Show new stores atres and improvements during t the summer building 0 operations and other improvements have constantly been progressing on the west side of east temple street especially between first and second south streets and from the energy that has been exhibited it is but reasonable to suppose that the enterprising property holders in that vicinity intend if bleto transfer the business operations in that street from the east to the west side thereof which of cours ethey have a right to do upon fair honorable principles i several new stores have been built on that side of the streets and others are going up which when finished will add much to the general appearance of that part of the city which has till within a yea rhad a very shabby appearance in consequence of the many small temporary buildings erected there and occupied by all kinds of mechanics tradesmen manufacturers manufacture i is s and small dealers giving it an in 0 aspect among the new stores that have been built here quite recently is that of mr G clem I 1 ent PHI which has a very fine outward appearance and the inside is well fitted up tip for former chantale tile tiie purposes with a new and elegant building a large 7 town clock for a sign well situated si bated and filled with new goods which lie he assures us are marked and will be sold sod unusually low he flatters himself that few will pass without giving him a call mr W jennings bas has also just been opening I 1 a large stock of goods on the corner at his ti ca market stand where he is very anxious that his friends should call and examine his assortment flattering 0 himself that they will be pleased with his prices and will not leave without making a purchase if they only have vie vae cash the ile other stores on chaap side are also said to be interested in the transfer but where the money is to come from to keep I 1 up so many mercantile establishments is a mystery that we are unable to solve as we are ae quite confident that there is not much left in the country to sell goods cheap cheaply when t there here is plenty of gold and silver in circulation circulate on is s an easy matter but to dispose of merchants c ze for cash in hand at any price to purchasers who have empty pockets and glock lockers clockers requires a know enow knowledge lede 0 of business matters to which few have attained |