Show C il C r d 1 notices 3 ti r i 0 A CARD ra to the patrons of the noble art of self defence 11 I 1 AND A ND all who wish to defend themselves against accidents accruing from want of a good and efficient blacksmith P MARGETTS akes this opportunity of informing his friends and the rit pit I 1 ir ea that be he has opened a hew bew and commodious irli r blacksmith SHOP 43 sa ca 43 situated on east T mple threet street between walker walkkr bros and jordan M ii it depot sty where be Is on rland to operate in all the achus branches of his profession and liapes by strict al i tenon to business to receive some remuneration for his bia hard f acts P S mules and oxen SHOD on the shortest w not 0 lee ice bridle bits and spurs made to order and war ranted t ti give satisfaction also a LARGE BUILDING TO RE rent rett T in the I 1 ith ward sellable satiable for blacksmith ing log or other purposes 19 tl ti IN tran THAN VAST ay T THE HE undersigned undersigner under signed having had bad a along long experience lu ju the business would respectfully inform his friends and ioe ton people of utah generally that he is on hand to make cit ott oti POWERS POTTERS OF ATTORNEY lesses LEASES ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT and all outer documents of like character aiso for PENSIONS B BOUNTY 0 f kind LAND imd IND and other claims on government made out on the shortest nonce he ile Is connected with responsible persons who will promptly attend to the collection OF moxey MONEY in the united states and in europe no charges made for tor any information he be may be able to communicate on these subjects to any person who may faor lavor him with a call by d strict and rigid attention to business be he hopes to receive a liberal share of public patronage for Forre reference ferenee 1 D regard to competence integrity and jast just dealing refer to 0 o any person who has been acquainted with him tor for the alt ait ten pr fifteen years 0 OFFICE FF toe ioe I 1 in n geo cronyn COs coa oos store sign of the big T East Temple street G S L city 34 3 ll 11 iv W CLAYTON clatton JORDAN jor JOB dan DAU MILLS DULLS DEPOT B RODERICK RODERI Cr gandner GARDNERS ALLEN mallen have reopened opened re tae tap above establishment where they will constantly kep bep k ep for zor sale flour floury grain of all kinds chopped feed t rn butter batter eggs kc tuey they alii y have also opened a LUMBER YA R D ut vi utin in bi br same premises esy esp where the public in an he be iccomb TI ditt aitt d with every variety aad and size of of or tue tuo best quality likewise SHINGLES LES LATHS and PICK rick PICKETS rickets E TS heir hi ir new TANNERY Is now lu to success successful srul stul operation a 10 a they hey are prepared to furdich thome who who aho may favor gern ath their pd patronage choice articles nf of LEATHER bootsy BOOTS SHOES they ebey mrry wish particularly to call the attention of shoe slice 11 1 81 rs farmers and everybody else who are tired ol 01 ding aing a ing such high prices for imported goods to their an no pr ce dented denied low prices thi they v have just juat purchased a large and well will assorted 6 uck ot of FRENCH CALF KIP SKINS S shoe phoe 11 Pin lincors cers cors atoe pegs and ant awas all which they ibey thi y off on r 30 per c n cheaper heaper than thau suc suf guch ft artic artices es were r bi t tire ore ote sid s 11 ai at in this market as B 6 I 1 egr ege kip si shinh im which ba have ve ben bein bel bei n a id for u n i nt it from 1 0 lo 10 7 W i it rons lius kius 4 60 50 to tir sir tiu t lt iu e thread per bad ba 0 PA Piu cert tre per raji 9 90 shoe pegs per q 1 tart ta t 0 o III ili meide meade ime made achl trelia morocco shoes shoe SO A 0 o I 1 en tty ITY ry thing eibl eibi in proportion 6 ds ids or of every di ia i sold gold on dommi graml sion slon it gumber gember JORDAN MILLS DEPOT east eat temple 15 aru NEWSPAPER BOOK booe book AGENCY rrue rue rub r I 1 ender UNDER undersigner undersigned SIGNED having been requested by the J piti