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Show ou i'Ki;.n:nicE gone. We nee no jood rci-wn why American u 1 1 1 1 i i i s '.houl.1 not he allow e, to accept dcco.ntioi.'i at the hand., of the allied n era me ii t 't or why t.he I n i t I Stale1, liould in. I recognize the val.tr of Hie K 1 1 1 n pc a a foldii'iM fihtinc; on lh" same 1 1 1 with in, The re ii i to he 'none irjudii-e in till i m.'M'T .ei ail"e of our i A j- ', ( i f avoiding y'"' '' 11 ' 11 ' !l " ,,.,its nn'l liol.liiii! l""f t'rum the politic of tic uerl.l. I.'.t the el. I hrrs iven way tn th" new aiel j-.nt now wo an- env::'k:e.l in the t:nU "f att.-iui'tin,; tn .r-M-nt the T.niteiiK frniii i vci run-niiiK run-niiiK Kurnip nn.l hnve l.c'inm- allies of Crent I'.ritnin, Frnree, Italy anil Hel-Mi,1In. Hel-Mi,1In. In all hnriiiiu pi oi.alnlitv we fln.U never a-iin lmhl nurs.'Kes alo.M' vhen the welfare .if the whole wnrU !, threat.-n.-a. At the same time, it is evi.lent to in that in future we r-hall have to he prepare.! at all times to maintain Hint peaee. Very nnturally v.e shall have th" same allies we n"Y lave So an i nl err hn n;:e 'f ""' nie.lnls .iinl the like wiil 'I" ll:lrni frniii n olit '. al point of ievv. On the , olitrnry. lVrlir.es of frirn.Miip will he more strongly rrinentel aiel the heroie men who win .1 i-1 i net ion, in the fare of ,!ralh wiil know Hint their valor is ap-pre.'iale.l ap-pre.'iale.l an, I that their efforts have not heen made in vnin. Our motto ilioiihl he "honor to whom honor is ,!,. niol we shouhl net staii'l in the mv if th.' foreien (o,v.rnmenl s s-e lit to he-tow some ma.'k of ,lisl nirt lea upon snrh of imr sohlirrs as are I honeht wort hy of surh honor. |