Show OUTRAGE NEAR CAMP FLOYD RUSH VALLEY Aug 23 1860 MR EDITOR on the first day of august list I 1 left my home at lehi lebi utah county for this place by way of camp floyd anticipating little or noi no danger especially while riding peacefully along within range of the batteries of that military post believing lieving lye lie that that security guaranteed by the presence cf of our gallant army was all sufficient for my safety and protection As I 1 was riding ridin along alonz alo aio anz leisurely near the camp with one leg over the hom horn of lof the saddle two minie mi nie rifles were discharged at moe roe by persons secreted in a bunch of cedars nar by one of the balls striking hirl kirl my leg a little below the knee shattering the bone and anti inflicting 11 a severe wound who the persons persona were I 1 know not neither do I 1 know what object they had bad in attempting to kill me but being satisfied that I 1 was in dan danger 0 of being shot at again I 1 hastened away asas anas as fast t a as possible os sible sibie and riding eighteen miles with my broken and bleeding leg I 1 arrived at this place the same day where under the care of dr johnson I 1 have so far recovered as to be able to wall walk some little on my wounded leg I 1 think this circumstance should be a warning in to others to be on their guard if they ever have ave are occasion to pass that way I 1 am satisfied that the presence of united states troops is no prote protection c tion from the murderous assaults of those that are continually prow prowling linz about their camp hrisis LEWIS MECHAM |