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Show FOR RENT Apartments llirnished AT THE EAgLe GATE. Bransford apartmer.cs. Emery nat Eagle Gale apartments; location Best in city; strictly high grade: references required; re-quired; housekeeping and furnished ami unfurnished bachelor suites; A"' "-!?" plan cafe in connection, open to the POO-lie. POO-lie. Office in the Bransford. Phone Was 3026. BE3NICB APARTMENTS. 4 and 6-r.n. modern, front andear porches. Sth E. and 1st So. Was. 25-W FAIRMONT APTS.. 6TH S.. MAIN AND State. Four-room modern Cat, W. ply Visaing. Was. 2763, or janitor. e!041 MEREDITH APARTMENTS. $32.50 four rooms. 170 First avenue. THE LAKBTtHEW APTS.. 271 NORTH Main, now vacant; close In, fine Mew and above smoke. Wasatch 3718-R. ei6 THE CORNELL. COR. 6TH EAST AND lot South, excellent t-room apartments. Call Was. 3615. AN APT. IN THE CLTJFF, 13TH EAST and 2nd So. Hyland 359-M. 4 ROOMS. FRONT AND REAR porches; steam heat; 25.00. 562 So. 6th E. Hyland 944-R 4!"6 KENSINGTON AND LA ..JIV-1!' Mod. 4 and 6-room aptB., $32.50. $-6-Wasatch 6710. (.ROOM APT. IN OAK APTS.. COR-ner COR-ner Broadway and 4th East ets., $30. Little & Little, 201 Mclntyre Bldg. g970 BEAUTIFUL 6-RM. DUPLEX. FRONT and rear porches: best location. Phone Was. 3713-J. hlS22 IVANHOE APTS.. 4, 6 and 6-room apts. 417 E. Broadway. h2360 C-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN; SLEEP-lng SLEEP-lng porch. Hicks apartments, 68 Sixth East. 5 WANTED Wanted Female Help FITTERS IN SUITS. OATS AND dresses; must be competent. Apply The Mode. ol91: GIRT. FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 226 So. 12th East. Hyland 3473-W.. O1097 GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework. 670 E. So. Temple St. 01761 , 1 RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 1313 So. 7-th East. oi790 A COUPLE OF TEACHERS OR NOR-mal NOR-mal graduates out of employment; must have good knowledge of literature. Address V-7, Tribune. O1750 BY UTAH VIAYI CO.. AT ONCE. middle-aged, energetic woman to take charge of branch of our business; splendid splen-did opportunity. Call or address 307 Templeton bldg. olSOl MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 46S ,3nl ave. 01821 Wanted To Rent LET BETTILYON HOME BUILDER3 company rent that house or business property for you. They are experts. Wasatch Wa-satch 2030. h3166 WANTEDFURNISHED COTTAGE OR -bungalow. Immediate reply. Was. 2536. 'i9 E st. n3566 SMALL FURNISHED BUNGALOW, with furnace, by, young couple with year-old baby; references exchanged. Address Ad-dress T-50, Tribune. n42S6 5 OR C-1'.OOM HOUSE; MUST BE MOD., well furnished and within walking distance; dis-tance; family of 5 adults; references. Address Ad-dress V-9, Tribune. ol47 STRICTLY MODT9HN 6-RM. BUNG A-low. A-low. 3 bedrooms; east bench preferred. Address Y-24, Tribune. o240 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR small brick cotlasre, close in, by lady. FOR RENT partmentsFurnished APART M EN TS FINEST i vl TSBk A I ' A u T M E NTS' FU R vi&THE IS BEST MISSION nvvVS? fig THE COVEY New. einjmtiy urmsiTed" k ap.irtments: eleiauir 1 iSS, houl"Bh. building; prices VeastM,,1. TiJJ0cat.on t 6jj SHUBRICK HOTi-tT"--? Cor. 4th So aSa ,Af". Elegantly furnished d T'?1"1 housekeeping suites-anest i ""NUliI lobby-janitor atKl nm'fi"' 'a cltyt" Wasatch 44S2. Mrvlce. pJJ DUKE APTS.7TorM7r , keeping porch' cp,.Ui?A?H , Inquire 44S So. 5th JPlet'y hutf, TF- EXANDRIA-"Tt7rrr5 cated, new management & two-room apt., ewVitlv . 1 tk bath, large kitchen', t-L $12.50. "Was. 7019 ' ,ln' in -. fit roml,ltsItLeneiii. Srbeklpi era. 64 So. Temple; two-room suit.. E "1 furnished for taousekeepS? b?,?"'' phone maid and Janitor sen ir ' " venierices; ,25 to Ka Lg IU MOD. 2 OR 3-RM. FTIRNISHErTTr THB WOOD. 653 EAST npr."r Very choice tronf - 2 AiD J.RM. APTS., ALsZTrr in rear; sleeping porch. 331 at WANTED Wanted Situation Male) office 'Man. married, sober. stealy, employed evenings, wants any kind of work, el'-her clerical or manual, to do during day time, best of local references; ref-erences; urgent. Address O-Sd, Tribune. g2924 13 MEN, 7 TEAMS. FOR ONE OR ALU with or without teams; any kind. --4 South State street. 976 AX AUTO REPAIR MAN. ALSO MA-chlntst, MA-chlntst, wfrh -2 years" experience, would like position with some private party or concern that has se,vern! cms to care for. Address X-13. Tribune. olO.i YO T NG MA N. 12, STRONG A N D healthv. desires position in first-class bakerv to learn to be a baker. Address X-35, Tribune. ol346 FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK wants position in family. 