Show arrivals from the east lieu Licu lieutenant tenant A dana U S artillery with lady and daughter and capt richard francis barton of the irit british arrived by the eastern mail Saturday on eveni evening Dg they were the guests of his excellency the governor on sunday and on dion Blon monday day mornin morning the lieutenant and f family amily left lef t for camp capt burton barton will probably remain ten or twelve days in the territory the capt almis aimis a traveler of distinction generally known as the hajee burton pilgrim 0 to mecca explorer of hursur and discoverer of the great central african lakes on monday judge pel Fel Flanik anikin ln and two sons sans secretary Secre wooton and marshal diar Blar shai grice arrived by an extra service that bad accompanied the ma maii mail ia to rocky R dge de from some bungling binglin they had to remain thele four days for tor mules when procured pro proc dred cared and ready dan johnston made quick time into the city and arrived as above stated we believe that all ali allot of these gentlemen enjoyed their trip across acro s the plains we aid that jud judg anikin flanikin ri comes i out as the successor to judge h who ho was assi assigned ned to the second or wester western n district and that one of his sons isto be the clerk of ins his court which office is not very laraie lurra lu rale raie ive lve in this territory but more so vi 11 hat bat district tian tanin in elt ell h s r the firs first or third districts |