Show FROM california by the calif california ornia mail maii which arrived on monday afternoon last we received dates to august 11 the san francisco herald of the oth announces to its readers a dissolution of the heretofore existing 0 in the proprietorship of that paper the former firm was composed of Bless biess rs guthrie Gut hrie brie nugent page john nugent editor nugent and page have retired and the name of G W guthrie appears at the head of the editorial column as publisher and proprietor 12 the reasons for this change are briefe briefly y stated in a leading 0 article in the merald herald of the above date and are traceable solely to political diffene differences ices mr guthrie we infer was the principal owner of the establishment and when the irreconcilable breach occurred in in the ranks of the harmonious democracy an alienation at once took place between the hitherto confiding partners of the herald establishment nugent and page inclining to the northern or douglas C and guthrie to the southern So athern or breckenridge wing the scales poised but the money interest predominated guthrie obtained the controlling balance and raised the flag for breck rid ride ridge 0 e and lane as the only true exponents of sound national democratic principles relative to the nomination ol 01 dou douglas doulas las mr guthrie says bays that he looks upon stephen A dou doulas douglas las jas as the candidate of a section Is ilia pretensions were repudiated by seventeen reliable democratic states in solid column his nomination by less than a real majority was the result of trickery and fraud the downfall of a house bouse divided against itself has been ion lon long iong since bince predicted and as if it to evade such a disastrous sequel the disjointed members of this firm wisely decided toa togo it alone we are not fully persuaded that this policy will answer as good a purpose amon among anong a political parties as in p private enterprises at all events it cannot be disguised that the I 1 national democracy now exists only in name how long the present anomalous condition of affairs which seems to have more or less distracted all ranks and classes social and industrial as well as commercial and political may continue and what the result will avill be in minutia time will more fully determine yet it requires not the seera ken to discern that those things 0 are the legitimate 11 sequence quence of palpable causes which must work out their inevitable and speedy end sev seventeen enteen anxious seekers after light I 1 says th the tha e he herald r aid kid ald had called upon general denver formerly governor of kansas to furnish them with that subtle and mysterious element clement to guide them in the support of a candidate for the thie presidency with that kindly disposition for which he is noted the general attempts ter tei apts to illuminate their groad groping understandings W through throda the medium of a two and a half column response in tye the Sa sacramento sacrament cramen t 0 i unions uit conf re regarding arang the generals response as shad bwy in its character rather lead astray than to properly direct the harald makes an attempt to clear up il the mist mise and disperse the gloom by a crift al review of the response and the substitution ution of what the editor deems a true version V I 1 of it the poll political romance all founded in the vagaries varies of the territorial question out of wonc whicH the general 4 assumes have sprung all the p e t existing differences in the democratic party tai tag man who possesses sa gac lac ac ty s u n at to ig concile reconcile the tha discordant laments no nomso 0 dargay enter entering tn into th the tha e in in ini i I 1 j gaj of p politics bics ics acs I 1 in ohr oar country would be a idge indeed andee d L j 0 august c I 1 t he cofoed colored population of SAran cisco ce celebrated rated the tue anniversary of he lie emancipation 0 gro slaves in the west inda indies il music I 1 araks comic sentimental f I 1 and tr tragic aw dramatic performances ex governor governur tr anderson waa shot sho t at a man nami Lufkins supposed sep sop posed to be mor mort morl illy llly Consid considerable eMle emie excitement in C car ear tar ton cou nty athe annual election elect lonon on monday I 1 august kugust 0 their several princa oferd 4 ad glahe legislative assif assembly ably othere lere lare were iver IV two X conventions felds at carson CA t one fasth wab was in favor of making nomina t I 1 of kp I 1 ledged le d ged to doport port the laws of tit jg 0 t v they were pass eby euy dby a T liy vly lly he of cormons mormons Mor llorme mons ns taher r e entitled titled t tanti n i idio inlo 1110 nom 1 ai 05 ak opposed coall alle glance to the territorial laws and authority and sustained the following nominations for member of the legislature J K trumbo of genoa sherife sheriff B T brown of silver city selectmen A curry of carson city IV musgrove of washoe and E J mathews of virginia city county treasurer B L king of carson city county surveyor james sturtevant of washoe the law abiding nominations were as follows F for or member of assembly john C james Sheri sheriff fl john L blackbern county recorder edward C morse county anty treasurer R P bland county surveyor S 11 marlette selectmen J williams J J coddington and IV alford the following 0 resolution passed by the law and order convention will show the p principal rin cipal I 1 point at issuer resolved that the tha si silly effort now bein being made by the posting of hand and bills headed i anti antl mormon to defeat a county 0 organization I 1 is an absurd d device sv ice to impose upon the credulity of the P people e le and an insult to their I 1 understanding r ali here ere being i dg few or no cormons mormons 1 in our mid stand few sympathisers sympathizers with them |