pill pub libbing aarnos firms ol 01 new york tork ai as also ty by citizens here to establish a GENERAL NEWSPAPER ND BOOK AGENCY to 0 o thi this territory begs to inform the reading public that he be is prepared to receive and forward ns for lor any paper magazine or BOOK published in the united states stales or la in england prices the same as at the publishing tn offices h 21 3 the following comprises the leading papers in ger gor leral teral circulation any auy other paper can bd b ordered by furnishing name and vearly re irly subscription new york weekly herald s 1 CO 00 semiweekly semi seral weekly times or tribune tribune of or times 20 20 musical frund S 00 aio alo irai ical world 2 00 iv it kiy kly y journal of commerce sew new ew Y york 0 rk lea leader der or dispatch patch S police gazette aini ridi it f the times I 1 me 3 00 0 0 J ii o uw abla inha journal tor lor brass bands S 0 00 0 NEW YORK illustrated PAPERS WEEKLY lesli lesii b i 3 00 y N r Y news harpers Ilar liar persa a 2 gog 60 ledger 2 00 vanity fair the american 3 CO eclen ft american 2 00 german illus ir tr rt 0 11 v dt li german Ger man maa kuntny lef let lies lles budget of fun pun 16 15 yankee nol not u 15 15 fellow 75 75 EUROPEAN PAPERS PAPER S weekly wem WET KLY cab Pas As reig sella illustrated doo dro chambee Cham berh berr Jur jurnal aurval vai val v imay m ly herald laudon J fruat R renoma Ry noMa ct tany news hews pt of the worm 0 00 N wit ars of 0 the world boo landon lendon I 1 lutra tid news 1 P i h b 5 goo 00 art Ju jerual Ji rual urual gor nah rAh burgh landon tv 1 i ay yi north nonh westminster reviews each tach MAGAZINES A 1100 1 CO atlantic monthly Black woods 3 aw tk ciesa clesi monthly 3 00 boyt boys and girls jt Ma kte gie KAlne kie godels harpers les lesless les tel s faintly magazine and gazette v ezette ot of fa F hion ma mathe he mancal ruai inai cai cal monthly pe peler erows ons 1 laflam mit wit 91 national maga altai ini ici dav 3 ja mothers hio llo therb magazine loo magazine for mothers 1 00 7 B IT STENHOUSE OFFICE first house honse west of ie G SL olty City publishers in tn the states are invited to forward to the above address cataloguer catalogues Catal and billit jor STOLEN the 0 field of mr thomas thomms chapman of north prom FROM F ogden a three year old COLT colts light iron gray white gripe snipe down the face va hite bite round the hoot boot of hint bin 1 atrat fott at and andt also on the whoever will wili C g vt via info inyo matlon mailon of the said colt shail shall be re wr w I 1 a by THOMAS CHAPM CHAPMAN july ut 0 WANTED ALL LL kinds ot of FURS tor for which a liberal price will be paid also saxony sheep and lambs wool firewood ac 9 tf JOSEPH L HEY HATTING mue subscriber hereby gives elves notice to the public tb that he e JL has resumed the above busl business ness at his bis old I 1 stand tan in the 17 th ward G S L city one block north of or te temple tempie m pie wie block 9 tf JOSEPH L heywood neywood SI LOWE r BOOT MAKERS east temple street op 1 gilbert fine pine and fancy boots shoes gaiters gaiter ac made to order on the shortest shor test teet notice eitt 21 tt NEW MACHINE SHOP llop OHN onn G PIN rin DER respectfully informs the citizens of j J utah county co noty that he liar has rented roberts sons Son swater water power lathe and appurtenances appurtenance i ss in spring v ville ilie ille city and Is prepared turny turn drill add arid make to td orde order all kinds of machinery all orders promptly prompt ly and neatly executed 1 ott A A and AT LAW on A n ea east 1 I temple Street jG U tp T three doors below lelow statues staines and wl I 1 practice in all the courts of the TerrI territory tory torT hlll will execute deeds mortgage mortgages sj leases letters of attorney ac particular attention paid to 10 collections all bustness business e to his care faithfully attended to 2 EXCHANGE tae llave HAVE A HERD OP OF STOCK consisting of wr T veral several hundred bead of cows and calves nei Hei helfers II elers eiers