14 W. 1st So. Was. 7436. Q1462 JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION AS fancv cook, city or country. Address X-41. Tribune. ol457 FILIPINO BOY WANTS HOUSEWORK, 15c hour, $26 month. Address X-49, Tribune. oJ.507 BY ELECTRICIAN AND ALL-AROUND mechanice of 20 years' experience; position po-sition with some Arm, or some large business busi-ness block, to take charge of all heating apparatus, machinery and electrical work in connection with place- References as to character and ability can be given. Am in yoilr city for purpose of high school advantages for children and there-lore there-lore salary is not the main object. Address Ad-dress 354 E. So. Temple et. ol653 EXPERIENCED SODA AND ,ICE-cream ,ICE-cream man wants situation; some drug store experience. Hyland 732-R. 0I66I STEADY YOUNG MAN, 24, MARRIED, experienced in bookkeeping and all office of-fice work, wishes position where hard work will bring advancement; experienced experi-enced private seeretarv; expert penman. Address X-52, Tribune. 0I688 WANTED Wanted Male Help WA NT EX) EXP ER IE NCE D M ACHINE presEer. Call todav. 1" a. m. Rex Cleaning Co.. 114 E 2nd South. ol92l AT ONCE. ONE ASSAY ER FOR FIRE work. Call 11 to 1. Western Engineering Engineer-ing Agency, Inc.. 100 W. 2nd South. ol762 FORM-SETTING CARPENTERS. R. R. house carpenters. R. R. bridge carpenteis. Hoist engineer. Laborers, city ; dry work. WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 18 Commercial. 01783 YOUNG MAN ABOUT 18 YEARS OLD for delivery wagon; applicant must have bst of recommendations. Tel. today, between 11 and 1. Wasatch 191. o2000 MAN WHO EXCELS AS A SOLICITOR to join magazine crew; one who can set the pace. Sec Mr. Vogel, Standard Pattern Dept.. Walker Bros. Dry Goods 1 Co.. Monday after 8:80 a. m. ol287 WANTED A-1 MALE ADVERTISING solicitors); good commission. Inquire for R. Hemrick. Windsor hotel, 1 p. m. to 2:30 p. m. Sunday and Monday. ol946 MAN WHO CAN RIDE ON MOTOR-cycle MOTOR-cycle to collect in near-by towns. Ap-fcly Ap-fcly Nord- Clothing Co. ol9S9 WANTED MAN. SOME EXPERIENCE in calling on public; salary; not afraid of work. Davis, Hotel Peery. olToS WANTED DELIVERY BOY WITH bicycle. Lion Drug store, 564 3rd ave. ol767 WANTED GROCERY MAN AND Solicitor So-licitor for out of town. Address T-ll. Tribune. olSOO Wanted Salesmen SALESMAN OPENING FOR LIVE. aggressive and experienced salesman as our exclusive representative In Utah to handle copyrighted art advertising calendars calen-dars and monthly service, coupled with the famous Blanchard line of advertising pencils, penholders, etc. Combination affords af-fords exceptional opportunities. Liberal commissions paid weekly. Give full particulars par-ticulars first letter, covering' age, experience, ex-perience, references, etc. Address King H. Gerlach, Sales Manager, Blanchard Bros., Inc., 19th St. and Sth Ave., Brooklyn. Brook-lyn. N. Y. City. 61686 WANTED Wanted Female Help THE Y. W. C. A. FREE EMPLOYMENT bureau secures positions of all kinds I for women. 6th floor Continental Bank ; bldg. Phone Warn. 767. Hours 9 to 11 a. m., 3 to 5 p. rn. r3350 FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. BASE)-meht BASE)-meht First Congregational church. We get you position free of charge. Telephone Tele-phone Was. 5822. l27'3 W AN TED WC ME NT FOR " G O V E R N -ment jobs; S70 month; pull unnecessary. unneces-sary. "Write immediately for list positions posi-tions obtainable. Franklin Institute. Dept. 735 F, Rochester, N. V- j" ' - A-1 FANCY PRESSER AND PLEATER; good wages, steady position; none o;her need apply. Myers Cleaning & vYe'S Co., U4 E. Broadway. kPTM GIRLS. FROM 1 S TO 30, TO LEARN marking and sortiDg. Apply at once Troy laundry, 431 So. 6th" East. n2o84 GIRL FOR GEN. HOUSEWORK. 128 S St. 0330 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 1150 E. 1st South. QS24 FIRST-CLASS SAXES LA DIES, EXPERIENCED EX-PERIENCED IN MILLINERY SELLING. SELL-ING. APPLY KEITH-O'BRIEN CO. o602 THOROUGHLY COMPETENT MAKERS FOR MILLINERY DEPT. APPLY KEITH-O'BRIEN CO. 0601 MIDDLE-AGED LADY COOK. WRITE F. S. Richards, i?andv, R. D. No. 2, Box 181. 01148 EXPERIENCED PRESSER. APPLY Keith-O'Brien Co., superintendent's office. of-fice. ol236 GIRL TO COOK. APPLY' AT ONCE. Was. 724. or 539 E. 1st go. 01282 COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL. housework ; small family: good wages. Apply mornings, S Kensington apts, ol2P0 COMPETENT COOK; 2 IN FAMTLY. Wasatch 2505. ol241 CHAMBERMAID WANTED AT 377 West South Temple. ol3u0 GIRL GOING TO SCHOOL TO' Exchange Ex-change work for room and hoard. 2S6 I street. O13S0 WANTED Wanted Agents EVERY HOUSEHOLD ON FARM. IN SMALL TOWNS OR SUBURBS, where oil lamps are used, needs and will buy the wonderful Aladdin mantle lamp, burns common coal oil kerosene) ; gives a light five times as bright as electric. Awarded gold medal at San Francisco exposition. One farmer cleared over $500 In Mx weeks ; hundreds with rigs earning earn-ing $100 to $300 per month. No casli required. re-quired. We furnish capital to reliable men. Write quick for wholesale prices. territory and sample lamp for free trial. Mantle Lamp Co., 755 Aladdin Udg., Portland, Ore. 0I6O8 $100 PER WEEK IS YOURS FOR THE ASKING. Absolutely new vest pocket combination clothes hanger. No competition ; everyone every-one buys on sight. One man sold 144 in two hours and made $1000 in less than 5 weeks. We positively grant exclusive tern" tor-j-. extend credit' and guarantee you agai nst loss. This Is the greatest agents' proposition ever known; 5,000.000 will be sold this year, all through agents. Not sold in stores. A lc postal will bring full particulars. Farquhar-Moon Mfg. Co., Dept. A-S. 140 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. Chi-cago. 111. 