Show brilliant whitewash r many have heard of the brilliant bucca I 1 I 1 ar whitewash on the east end of the pr house bouse at washington nie dle the die following fol foi lowin iio lio re I 1 for it it is gleaned from the I 1 ma onal I 1 I 1 with some additional improvements lear learned tid by experiments take half halt a bushel of nice slacked Sn lime slack it with boiling water cover it inuring the process to keep in the steam strain the liquid through a fine sieve or strainer and add to it a peck of salt previously well dissolved lil iti in warm water three pounds of ground rice boiled to a thin paste and stirred in boilini hot half a pound of pot poi powdered dered spanish whit ing and a pound of clean glue which hai hag been previously dissolved by soaking it well and then hanging it over a slow firely a small kettle within a large one filled with water add five gallons of hot water to the mixture stir it well and let it stand a few days covered from the dirt it should be put on right hot for this pur put lapose pose pobe it can be kept in a kettle on a portable furnace it is said that about a pint of thy mixture will cover a square yard upon the out side of a house bouse it if properly applied brushes more or less small may be used according to ta the neatness of the job required it ansi answers veri verl as well as oil paint for wood brick or sagne and is cheaper it retains its brilliance brilli brilliancy anc y for I 1 many years there is nothing of the kind that will compare with it either for inside orl cr outside walls fl coloring matter may be put in and made c ct I 1 any shade you like spanish brown stirred ili iii it will make red pink more or less deep accor accords cli cl oil i ing to the quantity A delicate tine tin I 1 e of this is very pretty for inside walls finely bulj put i ed common commo claywell ajay well weli mixed with S span an 1 I 1 ish brown roian make a reddish stone color W yel yei low ow ochre achre stirred in makes yellow wash but 1 chrome goes further burthe r and aud makes a co colonger longen brally esteemed prettier in all these cam caa the darkness of the shades of course is determined by the quantity of coloring used it is difficult to marer mater make rules because tastes are ari dif dlf bifi f erent ferent it would be best to t try ry experiment exper experiments imen ts on OD a shingle and let it dry we have been toia tola that green must not be mixed with lime ue the lime destroys the color and the color has ar aa effect on the makes it crack and peel when wals wails have been badill badly smoked and you wish to have them a cleat cleri white it is well to squeeze indigo through a bag into the water you use it is stirred in the whole mixture if a larger quantity than five gallons be want edthe sami proportion should be observed we confidently recommend the use of th tit foregoing highly commended whitewash n u i almost all cases where paint is now used f feeling ed assured that it will answer as good a pur f pose as paint if not better and that too not I 1 only at a far cheaper rate but with the a ad dit ional advantage of being almost entirely composed of ot ingredients within our read redd without the expenditure of money it b u said to be more durable and retentive of iti color and a better preservative of bricki brick tont stoB and plaster on adobe walls and also of wom work than paint if such are the facts adil anil we see no reason to doubt especially in mak utah 0 where imported lead is so poor and the ch mate so trying upon paint we al concerned the importance of a once civi this a thorough trial tria on the wal walls of houses inside as well as out on barns sheds and other outhouses out houses 0 or r fences gatei gates and in short wherever paint is n now OW used ex eit capt on furniture sash ac i prospects IN WEBER BOTTOMS ff itt learn from mr win wm hennefer that there an five fire families now living on the weber aag ea from this city near nearl the crossing of the thee emigration road arid and the crops there cons conk istl liti of 0 wheat barley oats and potatoes are dolt doit well i there is plenty of or firewood grass and wals wata are abundant and of excellent quality an s there is a sufficient amount of tillable lanau t the 11 e river bottom in that vicinity fo to support large settlement the altitude attitude is too great to admit of f th fit 0 growing row ing of indian corn but wheat ry oft ab and barley can unquestionably be pro ced there abundantly 4 READ THIS trust coal oil is said to b be law tire destroyer of bed bugs apply piet plenty rith with a small brush or feather cell where they most do congregate the egg is effectual and permanent gilt frames a cp isit IT e liers ac rubbed lightly over with caa X oil oll will not be disturbed by flies f it is reported that various indian tribes will meet the prince of wales at c w |