at bhart notice or OFFICE FICE north side of public square logan logaa city he ile will alato aurand to buying and selling real estate T r firearm fine fire arm nilion niLlon and various othes other t notions persons person ot of obtaining I 1 would d di well weli to reel rexi str narae nimes av and aad wha wibb to hir bird assistance bmw amt fint it t at vant ageous to examine essin esain ioe loa said sald ilits 1 at 6 am OR GRAIN deluty Ge Geul geni tillet ti CAMP U T mth bolh august angust angi Angl lit isso 1860 ealen proposals w wll wil it be rec Tec elved at this caw can ean ad 8 sealed dressed to the unni until monday rie tre the tie lt 10 of october next nest at 10 tor tar delivery to the united states al at thi place prace in quin titles from tram time to time as required reini rd the 3 koth soth june abi 1861 VIVE ot of good sound sounds clean clenn om oats wheal wheat barley or corn the oats to weigh thirty nive five wheat elsy daly daiy darity caly orty orly eights and gorn corn fifty tiffy nix rix pounds to the bushel the privilege Is d to the united Ln itari lloil states of increasing the amount one third on n thirty days nce whole of the grain to b tm bm M subject abject to in hlf pet pee tion on oil den delivery airl and of rejection iffet if not ta to contract isid 1314 bidders ders will please emte stute the prue price per lushel for foy eart eort kind krind of grain fralc and endorse on their letters proposal tw for grin grain the apropo proposal pro poal ais als will wui be opened in the presence of tho tbt toj tod lodders ders 1 it they choose to be present G IT CROSSMAN 26 tf f deay ar G en I 1 n U 8 A fresu FRESH fresu FRESH ARRIVALS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODR mm CHEAPER STILL hurb CHEAPER I 1 11 IN 7 GREAT eriety VARIETY STYLE jand BEAUTY UIT uti SURPASSED BY ANY aly AT wilker WALKER it T R S east temple street G S L city AND main st Fairl iteld camp floyd the attention of country dealers par particularly tic solicited ofru 20 U removal OF BUSINESS 7 TAT lor SONS sossy having removed from esi est A ataylor i tempie temple street are still carrying carry carri ing ml on thein their and trading at their own i eka eta dence derce in the TWELFTH WARD oa street streets four tour and a halt hilt mocks blocks east of ea east easi I 1 t temple street we VB take this method of or returning otar thanks to tooer ow former conner patrons especially those chofe who have hare theer their acco accousti uoti and nd wish those thone who mho bo know themselves in ray PAY UP WITHOUT DELAY we a continuance or 0 the patronage ot of those who ho PAYAS par PAT AS TUEY THEY aos 10 as we design accommodating them theral to the best ot of our oun ability although our stock ls is Is 13 not so extensive in quantity wel mil 14 variety as hitherto yet we have still on band a good agi afi pj sort Eori ment ot of aixa iia ria manufactured GOODS A AISO AI arso SO SOME v STAPLE AND A D IMPORTED GOODS r in n pirt purl of boolas booi boot shoes hat nat chatt vestia vest estt socks stockings glove gloves ani and a moccasins thread threat 94 buttons coob comb Station stationary arys drugs 10 tar rosin kosin 4 t salt Sal Pal eratus erstus vinegar lumber lath and labh shingles Crocke crockery crockert rys cooper ware furniture C carpenters Carpen a lers teis tools sa numerous other things too num Dum numerous erous to name FOR SALE A FOUR ROOMED HOUSE and jl I others containing two rooms each and one lot in IL cooj good situation in the lath ward wards on emigration street known as the De deseret debret eret house noue also a snoe SHOE PEG reg MACHINE lis irs E lor tot sale or to work on blares or rent tent for inspection at Dinwoodey li i furniture shop shops vp to georee george crons ns stor 50 1 A TAYLOR git 6 it 11 |