0I6O0 WE START YOU IN BUSINESS, FUR-nis FUR-nis faring everything; men and women, $3 to $200 weekly operating our New System Specialty Candy Factories, home or small room anywhere; no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime. Booklet free. Rags-dale Rags-dale Co.. box L, East Orange, N. J. O1607 AGENTS WANTED ACTIVE, 1NDUS-trious 1NDUS-trious middle-aged men preferred. Steady employment. Liberal commissions. commis-sions. Address Oregon Nursery Co., Or-enco, Or-enco, Ore. 0056 AGENTS GET NEWEST. QUICKEST sellers direct from makers. Full list free. Nat'l Agents Ass'n, 122 Michigan ave.. Chicago. 06IO AGENTS "LITTLE GEM" AUTO-matic AUTO-matic Gas Lighters meet Instantaneous Instantane-ous sale. Ne"west agents' article. Over 150 per cent profit. Get busy now. Postal nrings valuable proposition. Automatic Gas Appliance Co. (Inc.), 1 Union Square. New York. hl4Sl AGENTS EARN BIG COMMISSIONS selling , $20 value, all-wool, made-to-measure v suits for $10 retail. No experience experi-ence necessary. Chicago Woolen Mills, Dept. 25, S33 Jackson blvd., Chicago. ol591 m COLONIAL APARMENT3 rooms, 144 W. 1st So., newly JS and papered. Best ventilated Xr city. Bath, phone, elemorf fc reasonable. Was. 4915. . . . alls PRESCOTT APTS.. FINE SUItT rent September 1. -: WELL-FURNISHED PT sleeping porch. Meredith apt no 1 1st avenue. wjl 5-ROOM UPPER FLAT IN DUPlir house, 223 60. 6th East; strictly JS ern, hot water heat, sleeping portt ? ! WILFLEY APT 8. 2 rooms, with bath and kitchen-a Owner In charge. . m! HOLLYWOOD APTS. 4 rooms, finished in oak; new furaian Owner in charge, , NARVEX. 230 E. BROADWAY. 3-ttOfl apt., bath, 8 closeta Was 440. oil 3 -ROOM MODERN, FURXISHEDaS also unfurnished apt The OifonM W.N. Temple. THREE ROOMS, MODERN, HZlI sleeping porch, garage; (!3. ifi street. ojrj FURNISHED AND UNFURSISHD flats at the Esther, 76 First atest Phone Was. 1130-W. MODERN APARTMENT. 4 rooms, completely furnished; fat and rear porches. The Lund, m H East. Inquire apt. 1. c!J2 2, 4 OB. 5 RMS., NICELY PTE." clean, with or without garage, a Canyon road. eld 3-RM. MOD. APT., WITH SLEEP!! porch, nice lawn, on car line; fi phone; reasonable. Was. 2679-Ji. cltt 3- ROOM MOD. APT., WITH SLEEPE porch, new bathroom, nice lawn; obi line; free phone; reasonable rent. Wi 2679-M. II FURN. AND UNFURN. MODERN ill 3!su 4th ave. Phone Was. 5067. eHi 4- ROOM MODERN ; BATH, CLOSES 6tore room, basement, porch, eu it nicelv furnished; SIS. 220 Elizabeths 2nd So. bet 11th and 12th East, near a varsity. t &i 5- ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT i Kensington apt. References nvdn Address Y-4. Tribona 3 ROOMS, MODERN; ALSO 1 H. I room; ; block east North Stater- 2nd ave. No children. 4 1 UNFURN. APT. AND 1 Ft'RN. Art private bath, porch. 339 E. W S THE SAMPSON, COR. 3RD EAST AS Broad wav; newly furnished. apt. Inquire apt. B, 9 to 12 a m. o 3-RM. FURN. APT., 124 APRICOT? private bath; $16. SNOW APTS.44 LARGE ROOMS AND bath; front and. rear porches; close In; no car fare; $27. Was. 4749. k826 APARTMENT IN THE MILLER FLATS, North Temple at.; very desirable location. loca-tion. Apply of Janitor or at 40 No. Main street. v k32M KESLER; NEW, FIREPROOF; VERY fine 3 and 5 rooms; beautiful view; $25 to $50; 268 N. State; garages. Hyland 2745-W. ' p81S AT THE BROWN, 8 AND 5 APTS.; hardwood floors, front and rear porches; $42.50. Was. 5284-R. 2889 BRAND NEW, MODERN APART-ments. APART-ments. No. 764 So. 2nd East, $22.50. BETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO., HQ Main. Wasatch 2030. n!507 PRESCOTT APTS. FINE SUITES- FOR rent, beginning September 1st. n2522 DESIRABLE 4-ROOM APT., STRICTLY modern; the La Selle, 312 So. Fifth East. Apply apt., 7. Was. 4041-J. nS430 GODBE APT.; 5-ROOM APT.; HARD-wood HARD-wood floors. Was. 45S4-W. 164 East South Temple. n3934 HOLLYWOOD APTS. 4 rooms, hardwood finish. n3883 STRICTLY MOD.. 3 ROOMS AND porches. 12S I st- Was. 4611-W. o749 MODERN APT., 4 ROOMS. FRONT AND rear porches; garage If desired; choice location. The Lund, 135 7th East. Inquire In-quire apt. No. 1. n4076 UNFURN. APT. AT 460 E. 3RD SO.. Colonial apts. Hyland 1604-J. 06I 4-ROOM MODERN; GIBBONS APTS. McKellar Real Estate & Inv. Co., 402 Walker Bank bldg. o316 MODERN 5-ROOM APT., NEAR UNI-versity; UNI-versity; sleeping porch. Phone Hyland 2S90. 06O6 3-ROOM APTS. CHEAP: NEAR CAPI-tol CAPI-tol bldg. 24 E. 2nd North. olOOl FOR RENT A COZY, MODERN FOL'R-room FOL'R-room flat; suitable for couple. 