Show 1 cz C z occurrences MANTI CITY march 19 1860 1850 EDITOR NEWS dear sir pre presuming sumine suming upon your ur well known anxiety to publish all leading items of news pertain pertaining I 1 to the commonweal of this territory I 1 beg to communicate some few circumstances stan ces that have recently occurred in this county which will go to show that though heaven is blessing our hearts and e eyes y es with temporal prosperity we are not entirely free from the effects of those moralizing moral izing annu ances which have been so profusely ana liberally liber ilber dlly dily extended to the people in other counties cou n or portions of this territory by numerous and arid various reformers sent from the east duning during the past two years particularly those that come here under military escort we nattered flattered ourselves in this county that being located off the high roads to california and the states we should not be visited by said reformers but we have received a due port portion on of the cream of the army in the shape of or discharged employees teamsters and arid the like from the crowd I 1 will select two tivo men james henahen and joseph gates gatesh for illustration tra tion and to give a short account cf whom is my iny object in addressing you at this time sall said said sald james henahen and joseph gates came into this community representing themselves as discharged employees or teamsters of the army who desired to settle with us as citizens and friends which of course was not objected 0 to o and they were treated with the usual kindness extended to stran strangers ers but after a residence of some few months henehan llen ehan committed a rape on an indian woman the latter b being eing among t the he most decent and peaceable indians in this part of the territory this dastardly act of oe course incensed the I 1 natives and they demanded the possession of the offender we endeavored to appease them by placing the man under the wing of the law but ultimately after r breaking jail jall and being t captured recaptured re the indians watched for an opportunity por port unity units when the sheriff was taking out the prisoner for exercise and shot him bim the sheriff narrowly es escaping capin I 1 thus ended the life of one reformer jospph gates the ot herman already alluded to insinuated himself so far into the good graces of the citizens as to get a large herd committed to hiscar his care ewhen when after months of confidence and trust thus reposed him it was discovered that he could not account for thirty three missing sheep but after the usual I 1 process of apprehension and cammi commitment ament etc he fie plead guilty yesterday before the probate court to unlawfully appropriating thirteen head of sheep by selling them to soldiers merchant merchants etc and was wa S sentenced ced to the penitentiary for two years on the evening of the same lay day about ten having by some means procured an instrument by means of which he got off the shackles and made his escape from the jail but in endeavoring to pass the guard and refusing g to stop when ordered was shot while ru running n n t n and died shortly after thus theca the career of gates the other reformer was ended and nd although we may not rejoice in the winding ino ing up acen scene e yet we ire trust his end will be a warning to every thief and particularly those that seek to repay confidence and kindness with ingratitude F C ROBINSON |