fers to tro yar year olds mule SNIPS california barest mar ncy ney which we wish to EXCHANGE for G GOOD 0 0 D W WORK worm 0 U K CATTLE for particulars apply at our oaire caire in the salt sait lake late house houge MILLER RUSSELL HUSSELL CO G S L C olty city ty july 23 ISCO isoo BOARD noard PEW few respectable BOARDERS ius its can be accommodated A upon rea roa reasonable teril f A ready pay in a private tamil famil 9 a short distance from tike like he busi busl boonma nes pans parts of this city apply lo 10 S itie 1111 AAD deseret news counting naoni room or his ins residence on the west weft side gide gile of the farst first block clock west ot of the in the ward sa 2 tf t f SAMUEL RE D JOHN KAY SURGEON DENTIST OFFICE EAST TEMPLE ST AT RESIDENCE 2 ia t tt G S L CITY C IT Y I 1 H E BOWRING SADDLE AND ilar HARNESS NESS maken MAKER III ivi A K r R nest next door to the post office RETURNS thanks to the public tor lor their past piu piH Ilbe heTal iral R it patronage pt ronae bu has constantly on hand SPANISH and arid SONORA so ora ORX saddles SAD pLES Il harne harness arness sr spanish spur ac ca etc cash and aud product taken to 10 each uwe dae itt lot li FIRE fine AND BRIMSTONE 1 c P T AKES pleasure in presenting t to 0 the public a superior article of 0 SULPHUR AND BRIMSTONE 0 of nome HOME manufacture heiter helter than any rai fluff for vor SALE saleit at i II 11 B sh s NIXON GODDARD alid and A rayj OR SONS STORES STIRES wholesale 4 aila arid ani antall r tali tall T who win wl H e home nome 11 litt tt GIVE US tibe THE FRUIT OF OUR OWN OW q AND LET OUR OWN WORKS PRAISE US IN THE TRE GATES arrum undersign rt has opened his big factory in the JL ward vard on north timple street and sells a good ici acl articie article e n of carge coarse and arid mie fine COMBS at wholesale and r ro mh afi and an will 1 take taire every kind or of produce in exchange at office e props will ill allow tor for meat wood rollf iorii arn bic ac to enci arage drage home manufacture fair tair pr prices S 23 ata LOUIS bischof BISCHOFF cone COME GET youn YOUR rilo 1110 moxey MONEY NEY ly TP I 1 APPL E uty attorney and Couns elior at laws law tf vill will atte nd to the lie prosecution 0 claims collection of jums bic tic power arf at torney tor for the states or europe indi an declara I 1 iorg for tor bounty ladd warrants dt ded edia edit leases leasef and all sit other legal documents drawn up weh dispatch di patch datch term liberal for att ati to town Towo ends salt lake alouse elst east tample street G S L city ozi f LONE TREE RANCH nanch WE E have a g cooil 03 herd lierd on the W n west we st side de or 0 r tatt tati atah labe lake cedar county and ard ar and d are pien plen ared ired d to take stok stok on the following conditions one mi cat per day fr lierd ilerd herdine ln cattle and will I 1 take tate hiep huep p at one third d of tha t e lnor ae a e and wool wooi and take good are rare arc of hem them through nil all lre lee reather keather n eather cather and be responsible for all stock tu to our charge W it THlE teke PLES 25 am jons JOnN mowrey MOWREr territorial AND COUNTY TAXES citizens ott uit izena of ureal greal resl rest sab gab lake county ar her hen by loti toti IT J i fiod flod d tha that the territorial and county taxes for 1 the current year are ara now due and payment required d to I 1 te made forthwith at the falce of the tn the court house in G S L cliv at which place the alec collector or his r will wil te yes in attendance bally during 1 business 1 1 siness for the of 0 sald sold R til lil taleb taxes u until n til the nr lle t dav dae ot S next nest on which date if t n per cent will be added according to law on all taxes idles then utip ald i R T and collector G S L county 0 S SL L cly cily cis july 18 1860 vhf TAILORING DONE accomma late inte who h may wish to baff have TO P pan PAW 4 IS lates KRESS 3 COAT COATS S VP vears 11 F i CAPS and anil mil all 11 belonging ro ih tb t c nde de made madr in 10 air ul i ir tylo dylr tb tbt rider signed