1205 E. 5th So. st. Phone Hyland 1636. oll33 DESIRABLE 4-RM. APTS.. DISAPPEAR'-ing DISAPPEAR'-ing bed, etc. Marquette, 567 E. 3rd So. oil 66 ELEGANT 4-ROOM: BEST LOCATION; vacant 15th. Avondale, 2nd So. and Sth East. Was. 3076. ol265 SANTA ANA. 2 ROOMS. PRIVATE bath, porch. 339 E. 2nd South. Was. 5897-R. ol341 THE LESTER THREE LARGE ROOMS, ground floor: disappearing bed. heat, gas. laundry, lockers, janitor; cozy, homelike: home-like: close In; well heated in winter; nice lawns, flowers and large sleeping porch for coolness In summer; only $25. 125 East 7th South, or phone Was. 4672J. olS28 THE DORIUS. One 5-room apt., only $40. 655 First ave. Phone Was. 7334-J. ol3S3 two children ; references.' X-58, Tribune. ol674 6-ROOM MODERN, CLOSE j IN: garage. Wasatch 4362-W. ol657 5 OR 6-ROOM THOROUGHLY MODERN house, east side, within 6 blocks of business district. Will take best of care. References. Rent not to exceed $25 or $30. Was. 132S-J. ol700 4 OR 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ; BEST of references; no children; full particulars; particu-lars; 6 months or longer. Address X-20, Tribune. ol927 WANTED TO RENT SEVEN-ROOM, strictly modem house; hot-water heat preferred; with lease for one year. Phone Wasatch 6579 or address J. G. W., 339 South Main. olS74 Wanted To Buy SMALL RUNABOUT; HUPMOBILE preferred. State price and model. Address Ad-dress X-30. Tribune. o!267 WANTED TO BUY BARBER SHOP IN a small town. Address X-33, Tribune. Ol 302 WANTED TO BUY INTEREST IN PAY-Mng PAY-Mng fire insurance agenry. by expert solicitor. No offer considered; unless It will bear the closest inspection. Address Insurance, Tribune branch office, Ocden. ol435 BIDS BUILD GARAGE 12X16. STATE your materials. Care X-55. Tribune. ol663 CLARK JEWEL COKE HEATER AT once. Hyland 1445-W. ol560 WANT GOOD SECOND-HAND BABY buggy. Address Y-2, Tribune. 0I6SI 2ND -HAND RANGES. CALL HYLAND 3116-R. 0I666 WANTED GOOD CORNET; MUST BE reasonable. 'Address Y-S, Tribune. ' 01763 Wanted To Borrow $3100 ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. Will pay good Interest. Was. 1S77. 01776 Wanted Boad and Room BOARD AND ROOMS FOR STUDENTS and places where students may work for board. State particulars to University of Utah. Salt Lake City. n3400 Wanted Furniture PAY HIGHEST PRICE FOR SCRAP Iron, bottles, brass, sacks, second-hand furniture, clothes, rubber and rags. H. Guss. Hyland 505-N-M. k3467 BEST PRICES PAID FOR USED furniture. Michigan Furn. Co., 430 State, below 4th South. nl827 BEST PRICES PAID FOR USED FUR-nlture. FUR-nlture. Michigan Furn. Co., 430 State, below 4th Sou tit. ol725 Wanted MisceDaneous CATTLE 1 SELL AND BUY ON COM-mission. COM-mission. Three registered Jersey bulls STRICTLY SOBER, RELIABLE YOUNG man wishes position as man about place, private or country place, doing light chores; wash dishes, .. milk; $15 per month. Address Y-59, Tribune. 01919 EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER-bookkeeper STENOGRAPHER-bookkeeper wishes permanent position with good company. Address Y-17, Tribune. Trib-une. ol891 PROFICIENT SALESMAN IN .SEVERAL lines, indoor or outdoor experience; permanency rather than high wage. Address Ad-dress Y-1S, Tribune. ol890 WANTED BY COLORED MAN, SIT-uation SIT-uation as porter or in private family; fouiji years In last place; reference; will go anv place. Sherman C.-Kitt, 314 So. 2nd East st., or Wasatch 6150. olS89 EXPERIENCED JANITOR WANTS position, all or part of time; excellent references. Address Y-12, Tribune. 01786 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WANTS position; operate typewriter. P. O. Box 363, Salt I.ake City. ol7S5 GOOD ALL-AROUND BAKER WANTS job. Address Y-14, Tribune. 017S4 COMPETENT, RELIABLE ST AT ION -ary engineer desires suitable position; considerable experience; good references; age 25. Address Y-26, Tribune. o2003 CALL THE REMINGTON TYPEWRITER TYPEWRIT-ER COMPANY'S FREE EMPLOYMENT EMPLOY-MENT DEPARTMENT for permanent or temporary stenographers or typists. All stenographers and typists are tested before be-fore receiving our recommendation. W7a-satch W7a-satch 77. ol8S5 Wanted Situation (Female) LACE CURTAINS AND ALL KINDS OF laundry work; prices reasonable. Hy. 1782-J. f4101 WANTED WORK. BY EXPERIENCED , chambermaid. No. 9 East court. Hyland Hy-land 1090-M. O1054 WOMAN WANTS WASHING, IRONING, cleaning by the da v. Call H viand 1447-N-M. ol254 GRADUATE NURSE WISHES POSITION In doctor's or dentist's office. Address X-27, Tribune. 01249 ITOUNG LADY WITH EXPERIENCE desires position as stenographer and office girl; wages, $10 per week. Call Hyland" 365-W. n38S7 LADY DESIRES POSITION OF TRUST; references. Address X-47, Tribune. ol4SS MIDDLE-AGED LADY WISHES POSI-tion POSI-tion as housekeeper for gentleman. Hyland Hy-land 1536-NW, 734 So. 6th East. ol459 A WOMAN OF REFINEMENT AND A good reader of English would like a position reading to a wealthy woman or invalid; wages reasonable. Address X-36. Tribune. 