Show arrival of the first hand hana caraco a co pany t f ini IMI captain daniel binson robinson Bo brought ilg lri citron city on monday a afternoon fhern oon v between f foura our ar five the first of the seasons bad had n cart compani companies compa esin in good order and apparel in general good health T tb the e company was composed chiefly of B ish saints with a few families from the ez ea cm ern states in all about two hundred a thirty souls they had six nin nid nib nih hand carts and ten tents for their ad additions d stion accommodation they lost but hut one ox on p way A child of two yc years ars of age son william in of franklin count counti pennsylvania died a week awo ago ago 0 and wa buried at cache cave I 1 I 1 there had been several cases of on the way but on arrival the entire compa compacts 6 reported in b health they llad had arenc ing showers during the first two weeks Neek sat sot V 1 their thel r journey out from florence but through gb out the remainder of the journey they had ex cellena weather and as far as we learn haci hack ha come along as well as any company that ag e crossed the plains their appearance oil e bering cl the city was indeed of anything enors favorable than that of any previous hani hand cart company As A s soon as they emerged from the kanyok on to the bench and the citizens got a glimpse of them the streets leading 0 eastward pre pie dented a very animating appearance every bod body y seemed cheery and pleased to go out to ta meet the new arrivals by the time the com corn pany reached the camping ground opp the eighth ward school house there weye thousands of citizens round them whose language e c and reception to the arrivals was evidently a hearty welcome 0 o lne aae kie vie camp was soon formed by the wa dacons 1 ons aea aga being placed in a line to the nort north the tito fa the west and the hand band carts catts to the d east we noticed early on the gr ground ouria bishop hunter his counselors and the bishops ein gin generally As soon as possible the bishops ft efad d brought to the camp a general abar abundance vegetables anc other edibles to refresh tha th immigrants capt ballow with a portion of his ba bani badi a was early amon among them and enlivened ule uie e scene with excellent music home sweet home must have caused a thrill of joy in ani and R gratitude in every bosom altogether the assemblage 0 on the camp campi ground on monday evening was decidedly cheering che gring the healthy appearance of the immigrants the kind greeting of relatives and ani friends and the good feeling everywhere apparent was creditable to all from F rom the ca captain P tain we learned that when the company camped about twenty five miles east of 0 bridger three fellows from that neighborhood rode up to them at dusk evidently wish in ing to display their civilization the te first who rode directly into the camp was quickly marched out again c on which one of theother the other confederates drew his revolver but fortunat ly for him and the others pos possibly being only a braggart lirag 0 art bully he put it back again fo to the belt and without much farther further ceremony made tracks for more acceptable quakers qu aHers e rs we TO give no names in this instance as ais ne we believe one of them expressed his regret at their conduct and requested that his name should not get set into print let others take warning and behave themselves it is al ways uncomfortable and frequently y unsafe to meddle with travelers LATE FROM erom THE INUI immigration GRATION captain I 1 john smith left his company on hauls hams fork I 1 wednesday last in the af afternoon and came in with his sister mrs blis walker accompanied by her son who had accidentally been wounded in the armby the discharge of a gun guu and ar rived at his residence near this city on saturday at evening r he ie reports ports that his company and th those ose I 1 ahead of it were getting along finely gadt cadt ross was but a short distance in advance ani and capt murphys Murp hys company was at creek when he e passed it on thursday and capt drowns crowns at bear beay rier rier on frda friday mo morning W he reports several deaths amon among ha I 1 12 children lidren ildren in ill his company since I 1 Li laramie ramie of whooping cough all of w anai were bick sick before starting smarting from F florence fforence THAT MCD HOLE if any person 1 I form the mail carrier for what t mud hole bole in the road in front of bibbee tibbee theist v office at San santaquin is js kept or intend intended U pr prevent everit him from god find ng faul w with it 1 now noir considers a rub lub c |