Show LATEST EASTERN NEWS HEWS n the e eastern mail arriving C on saturday ev evening ning brought dates from new york to the 4 11 and from st joseph to oth of august in looking over our exchanges 0 we find 1101 lioi nothing hing new that has transpired of late of particular interest the all absorbing 0 and c exciting suba subject from one end of the union to the other in which the people are interested being political strife which will of course continue to exist and increase till the elec tons that are to determine the question at issue are over and how much longer no one hai bai predicted Accor according accordia dim 0 to the statements of all parties there are nua rua daany ny of the small fry and occasion lily ally illy men of considerable notoriety as politicians constantly chanin chan changing in sides or leaders and it is no small job to reverse their old party brands or marks and dat gat on the new onos which work seems to be assigned to the editorial corps of the respective parties to k aich they thus become attached as column after column of the political journals are filed filled with the announcement of such changes among office holders the breckenridge lane brand just now is very popular and hundreds have gone over to that side lately from the other wd wing of the democracy and left the little giant glant for whom they were hurraL hurrying hur raine ng stoutly beffre the late secession to work out oat his political salvation as best he can it I h t by the operation of Bucha buchanann nans political guillotine which is in good working order bild nd terrify the Dougla sites ond ond themselves or in other othen wards be turned out oat of office the greatest calamity tu iii the estimation of menial office seekers that ud iud oud come upon them they are unquestionably F googly impressed with the idea that if they should lose their present office they would never again become incumbents but if such do not find themselves in a bad fi hix fix c after the furth of march next there are many false opheus in the land the work of death and destruction that has teen leen going on so extensively thus far during 0 tue year continues to progress c rapidly and it if be e insurance companies do not become insolvent before loag long should the day of 0 burning continue it w 11 be because the property has not liot been insured the state of texas buffered suffered red severely by fires during daring the month of july and at latest dates there was seemingly no cessation great excitement cit cie ement the st state ate and abolitionism was strongly cusp suspected acted of having something to do with thel the matter and all sus IP td persons have been ordered to leave the S dle die rhe latest accounts from that part of the f r antry state stale that till n the irh leh ieh of july the same day th the great r eat tire lire in dallas took place there were we bires fires in ladonia pilot plit point black 1 jack JackG groe rove roie millwood and milford some of liiro very destructive the town of Mil mii JM ilford was totally desti destroyed oyed one ohe eighth of the fires and attempts at fires il hopkins collins colling denton young ellis N abarro ja ilas lias and other counties situated ill in ie ue north northeast east easy rn portion of texas are evi atly th the vak va k of incendiaries the iosa losa hus bus tar c e eods seven hundred thousand dollars I 1 ars of wb eh cb very little is 13 covered by ansur dhe nhe llie ille L ue excessive hot weather continued and ap p drouth in id many places was excessive and crops a failure A correspondent of an eastern paper writ ig from under recent C cde i e says tio tle w at a crop the great staple stapie of east ni lesse nolesse i 1 a L failure at least one half of te farmed s AN i rot not gather as much as was i MI wil no iso i jap vp a I ul crop in geo 6 a j tl iti s t P e th h coton cotlon crops are v i h less pr asin than they a lew ks awo ago ago even on those tase f farms arms that look most i ip iphil bil bli el til inmost in moat of tha the other counties not CY v ill a wes web est and m iddle middle iddie geo geogia gla gia but 0 ia ta gp g p of the adjoining blates boates bi atela attia they v sutter sulter 4 1 I im mensel fy trig ir irig iq ig drouth and everything looks drooping and parched for want of rain A letter dated at Bl marion marlon arion arlon alabama the alt sa says s we have ii no 0 rains yet crops are almost entirely ruined corn has gone by the board in many portions of the country there are thousands of or acres around here that will not yield five bushels to the acre another letter writer says sas bas in yazoo miss bliss this season the thermometer has been as high as a hundred and one in the shade the sandis sand is so hot hat that it blisters childrens feletto feet to walk in it the corn cr crop is burned up cotton is beginning to suver buffer suffer and threatens to be a failure the nacogdoches Nacogdoch es chronicle says 41 A drouth like the present in eastern texas is not within the remembrance of man for over months have we looked and sled sied for rain but in vain during the past week the mercury stood at from to degrees the cotton crops which usually withstand all droutha drout hs are alike victims to it the forest I 1 trees unable to draw moisture from the earth to supply themselves with the necessary sap saz are drooping and prematurely shedding 6 their foliage and still the withering curse pre prevails valio vailo the prayer of the righteous avail av ail eth not nature withholds her fructifying fructify ing rains and anh merciless famine stares us in the face the staunton va vindicator says in that vicinity the drouth had been so excessive for four or five weeks past pasty that all kinds of vee ve vegetation 0 e was aras near nearly y burnt up there had been several sprinkling 0 rains lately bu but t not enough to wet the ground A correspondent who had made the tour of georgia south carolina alabama and mis sis sippi writes N 0 delta as follows q have just returned from a trip through ma many y parts of the states of south carolina ge georgia or m ta alabama and mississippi and as 1 I am interested in the planting business I 1 observed closely