0I6OI EXPERIENCED COOK AND GOOD housekeeper wants srood nosttion. WANTED FIVE TOP-NOTCH SALES-men SALES-men who want to make a permanent connection with an old-established, highly-rated firm, placing a high-grade proposition propo-sition with retail merchants in towns and smaller cities. Proposition has been ex-' ex-' tenSively advertised for years in the best line of trade papers. Aggressive, producing produc-ing salesmen can make a connection worth from five to eight thousand an-, nually. Must furnish unquestioned refer- ' ences as to character, ability and temperate tem-perate habits, also small bond. Address X. 1729 Republic Bldg., Chicago, 111. ol632 SALESMEN WANTED EXPERIENCE unnecessary; easy work, big pay; write for large list of openings offering opportunities oppor-tunities to earn from $100 to $500 a month while you learn. Address nearest office. Dept. 350 National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago, New York, San Francisco. 01622 SALESMEN POCKET SIDE LINE; new, live proposition; all merchants In towns of 100,000 and under want it; pays $5.00 commission on each sale; no collecting, col-lecting, no risk to merchant; we take back unsold goods; easiest, biggest-paying side line ever offered. Canfleld Mfg. Co.. 208 Slgel St., Chicago. 01617 SALESMEN WHOLE TIME OR SIDE line; 10 minutes time pays you $10; pocket samples; prompt commissions; state territory covered. Elwood Mfg. Co.. Inc. 1118 Michigan Ave., Chicago. ol6l2 SALESMEN WE MANUFACTURE twenty-five advertising specialties; eeven new ones ready, next four months the best of year; get in now. Newton Manufacturing Co., Newton, Iowa. 0I6O6 WANT ONLY RELIABLE ROAD SALES-man, SALES-man, with good references; one sale a week makes $60. Strictly commission. International Sales Co., 343 Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. ollS7 TWO WIDEAWAKE SALESMEN FOR best stock proposition. Only live wires need apply. 11 So. Main. Ask for Mr. Thomasson. 01352 AN EXPERT SALESMAN DESIRES staple line to handle in Utah and southern Idaho. Salt Lake or Ogden -as headquartera Highest references as to every' qualification. Address salesman. Tribune branch office, Ogden. ol434 WANTED TRAVELING SALESMEN for side line ; sell dealers only from catalogue; complete line aluminum utensils; carry one sample. Quality, prices absolutely right. Send three references and territory.- covered first letter. Confi-dentiaL Confi-dentiaL Factory-Illinois Pure Aluminum Co., Lemont, 111. 01631 SALES MEN HERE IS A LIVE ONE that will sell: well recommended. Call room B-22, Semloh hotel. oi922 WANTED SALESMEN AND WOMEN: easy line; good percentage. 533 Con-Stltution Con-Stltution bldg. Q1756 SALESLADIES FOR LADIES' READY-to-wear; must be experienced ; good salary, permanent pbsitfon; none but experienced ex-perienced need apply. The Mode. 013S9 COMPETENT GIRL, GOOD ' PLAIN cook and general housework. Apply 70 Virginia ave. ol4-44 EXPERIENCED MAID FOR GENERAL housework; small family; must be good cook. Was. 6071-W. 01437 EXPERIENC ED SPOTTER AND presser. 677 So. 4th East. y 01466 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work. HOUSE-work. 376 N. 1st West. ol4S3 TAILORESS AND PRESSER ON SUITS in alteration department, Hudson Bay Fur Co. cd 491 YOUNG WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework, good cook. HV. 925-W. 01499 AT ONCE RESPECTABLE -YOUNG girl or woman, not over 25, as housekeeper; house-keeper; good home; little work; most of day for self. State age. Address X-48. Tribune. 01509 FIVE BRIGHT, CAPABLE LADIES TO travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $50 per week; railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 592, Omaha. Neb. o474 NAMES ACND ADDRESSES WANTED by mall order house; big pay, no canvassing; can-vassing; information for stamp. G. C Smith, Covington, Tennessee. ol599 WRITE MOTION PICTURE PLAYS; $50 each; experience unnecessary; details sent free to beginners. Producers League, 22S Walnwright. St. Louis. 01592 WOMEN WANTED AS GOVERNMENT clerks; S70 month; Salt I.ake examinations examina-tions coming; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, dept. 735-G, Rochestpr, N. Y. . ol5S3 WOMEN TO SEW AT HOME; PLAIN sewing: goods sent to house prepaid; no canvassing; send stamped envelope for prices we pay. Universal" Co.. dept. 3. Walnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. ol633 LARGE KNITTING MILL INVITES correspondence with women desirous of earning money, full time or spare hours; experience unnecessary: good pay. Address International Mills. Inc., dept 20. Norristown, Pa, ol628 LADIES. EASY, REPINED GENTEEL work; whole or part time. $2"i-$t"5 weekly week-ly selling well-advertised "KnUtop" form-fitting form-fitting petticoats and "Carleton" made-to-measure silk petticoats and waists; experience experi-ence unnecessary; we show you how; write today. Spelman Co., manufacturers, manufac-turers, 237 S. Market, Chicago. o!627 $150 SALARY FOR 60 DAYS' WORK paid lady