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Show GERMAN TAKES OWN LIFE AT HIAWATHA Special to The Tribune. PRICE, Mfirch 31. "Penr old mother, moth-er, and God, forgive inn. Tliclma has broken my heart and I cannot live without her. I am a German, but sixteen six-teen years in tins country. I am a. loval German, but don't euro for the old country. I was reared by respectable respec-table imrc'nts, and I cannot si and insults in-sults any longer. Notify parents." This note, covered with blood, found under the Imail of William Pelso at Hiawatha Friday ni(.'ht, is the only clow, to tho reason for his suieido with a revolver, after lie had left tho table where, he and "Mike Lick were entertaining enter-taining two girls. The names of the parents and the address in Germany were so blood-.; stained as to be illegible, i'else and. his companions arrived from Pueblo yesterday morning ami went to ilia-; watha, where Pelse was going to work, in the mine. lie left the Colorado Fuel-& Fuel-& Iron company at 1'ictou March 2t. A letter dMed March 23, written in; Pueblo by Tlielma Smith and found among his effects, was friendly. I'else.' registered as an enemy alien at Trinidad, Trini-dad, Colo., on March Li, giving his ago as M. lie also carried a card in the butchers' union of Denver. |