the crops in the several localities through which I 1 passed never in my life have I 1 witnessed such suell injury to growing crops by drouth as 1 I have in the above states in tax th last three weeks I 1 also aiso met intelligent planters penters at all points who were journeying from home on business or for anul anui amusement and they unanimously bestif testified aed thou though h reluctantly to the widespread wide spread destruction 0 of f corn and c cotton otton vegetables and fruits pi not only at their own homes but in various sections they had seen the phe corn in many places is entirely de strayed even unfit for fodder planters waited hoping for rain and so the tha blades and stalks have hav dried from root to tassel having not even a shoot upon them cotton is wilting shedding leaves forms blooms and bolls boll s even copious and continuous showers henceforth will not only fail to arrest this great destruction but aggravate it by causing more shedding 1 and a second growth which will be too late for maturity inthe fall be it ever so late beyond doubt and beyond cavil the incoming crop of oe cotton can not be as much as the crop of ls 18 1839 what will the poor part of the population in those states do for their daily bread in the next twelve months already their cry for bread is going up to the giver of every good gift gi g i fr and their cries their prayers and tears I 1 will rise like the he voice of many waters before the harvest time of 1801 I 1 see no remedy for them but through legislative enactment by the several Stat esl the great eastern sailed for tor cape may on an the of july with 2087 passengers and returned to new york on the lat day of aug five hundred paSSe passengers rigers r had to sleep on deck the accommodations are reported to have been meagre and there was an indignation meeting heldak hel dat which stron strong resolutions expressive of the disapprobation of the passengers were passed it had been determined before the excursion to cape gape may not to exhibit the great ship again t after returning t to nw new york before bedore depa departing for europe but after the trip had been performed the directors determined to open far for three days and announced that visitors would be received on the b and oi of august from 8 am to 8 pm and she for en england a land soon after at marysville marksville Marys ville kansas there was a destructive tive tornado on the of july by which a number of lives were lost and a large amount of property was destroyed A fatal hurricane passed owr over lincoln county 1 tennessee on thursday july 26 killila killing several persons injuring others and destroying destroyed 11 much property on th the e samp saw day there was wasa a I 1 I 1 violent tornado near camden new jersey killing kalling three men and doing a vast amount 0 OL dama damage e nine persons were killed mid and four wounded by an on on board the steamer la crosse on 01 the day of august 1 at new cleans orleans the prince of wales landed at halifax on the am of july and was received with the usua asua usual I 1 parade and ceremonies consequent upon such rare occasions by bv the city d gnit anes aries and lil ill i inai evau eva i a ame ahe aae of alosz amos 0 ail all classes the next day bis his royal highness reviewed all the troops a and add ild volunteers in the morning and visited the citadel the afternoon was devoted to indian sports race races games ac w at night the city and the fleet in the harbor were illuminated and there was a grand ball in honor of the prince princes 8 arrival the prince left halifax on the morning of aug 0 ad for windsor with a large retinue composed of all the principal naval military executive and other high officials ile he received a handsome reception triumphal arches ba had hat hal d been erected and salutes were fired after a collation he proceeded by land to with an escort of 0 over two hundred carriages ile he received addresses at windsor and Hunt sport and then embarked in the british gunboat styx which after firing in I 1 a salute sailed for st john inh in firing iring I 1 the salute at halifax an artilleryman was blown to pieces affairs in southern italy are approaching L a crisis A collision had taken place between the citizens of naples and the royal troops and all parties were extremely excited the neapolitan army was demoralized and an outbreak had taken place among the troops anibe in the citadel a portion op or whom shouted louis I 1 for everly everil everand yand others francis II 11 for ever twelve soldiers had bad been wounded the of messina in sicily had commenced colonel Itle rile medici dici was at the village t of barcelona and had reconnoitered reconnoiter ed the hem hek abts around messina and Mel lizzo several skirmishes had taken place between the advanced of both armies nea Hea neapolitan soldiers were de ser sorting ting two steamers had passed over to garibaldi affairs in rome were becoming 0 ous every day and a battle may be expected between the catholic troops commanded by and the revolutionists the druse ma massacres macres in syria continue coati nue unabated u n dispatches Des patches received by the british gover goser government guient state that damascus bad been attacked and flOO of the inhabitants kil kii killean leal leai great an anxiety jety avas wab was felt at Beirut respecting the fate cf of tha christians who to the number of had taken ref refuge uge in the south bouth of Kes rovan and were surrounded by powerful bodies of cruses abdelkader abd el kader had offered his services io the emperor of the french and en engages abes ages coquell to quell the disturbance in the lebanon ift furnished with good troops six steam gunboats gun boats had been dispatched from toulon to the coast of syria TheS The Spanish anish government had determined to dispatch two ships of war to the coast of syria the austrian government had ordered the fri frigate gata gate Ha detzky to proceed to Syria Jn order to operate cooperate co with the vessels of the other powers for the protection of 0 the christians england was preparing to send a regiment to syria and it was reported france franc would fit out oat astron amstrong expedition |