In each town to distribute WANTED LADY AGENT j 100 PER cent profit selling our brand new sanitary sani-tary drawers; every lady will buy: first time offered to agents; not sold in stores; send postal for particulars. The Moss Co., 32 Moss bldg., Rochester, :N. Y. ol589 LISTEN CAN YOU SELL GASOLINE at one cent per gallon? If so, sell Gaso-Tonic. Gaso-Tonic. Gives 40 per cent more gasoline mileage: eliminates carbon. Auto owners grabbing for it; $10 a day easy. Helsey made $25 first dav. Act quick, man. Details De-tails free. White Mfg. Co., Dept. 75, Cincinnati. Cin-cinnati. Ohio. 01587 AGENTS SEND FOR SAMPLE FRET-not, FRET-not, Nie washday magic. Men and women wom-en are building up a permanent business and piling up enormous prdrfts by our unique selling methods. You don't have to talk. If she doesn't buy at sight, leave sample. She will look for you long before you are able to make the rounds again. Samples furnished free. Premiums for your customers. Exclusive territory to agents who can produce. Credit given. S. L. Motter & Sons, 3213 Warren ave., Chicago. o!630 THE PROSPEROUS AGENT IS THE Davis agent. Why? Our soap and toilet combinations get the money, with 150 per cent profit: $5 to $10 daily easy. Crew managers double that. E. M. Davis. Pres.. 69 S. Davis bldg., Chicago. ol629 WANTEDMAN IN YOUR OWN TBR-rftory; TBR-rftory; salary of $100 per month, traveling trav-eling expenses and commission; experience experi-ence unnecessary- Write quick. R. D. Martel, 2909 Indiana ave.. Dept. 690, Chicago. Chi-cago. ol626 BIG TEXTILE MILLS WILL EMPLOY everywhere reliable people to take orders or-ders for dress fabrics, hosiery, underwear, under-wear, sweaters, waists and skirts from samples. Factory prices. Spare or ail time. No experience. Permanent. Many making over $30 weekly. Steadfast Mills, J-5, Remsen St., Cohoes, N. Y. ol625 BIGGEST HIT EVER! 11-PIECE TOI-Iet TOI-Iet article set, selling like blazes at $1, with $1 carving set free. Enormous profits. Tremendous sensation. Engle made $51 first week. Write quick. Pierce Co., 319 Pierce bldg.. Chicago. 0I6IS PORTRAIT AGENTS. WE ARE PRE-pared PRE-pared to give lightning service and ship in 48 hours. Send us your originals; a trial will convince. Frames and convex glass at lowest Chicago prices. Leach .Art Co., 312 East 12th st. Kansas Cltv. Mo. ol614 AGENTS MAKE BIG MONEY .AND become sales mgr. for our goods. Fast office seller; fine profits. Particulars and sample free. One Dip Pen Co., 729 Dallv Record. Baltimore, Md. ol6f9 AGENTS ANY MAN CAN SELL PAT-ented PAT-ented door springs; big profits; sample 10c. Pfriender-Philllps Co., 496 Lorimer St.. Brooklyn. X. Y. ol650 HORSLEY APTS. 600 W. N. TOW St.; Main 647: one C-room apt. M 3-room apt., $20: one 3-room apt. Bleach Bl-each apt. has private bath, steo a and nicely furnished. JJ STRICTLY MOD. 3-RM. FURN. A? A t he na. 58 No. 2nd West. FURNISHED APARTMENT I housekeeping in modern home: gas. light, phone furnished. m Jrc MTNEPT'vAPirBA bcalp treat menu manicuring. 0 Slate, room 20. , , MASSAGE AND MANICURED W Main, room 7. J sTx FRANCISCO-MISS FERGUS electric cabinet baths, mass. Geary st., offices 30-308. hotel, 56 V. 3rd So. NEWI.T OPENED MASSAOB Wj vibratory massage; 'P '" SIS So. Main, apts. i and . MASSAGE PARLORS i OPENED tical. experienced. o-S .no. --Was --Was S066-J. Take Warm SprWH XRAN-C1S MASSAGE Wayne hotel, suite 6i. S front. Was. MARIE NELSON .MfSAGE j movements: e'eotrk , baths. So. Main sr; CHIROPaCTORS , ' childreitThom- MKS. k0BKRTS-S HOME FOMfl , hiMren. $10 per montnJj "veterinarian IH M UU'K. I.". VOk'j'jft experience V S. ar- 5" ! pie w..s r-rrr-- Ii usses: hi e.m. , J W. Temple nt" tiroaJ? -sg- SEC ON D - H A N P rro irST i'VSII l'R',',fj rW 1: v .ti.l So. Was. ''. NEW PALACE APTS. , 145 SO. 3RD East. 4-room front apt., disappearing beds, porch. Apply janitor, apt. 24. O1430 5-ROOM APT., 20S 13TH EAST. PHONE Hyland 2753. ol4S5 4- ROOM MOD. APT.. WITH LARGE sleeping porch. The York, 7th Eat and Broadway. f3480 8-RM. UNFURN. APT.. THE OXFORD. 119 W. No. Temple. ellOS 5- ROOM APT.. CANNING, oTIi feast and 2nd South 5 40.00 6- room apt.. Canning. Sth East and 2nd South .' 50.00 4- rqom apt.. Stewart, C and First ale 32.60 5 -.room apt.. Stewart. C and First ave 40.00 3- room apt.. Crllchlow. E and First ave. 9f. ... 27.50 5-room apt.. Crltchlow, E and First ave 45.00 4- rooni apt., Gleason, 168 E. 6th South 32.60 SALT LAKE SECURITY TRUST CO. 32 Main Street. Wasatch 1S6S. V 01576 5- ROOM MODERN APT., DISAPPEAR-ing DISAPPEAR-ing bed, gas range. 54 W. 6th So. oloeS l-ROOM MODERN APT., SO. WEST Temple, will make special rale for o ur 6 months. Apply 30S Utah Savings & Trust Bldg. Phone Was. 5675. olS7 MODERN VllRKE-ROOM AND TWO porches, heal; closo In; J25 per month. 61S So. W. Temple. olSS4 WARHURTON APTS. FOUR ROOMS, strictly modern; 64S So. 7th East; $23. 