has hs a TAILS SHOP in datts ustus gun waith shop shops east temple street where he will le be most happy if to attend in that line of bup ineas 0 to o all ull or ili par hl bi fr ielda who m my ly wh wb to patronize him please mke botic th lie will make ninke a pair of pant of in I 1 8 bovit and a dress coat in 30 hours bours there Is no do digap about it cutting doue daue on reasonable realo nabie terms tel tei cras crag sa also clothes cleaned and mide arde to tn new mew 19 tl tf E G ERICKSON GET OUT OF THE TIIE GROUND I 1 1 THE GRAND EXCUSE annihilated 13 SHOW S if 0 W CO EG leave to inform the public their CIRCULAR SAW der BER MILL at purt fort ephraim is now ready for operation and there are a plenty of logs in the mountains adjacent any and all who are desirous rons rous of living above ground till the proper time for burial can be accommodated with sawing in double quick time at short notice all kinds I 1 ol 01 stock and produce taken tor lumber or dawine BERNARD SNOW L i yort FORT EPHRAIM july ie 10 am on arg rp aois coobs aub nub Q ardes aries rn NEW ARRIVALS erom frodi THE EAST at bell Vs cols T IVINGSTON dell BELL CO would respectfully tender b livingston thanks to their many iny friends patrons tor for or past favores w otilie little they have again to announce the arrival within a few days of two trains of 60 wai waona tons loaded with a very large and superior selection ot of NEW coobs FURTHER reductions IN PRICES may slay be expected on many items independent of the supply or demand in market martet we invite an early call to examine our stock A full fall assortment of citizens as a well as butlers Sut lers good kept at our alore to in camp floyd ployd where as well as la in salt lake city country dealers can be supplied at wholesale on liberal terms 60 50 light chicago wagons and several beveral hundred head bead of perlor superior work oxen albo alio ailo for sale I 1 18 tt LiVING livingston ston STOX neil CEIL fc CO NOTHING ned netz NEW SELLING c BELOW COST COSTS AT COST AT COST AND FREIGHT 1 S TAI tal N E S NEED HA HAM BI CO EAST TEMPLE STREET WOULD W return their than irs its K to their pait irons for past paal favors favora and now inform tbell triet friet friend ids customers and the public generally that they maae make no sloss to seil seii sell below coaty at costy casty cost or at oost and freight but give them a call examine the QUALITY OF THEIR GOODS COMPARE PRICES tor for yourselves who cells fella the cheapest A liberal discount ulie awde to merchants from the coun country and to farmers and mechanics who purchase pur clisse by the quantity EMIGRANTS TO THE EAST OR WEST cn can be on short notice with WAGONS TEAMS teanis provisions and everything necessary to 10 complete an outfit lor for either with punctuality and dlo dio dispatch patch F FAIRFIELD A I 1 RF I 1 E L D in connection with their house in Inthis his bis city they have a branch albranch estabill established hed bed at fairfield camp floyd pluyd for the of their bouthern southern bou Bon thern friends tri fri friend endes where they can be M grm irm ged med with coeds as cheap as in this city and arid one opa of the itha nirm firm Is generally on hand band to conduct the bu business biness at that place G S SL L city april ad wilker WALKER it WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALERS N DRY GOODS GROCERIES BOOTS and SHOES I 1 IN NOTIONS HATS CAPS CLOTHING olor CLOT niNG GOLD JEWELRY ac fcc d C EAST TEMPLE STREET GREAT SALT LAKE CITY OPPOSITE IV WILLIAM villiam I 1 L L I 1 A al N NIXONS I 1 X 0 N S MAIN maln STREET F AIRFIELD FAIRFIELD CAMP FLOYD ve we are now receiving from the east eat a very I 1 large urge and complete assortment OF GOODS A large lot of PRINTS of elegant and entirely new styles and pone pane bul bui A ko no I 1 brands brandi we offer inducements to par faz chars and respectfully inv dinv 4 the attention of our customers and city and country tr trade generally tut LAST TRAIN AND BEST GOODS ROGERS ROSS WISH to call |