Show another boy killed A mournful occurrence took place at provo on the evening of sunday the dinst which will not soon be forgotten by those engaged in the scene nor by those effected b by y its a termination we have been furnished with two versions of the affair by persons who were in provo at the time which altho aitho they do not differ materially as to the main facts are not exactly alike in details detail as the narrators were not eye witnesses from the reports made it appears that some of the unruly boys in that place had commenced stealing fruit melons etc from the gardens of some of the industrious citizens who had labored to produce such things for their use and enjoyment and who were naturally and justly incensed at the nocturnal visits of such thieves to their grounds in the course of that day a man named watts who has but one arm discovered some suspicious young t men or boys reconnoitering reconnoiter ing 0 his garden in which among other things 0 grown for tor his comfort and convenience was a lot of fine melons mistrusting their intentions he provided himself with a shot shotgun gun and watched the tha premises at night a to protect them from the felonious and destructive propensities of the young young thieves early in the evening they made their appearance pe arance and 0 on their enteria entering 0 his melon patch he fired among among 0 them with his gun I 1 loaded with fine shot whereupon they all ran as he supposed and thinking a that they would not return again that ni night ht lie he retired to rest rising early next morning he ile went into the garden and found there the dead body of a boy about fifteen years old son of mr york who from appearances had bad been instantly killed by the discharge of the gun on examination it was ascertained that nearly the entire charge of shot had struck him on the face shoulder and breast as he was down or crawling 0 on his hands and knees mr watts is under arrest and the matter will of course be thoroughly investigated there is a d opinion asto the criminality of the act some sustaining others condemning deanin the shooting it is understood th that a t the boy was enticed by the others to accod accompany p any them on their thieving ino ing expedition and that he was advised by an ser zer older brother who was apprised of their intention tent ion ioD to heed the counsel and teachings of his father and keep ont out of such company but he disregarded the teachings of the father and the advice of the brother and went with those whom he unwisely considered his best friends in the road to death we hope the result will be a warning to others therb |