01S56 lil'NOALOW APTS.. NO. is 8Rl 17ASr 5 rooms, front and tvick sleeping porches. Wns. 6922. O2001 4-ROOM MODERN FLAT, $20; SECOND lloor; all new. gas. etc. 517 East sth South. O1075 SUMMERHAYS ATTS.; NICE LIGHT rooms, sleeping porch, disappearing bed. 21 W. No. Temple. ol976 ..-ROOM MODERN BRICK; FiTrnace steel range, gas conneele.l. 470 South' 1st West. Wasatch 25S7-R.. 01764 t NEW APTS.. 4 ROOMS EACH; HOT-water HOT-water heal, sleephig porches, laundtw electric ranges; hull.llng just completed; will build garage; 1S7B IjUe sti-eet; $25 per month. HettUyon Home Builders Co M0 Main. olS0fi For Kent 1isci-llanpous S'l-OKl: lidiiM AND GARAGE fl.GSK ..J"' ''"iMlre Up,. Bros., Floral avenue. City. Phone Was. 1323. olfill for service; fetch cows A. T. Saunders, rear 1415 S. Main. Hyland 2690. nl690 WANTED GENTS' OLD CLOTHES. snoes and suitcases; will pay the highest high-est prices. Was. 7004. kl66S FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS WANTED. Will pay you first-class prices. Fisher & Robbins Co.. 60 W. 2nd South. Wasatch Wa-satch 5171. e253 TO DO YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND mattress remaking. Utah Bedding & Mfg. Co. Phone 383. b203 YOUR OLD CLOTHING. WILLCaEL Salvation Army. Phone Was. 3187. r2191 WASATCH FURN. CO. PAYS MOST for second-hand furniture. 357 South State. Was. 896. y654 MOTOR, 2 HORSE, 3 PHASE. J. W. Guthrie Co., 228 East Second South. Phone Was. 859. k211 BROADWAY SECOND-HAND STORE; household goods bought, sold and exchanged. ex-changed. 62 W. Broadway. Was. 3419. g90S S. & E. FURNITURE STORE. 319 SO. Stale, rfuys. sells and exchanges all kinds of furniture. Phono 3023. n3177 WILL MAKE GOOD HOME FOR CHIL-dren; CHIL-dren; reasonable terms. Phone Hvland 632-J. OH36 . I EXPERIENCED COACH WISHES TRI-vate TRI-vate pupils from the grades. Phone Was. 61, room 11. between 7 and S p. m. 01657 SECOND-HAND MOTORS; REPAIRS and armature winding a specialty. See E. O. Lagran, Photoplay Theater, state street. 01944 CATTLE I SELL AND BIFY ON COM-misjfion. COM-misjfion. Three registered Jersey bulls for service; fetch cows. A. T. Saunders. rear 1415 S. Main. Hyland 2690. ol723 FOUNDRY AND STOVE REPAIRS CALL WESTERN FOUNDRY FOR ALL kinds, water jackets, .love repairs. Wasatch 4474. kl02 WALL 1'APER CLEANING UTAH PA HER Cr.EANf.NC CO. BEST work, best prices. Hyland ITSS-'W. Ex. 400. 319 SPECIAL LOW PRICES ; WORK GUAR-nntffMl. GUAR-nntffMl. Offii'p, I'mviiU'b pjnpef hHitp. Wag. 8164. dl79 FURNITURE REPAIRING w! WILLIAMS Sk SON. 166 N STREET. Wasatch ?56. Upholatarins;, chairs rr- '-iinptl n242 free circulars and take orders for White Rlhhon Concentrated Flavoring. J. S. Zeigler Co.. Chicago. O1604 GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. 226 EAST Broad wav. apt. 7. ol664 GIRLS TO ADDRESS CIRCULAR LET-ters. LET-ters. Apply Nord Clothing company, 01547 WANTED GTRLS W'HO HAVE HAD experience In fur finishing. M. Laskin. American Theater bldg. ql675 A HOME FOR A GIRL OF 12, WITH couple who will rear her as their own. Address X-57, Tribune. o!578 EXPERIENCED HAND FOR ALTER A -tions on gowns and suits. Stephenson-Cox Stephenson-Cox Co.. 274 So. Main. O1702 EXPERIENCED MAKER FOR LADTER" hats. Stephenson-Cox Co., 274 South Main st. oI701 YOUNG LADY WITH $1000 TO JOIN gentleman in hlEh-Vrade business; will make ?10.0nn per year: references exchanged. ex-changed. Address T-28, Tribune. ol?39 GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT HOT'SE-work. HOT'SE-work. Hy. Z069-M. 1778 So. 9th East. S3 per week. olS64 PERMANENT POSITION. BIG Future, Fu-ture, for energetic lady who wishes to make Investment In established paylne business. 40 East Broadway. nin31 FOUR BRIGHT WOMEN OF ORDI-narlly ORDI-narlly good education and appearance : permanent positions: good pay; quick advancement. ad-vancement. Experience unnecessary, but prefer those with some, experience as saleswoman, demonstrator or organizer, and capable of earning at least $20 per wfipk. Unemployed only, and preferably aged 20 to 25. Don't phone. Apply In person Monday morning. Sept. 13. in tn 1 2 onlv, to W. IT. Lyon, ladles' parlor. New Grand hotel. o!933 LADY TO STRIP TOBACCO AND learn to mak stogie, cigars. 2K4 West North Temple. 01774 GOOD GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK ; must have references. Apt. 7. Godbe apts. olfi79 COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework ; small family. 581 1st ave. ol991 Wanted Nurses WOMEN TO QUALIFY AS NURSES IN De Shlpp's school. Can reduce ex pense With work. 713 Second ave. Phono Was, 2532-M. n3S41 Plume Artist OLD FEATHERS MADE INTO POAS. pompons, new fall styles; dyed, cleaned, curled. Verv reasonable. 1 67 South 2nd East. n3426 Phone Hyland 1319-W. 0I606 LAUNDRY WASHED INDIVIDUALLY. dried in open air; lace curtains. 