Show milking cows the first requisite of a good is of course the utmost cleanliness without this the milk is unendurable the udder should therefore be carefully cleaned before the milking commences the may hein heln bein begin gradually and gently but should steadily 7 increase the rapidity of the operation till the udder is emptied using it a pail sufficiently large 0 to hold all without the necessity of changing 0 cows are very sensitive and the pail cannot be changed nor can the stop or rise during the process process of milking without leadin leading the cow more or less to withhold her milk the th e utmost care should be taken to serl strip ap to the last drop and to do it rapidly and not in a slow and negligent manner which is sure to have its effect on the yield of the cow if any milk mallk is left it is re absorbed into the system or else becomes caked and diminishes tile the tendency to secrete a full quantity afterwards milking as dryas dry as possible is especially necessary with young cows with their first calf as the mode of milked milking and the length of time to which they can be made to hold out will have very much to do with their milking 0 qualities as long as they live I 1 have never practiced milking more than twice a day says a dairyman and farmer because in ili spring and summer other farm work was too pressing to allow of it but there is no doubt that for some weeks after calving t and in the hight of the flow the cows ou ought T ht if bossio possible 1 ae to be milked re regularly 0 three times a day at early morning noon and night every practical dairyman knows that cows thu thus milked give a larger quantity of milk than if milked only twice though it may not be quite so rich and in the young e cows no dou doumit t tit it has a tendency to promote the development of the tha udder and milk mill veins A frequent milking stimulates an increased secie secle secretion tion and therefore ought never rever to be ne neglected 0 in the milk dairy either in the case 0 of f 3 young oun 0 cows or very large at the bi hight lit of the flow which will ordinarily be for two or three months after calvia calving the charge of this branch of the tile dairy should ordinarily be in trusted to women they are more gentle and winning than men the same person should milk the same cow regularly and not change from one to another unless there are special reasons for it |