Show linnaus the great satanist botanist So tanist I 1 A correspondent of the north british agri cul cui twist traveling in in sweden gives the following account of the great swedish savan was the oni only son of a country gen clergyman of very moderate means and wa wai i born on the ad of may old style 1707 and showed in in early youth a predilection for the raudy of natural history by wande wandering into the fields and forests in in q quest aest of plants and insects his father had bad purposed him for the church and sent him to the academy but bill it was discovered that from his lovinc roving 0 habits in in the forests lie he had made but poor progress and found fouad at length when he should have been fitted for college that he knew more of plants and worms than latin and greek he therefore determined in great disappointment to learn him a trade and a nd fixed upon that of a shoemaker as the only thin thing he would be fit for I 1 A friend of his father however a sor of medicine having a better opinion of his tale taie talents ants dete determined r mined to avert suc sue such aph a fate from the young philosopher took him home and educated him as one of the family and in initiated him into the mysteries of physic afterwards ter wards he bent sent him to the college at upsala kupsala i where with scanty purse he was obliged to fight his road to knowledge the professor of botany anere however also discovering the talents of linnaeus Lin bethought of enlisting him into his service to help him in in his fe searches researches made him his as sigmant isi sis sig stant tant by which he was enabled to finally pr prosecute 0 8 echtle his is studies so much so that at the I 1 age of tw twenty ty three he was delivering a course of in r lectures on his own account ile he was informed upon however as not being qualified by a diploma and arid as a matter of course was wag I 1 stopped ile he however against all impediments completed hs his studies and was shortly afterwards alter wards invited by the academy of sciences of upsala kupsala to visit lapland on a bobadi botanical excursion which he willingly accepted 1 having the munificent sum of xa 1 ios los sterling 1 I put into his hia hand to def defray ra the cost of lii ili hib hit journey oil on this small sum ke he traveled eight hundred german lea iea leagues ues aes in in six months a no small feat of itself he ile successfully concluded his ills journey and gave a graphic account I 1 of his labors labora and frugality ili in his journal entitled Lap ponica I 1 after which lie he went to holland where he I 1 resided three years during m which aich he paid a short visit to england where lie he also added much to his ills know knowledg ledge c j at the end of that period 1 ri od he returned to i sweden St and settled in in stockholm t as a i cian clan and there married while here he j bated the academy of sciences and was elected its first president wih all this however lie he was not dot contented something of a higher order kept floating in his mind till he was finally appointed tol fol 1 anted in 1740 professor of botany in in tile the university hersity ver sity of upsala kupsala this w was as the goal for w which aich he had been always alava s strai ine ing and provi pro i dence with ills bis own abilities ultimately Iti favored him in his bis longing desires from the professors chair and tile the printing press together his fame spread over the scientific world drew students student to the university and honors to himself from all parts of the world ile he occupied the tile chair for the long iong ong period of thirty eight ye arsand died in 1778 at the age 71 liis his father fortunately lived ived to see him at the climax of his scientific career and wid worldwide fame how different from the fate ile he intended for him the number of his publications was immense in ili the several departments of botany botan zoology ichthyology and minerals Mine mineralogy ralo raio Z y besides physic ile he arranged plants into genera and land species discovered their sexual nature natura and principles and simplified their nomenclature them according to some common generic characteristic he accomplished t this h is m mighty i aty task upon a list of about d different imer ixer en t plants but this has been immensely added to since his day aber his bis death his mother and ard sisters into whose hands thy they fell fearing that the uni hersity of U upsala kupsala 1 ala aia 1 woud would not give their thair value disposed of nis his 1 s collection collect ion iou to dr smith of london but a graduate of the university of Edinbur edinburgh gli for 1000 gs the king of sweden sw eden happening to be absent from the country during this transaction and having heard that it had just j usi been shipped oft off for england Ln gland giand and ami regarding it as a national loss and disgrace a quick sailing ship of war in ill pursuit to overtake and alid bring it back but it was unavailing the en engleh lish merchantman beat the swed saed sh it manof man of W war ar in this scientific pursuit and arid landed them safely ili in london with all his big books and manuscripts to boot |