25c a pair. Wasatch 3050-M. ol654 WOMAN WISHES WORK BY THE day. References. Was. 1117-R. 01745 WAS-HINO AND IRONING; WILL GO out by the day or bring it home. Wa. 60S6-J. ol967 WOMAN WANTS ANY KIND OF WORK by the day. Hyland, 3069-W. ol719 YOU NG WOMAN. EMPLOYED, Dli-slres Dli-slres opportunity to act as companion to refineJ lady in exchange room-board. Piease give telephone. Address Y-9, Tribune. ol77l WIDOW WITH 6-YEAR-OLD SON wants work. Phone Hy. 2133-O-N. ol765 COLORED 'WOMAN WANTS WORK RY the day. Hyland 476. , olS94 WOM A N W I T H GIRL 7 YEARS OLD wants cooltlns or housekeeping. Call 36 1 So. W. Temple. ol89S swe nisi 1 g nZ wants housed work. 43i" So. 2nd W. olS92 DilESSMAKING INFANT'S OL'TKIT. COMPLETeTm"-children's COMPLETeTm"-children's dres.H, Jl. AH kinds of hand work. Mis. Howe. 115 So. 1th Iiat Was. 1015-M. o": 26 EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WILL go out by the day; references. VVa 700T-N-J. " DRESSMAKING AND ALTEHATIONS-will ALTEHATIONS-will o oil by the day; all work guaranteed. guar-anteed. "Was. 3671-W. nj.48 DRESSMAKING RY THE DAY. 20S Hyland apt. Hyland 363-W. n2786 OOD DBESSMAlvlOR WANTS WORK reaaonahlo prices. Hy. 306lt-W. n!237 MADAME ROC11ARD SPECIALIZES ON remodeling furs, Kowns. mtlllnerv. 4S Exchange place. Was. 2863. 0IIR8 DEE8SMAK1NQ BY THE DAY (JR AT home. Mrs. Rydbertf, 470 E. 2nd South Hyland 7.".0-Y. 1)2753 LADIES' tSOWNS AND DRESSES OR Infants' clothes made. Ilv. 128-R Sth E. and 10th So. olS26 MAKE YOl'R OWN St'ITS AND ftowns or remodel your old ones under the direction of a competent dress-naker Phone Hyland 3038-W for appointment OJJM MEDICAL DR. ORIfeTCTH. BPCIAST FOR men. .1691 Main st. e26 SONAL LADIES $1000 REWARD. I POSITrVE-ly POSITrVE-ly guarantee my great, successful "Monthly" remedy; safely relieves some of the longest, most obstinate abnormal cases in three to five days; no harrrt, pain or interference with work; mail $1.50; double strength, $2; book free. Dr. B. P. Southlngton. Kansas City. Mo. ol5 DIVORCES LAWYER OF 5 YEAR? experience; reliable. Advice free. 321 Brooks Arcade. 268 State sL 2713 CARPET CLEANING FOR GOOD WORK, QUICK SERVICE. we beat, vacuum and scour. Prices reasonable. Sutton Sanitary Rug & Carpet Car-pet Cleaning Works. Phone Hyland 2300 o242 CLEANING, RESTORING COLORS ; hand work; removeB all grease or Btalne; reasonable. Frank Martin, 27 So. W. Temple. Was. 7276. French cleaning compound; mall anywhere; 76c a cake. 01569 Vacuum Cleaners WE DELrV'KR POWERFUL CLHAN-ers, CLHAN-ers, $1.25 per day. Eardley Bros, do It Was. 6700. h307 EUREKA FOR SALE, OR RENT AT $1.25 per day. Stewart-Gleeaon Co. Wasatch 280. n2484 ELECTRIC VAC. CLEANERS; RENT $1.25 day. We clean rugs, 75c. Dodge Bros. Was. 7036. oil 86 FLUFF RUGS FLUFF RUGS AND COLONIAL RUGS woven. J. G. Winfield, 760 Pacific ave. Wasatch 3470-J. n3650 PAPERHANGING, -PAINTING BEST WORK AT LOWEST PRICES. Painting, paper hanging, kalsomining and paper cleaning. Was. 4697-J. 155 BY Z. C. M. L EXPERT WORK DONE at your home. Phone Hyland 2030-J. eU37 OXY-ACEpjirWELDrNG PURCHASE TOl'R ECONOMY OXY acetylene welding machines from F. C. Stannard Co., sole agents, 314 Dooly bldg. DUN PLUMBING AND HEATING PLUMBING AND HEATING; PRICES reasonable. J. I.. Rasmussen, 61 Went rtth Soillh. Wae. 3933. n35fl LOSTADJ LOST LADY'S WATCH, BET. 9TH So., W. Temple, and Boyd Park's; Initials E. M. R. on case, also engraving Inside. $5 reward. Return to E. Rasmus-Ben, Rasmus-Ben, care Park's, 166 So. Main. q!345 LOST PINK CAMEO RING, ON 2ND So., bet. 1st W. and W. Temple. Return Re-turn to 127 So. 1st West. Reward, c-1329 LOST ROLL OF BEDDING BETWEEN 9th ave. and J st. and Canyon hotel, Sunday. Reward if returned to superintendent. superin-tendent. Kelth-O'Brien'B. ol362 RIMLESS GLASSES. WITH SMALL chain attached. Return to A. G. Mc-' Mc-' Intyre, 516 So. State st. $5 reward. O1360 LOST ON OR BEFORE SEPT. 1, POS-eibly POS-eibly between Fifth East hotel and Mc-Cornick's Mc-Cornick's bank, one i-carat diamond. Finder can secure $10 reward by return to F. C. Barnes, care McCornick & Co. OH47 LOST ONE BAY MARE, WEIGHT 1250. S vears old. wire cut on front foot. Phone Was. 3036. 129 W. So. Temple. Reward. ol468 LOST PALR FIELD GLASSES', LEFT on Mount Olivet car Monday, Sept. 6th. Return to Tribune. Reward. ol448 LOST BROOCH, SET WITH RUBY and pearls, between Peery hotel and Felt bldg. Return to Peery' hotel. Reward. Re-ward. 01556 LADY'S GOLD WATCH. RED FACE; Initials M. E. K. on watch; Rockford movement. Return 216 So. Sth East. Reward. Re-ward. ol778 GROCERY SPECIALS CASH WANTED. Mason Jars. pts.. 46o; qts., 55c; 2 qts..0c ft lbs. apples 10c Beat hams 161c 6 lbs. peacheR 10c Economy Pints, 65c: quarts 75c Lard sale 3s. 38c; 5s, 60c; 10s $1.15 Flour, sack $1.10, $1.16. $1.20 3 lot men's shirts 20c 3 loLs boys' pants 10c 3 lhs. Utah tomatoes oc Mason Jar tops. :i dozen 25c 2 large cantaloupes 5c H lbs. Bartlett pears 10c Boneless ham. lb. 13Jc Children's shoes, worth up to $125, for 85c Men's and boys' sample huts at about one-half prie. CHICAGO STORE, 114 and 116 West 1st So. "1169 MONOGRAM AND GOLDEN GRAIN Hour. Cache valley's best. Made at Trenton. Your grocer sells It. Take no ether Vogeler Seed Co. distributers. Was. r.6J nJ43S |