Show shower on monday afternoon the air became sultry dark clouds gathered from the south and there was every indication of rain the thunder was too distant to break up the rain fountains and all apparently passed off with but a slight sprinkle the effects of which could aca scarcely acely be discerned an hour afterwards some of the weather prophets predicted that the rain would come yet ct before ion IOD long iong and in in this instance their predictions were fulfilled within a most remarkably short time for about midnight cf the same mame night those ominous clouds again gathered blackness suddenly and accompanied with vivid md lightning li I 1 flashes and quick succeeding peals of thurmer thunder the heavens hsai ens ebed forth in grateful torrent torrents cooling the sultry air Terres refreshing hing bing man and beast and giving renewed we life to all nature vegetation which has hitherto se metal metai most parched from extreme extrema heat beat and lach del of moisture presented on tuesday morning a truly improved appearance such a shower at sueh a time was as propitious as it was uncommon APPLES we notice that thab this fruit is beginning 0 to maake its appearance in in market some of 0 the very earliest the rei rel red juneior June for example were ripe some time since but we saw them for sale those now offered are readily disposed of at il per dozen peaches would unquestionably bein be in great dema demand demaud okd i 1 thene there i were erg erp ap any to be ha had mi this thit re orl |