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Show SPECIAL TRAINS FOR WEEK OF CONFERENCE Conference rates will go into effect from points on the Utah-Idaho Central railroad April 2. and continue through April 7, with return limit April 15. For this occasion the Utah-Idaho Central Cen-tral railroad will operate special trains on April 5 and 6, leaving- Preston. Idaho, at-5:10 a. m., arriving at Oprden S:50 a. m. and at Salt Lake at 9;;"ri a. m. Aiso a special train on the same dates will be run from Dewey, leaving that place at j 6:50 a. m. and Briham at 7:20 a. m. It j will arrive at Oijden at S:10 a. m., leav- ! ing at 8:15 a. m., and arriving at Salt Lake at 0:30 a. m. There will be operated on Sunday, April 7, a return special from Salt Lake to Cache Valley points, leaving Salt Iake , at t : SO p. ni. through to Preston, Idaho. For the Huntsville people plans have ! been mnde to have tlie first car leave . ?Tuntsville at 7:10 a. m., arriving In Og- dent to cor.ect with tlie S:15 Bamberger! train for Salt Lake. This train will op- : erate on Sunday, April 7. and the ppecial car returning from Ogden to Huntsville , will leave the Inter urban terminal at 11 p. m. |