Show closing up V M sars hockaday B E irr transient mer chants or traders who have been selling chandeze chan dize in this city during the past year have within the lest mst few days sold the remaining portion of their theli goods to sta nes needham co and are clodin closing up their thelt business in this territory preparatory to leaving for the states from whence they ca came cane me 1 S nee the to them unexpected change of i affairs in this territory has laken place and atie ne consequent revulsion in merc mere mercantile azitile business has cast a gloomy shade over the prospects I 1 of many of those who came here bere with or after the army to make fortunes by trafficking on borrowed capital many of them are closing up busin business ss as fast as the hard times will permit and unquestionably most of them will succeed in arran arranging ing matters so as to get off before the setting in of winter the utah mission has been attended with an enormous expense and more than one man has been reduced to penury and many others will be before their labors in civilizing the cormons mormons and the efforts to make fortunes by effecting a their destruction shall have ceased and it is not probable that another attempt to propagate modern christianity in that way will be made very soon MELONS water melons are now becom becoming i ng quite plentiful in our streets they are unusually late this season and generally so far ol 01 rather inferior quality and flavor musk melons are not so abundant it is re pored that the melon and cucumber mpa vetios mca in this vicinity though looking exceedingly 0 thrifty have as yet been somewhat shy in bearing fruit should the fall cont cent continue 1 u warm ana favorable we may yet parta partake of 1 fine late melons and have good opportunities ties for putting down all the cucumbers that may be re laired for pickling A few good melons would not be b e at this office the boston courier establishment has been attached at the suit of ot the hon john P hale hales of new hampshire for all an alleg d nel libel the damages are la laid id at 1000 |