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Show PAY llfflSE GIVEN TOMFFICElp Married Men to Also Commutation of Expense, for Quarters. SMILEAGE IS UNUSED Delay in Liberty Theater Construction Raises Que4. tion of Redemption. By FL0YI A. TIMMEMAN Staff Correspondent CAMP KEARXY, Ca!., April .-r. cers of the Utah regiment are Their joy is due to an Increase inV pay checks which will affect every missioned officer from a fier-ond lifc-t- I ant up. They have been notified ;0 t- I application this ir.onth for their co-V I tfition of quarters, which will cover ' ?V y of the expense of providina' for ,J families. Ect the corr.muta;irn to affect married ir.en and those ('-' must accept the amount of th:r -- ent check. The now.- commutation wi!l mean --. to the officer?. A second liemenarr -' receive an additional 512 a monta iV q;:ar:ers ocrjpied by h's wife or H-'-'i and in addition expenses covenr.g ; ':' pas and fuel will be allowed. iy i-he'jic-r.ant-a viil receive ?-'4, ph 'i'': expt-nse: cap:ain. SC6; majors, -i terant-colonels. J-jO; co'.orieis, $72 ; 'br.'! d;er-er,eras, and ma;or--AV S10S. In ever; case the fuel eipei 7 be allowed. At trie present coi of rr.2:nta -families, junior ozficers in the arr.v";-! found it extremely difficult to gt"av" Imperially is this true at this time, ti.e off: cers a;-e purchasins theire- '. mer.t for oversea? d'ity. The or--.", lation. i-or.seouentiy, come? s a While the officer?; have not ye: teen yy. lively r.ovfied that the a:lowir.:e wl jrrand tills month, so sure are the z.: . er ofrhvers that the expenses be :. lowed t::at they have notified izr.-? C. iow to make application for u.e LrirW: Smileage Question Unsettled Nearly S5C-00 -svorth of S;l-eai to:-: sr.t to the Utah bc-ys by pair.oU-zens pair.oU-zens of Utah are being- -worn c:: :. rockets of the soldiers, r-er.di-e cc;;.. th'T. of the controversy between ti.e ;i 1 officials and the mihtary enter-s.r.zr:-counLil at Washing-ton. as to h:w t;; when the srr.iiease coup-ns may ;e :k and whether it is proper ar.d 'fv-tl.ey 'fv-tl.ey be redeemed at i-J cents m lar, j Kor a while, recently. cor.c-e?5i.:-.rj.-t ! a: the canlon.mtnt were arce;-: . cr. s from the boys and .zz -z . face vaiue,, for the ccupor.s l- sr.r--u.ric 2a i e r y , a - c other ; ' 3 : e ? amusement in the civic cer.ter. an: A. B. William?, division escharS. ficer at Camp Kearny, has ir:r-c;-V- the con-reionr.aires with: a the ca-p not ' to accept the smileage -UT-c-r.? frc t::e o'.d:c-rs till the situation is ceared up. . Litu'er.ant Williams reraris the d-- ; co-intlr. of the book? as c-:est-.c-ah. H.irol.i Fradcocl;, d:ec tor of v. ! tary t?n:er:a:amer.t council ir. -h: ton. has teleirrapr,ed s-"me of cessinr.nairs ct Camp Keamy t'ri: "- wiil p r e a t ! y i n : ra s e their b 5 : r ? - a - epv.iig the smileage coupc-z. 1 iOllovrs: "tmileaffe .-oi:;or.5 are sect to ilu f i irt ; a ka --s of J " j or rr.-li- -I thereof. Checks for f" r-er z: i muled with as little deh-.y as - Kir.dly confirm the areejiance cf lus i: 1 ranceir.enu" Wants to Be Fair. I ; ?-me of the ccncslonr-zire? i" r-' I ; wi'hr.- to accept the cou7-c:s : - P. ' value "arid turn them in at the 1; J ; c ' r. t c . s 00 v. v, t . O t h e rs. owjvf r. ;h." ! h e v i- a r. r. o : n : a ; r. tain t r. e 1 r b u 5 t ; ; as t-.o:r rnMhrs are less than tic u; rou r.r. In ordr that ah may e r-fair r-fair t -u:r r.t in t us resv-e L-:' , art Wilharrs has asked th.it :ve a -: a:', e of t e i.v.;u-:s b c.?ocr.tir';c -t: tv.e matter is stral.tei-.tfd c :t ' The f.vt that e Lhe-ty t".ei".f : ; C '.-ur- Kt.vrr.y is ov.'.y :n its :."s: s' : of v',i'is-r;;U;oi make$ ?:r.ihut" ' j va"uolos at rreso:;; for t'e pur;cs : nire oricir.a'lv inter. it i tluit cf "" - , ; e 00:1 roiis w;l" he a x"o"-eh 1 c" thf men feel tuat they i'j r.x ' i t.--" to sreno them. I When Ir.torvicwod ooav. K.'.r-r - ror. d -tv-tr of the sn-iac? fp.;cn in sou; ier-i Ca it.Tiua. s.r..i : v : ' cuitrovturv "''v.'vi soon be ovr Art cou riv:s of value to the so'in?rs. ' There has heen some dc'ay " : ! ire f - T ihe-tv the-at.-r ;i: C.irr? Wr Mr. M uor s ui. "and some eliss' - ti.vi by :he s --hi-ers th-it tev : 0- .:vr;uu;!v to use th r jt'oaw V' bu: t' e V r, tr wlh he hih'h. a , ou,o t urn f'.rst rhume.t. T e ace phn is clean ar.d ho-esi. ; ro doubt Nv.: th-:. rrosile-f -' a-m .-o.ary ; ".-,r IVher 4 ' it The rruor; :v.T?::nceT:.vr.ai-.c , cleaned n; shortly. I a:n -"; so to Washmuton now to ;' "A, 1- ,m:vi1 up. The smTea-e v ll V p. ; in e-u. i at i:s f;u-e .i'.v.c. Of t '-h ut I isit Los Arjrclcs. j T.-.ki'! ,lr,r1.,i. of t'o ' , a'.l.ox TS 1V.1IIV of l'.:.-:r. tv 0 - '.. ., I t ' t1 'i I v - TV, i ' o roT-o on ic.-.vp . ! of r-,.i. nrl.' i-ri-.i.-i ar la oJ ;'-' - -.o.l.iv. Pwir.s- ;!-.o ,-tif- T- '.'.. i-c !'io S"v''Uv- - I ii';;,,ii so I'--.; '.'-,-v n-.,:'-l '--; !. .'. ,r,,; or ,v o-o.-.h r.-'"' :". - I ' :. t:io s!'-,-:s urc r. l.1 -';" ... 1 ,-.,:,., K.-i-rv ,-' ::rv of ' ' ! n-o -s.i-c for ''. f'.-f v .' K. :'v of :' -o i --t-K - .... , in Si'! l .Vo .--s in I-,-' --'.U i.n.l . i !:. ' '-: S'-f'."- ,. , an.l (Vivral r'-:o llir.-x-U, -. I lv osns :v,l ..-1,'rii :':tr wf . ... I- K:ior. Pi- nov. (V I "' U i-l lo !.iiiini-ii,--it I-' . in ti: ."' on t '-o -ivk i .'V - o. , S',--ii.'f .1.,'in S .v-',- o. I w. iv a!,,, m 'i ai- i n-,-1 r |