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Show COMPROMISE REACHED. The seriate an, I house conferees have reached a compromise on the war finance corporation measure and it dimild be jar.-ed early in the present v.eek. The capital tck ha- been fixe, I at ir,iiii,i''iii,fmi) ;,n, Secretary McAdo" will be authorize, to b.me .!',, it, Ml, nti!) nil t in bonds. The full amount of authority ns'.ed by the secretary of the treasury will not he grnnte, ,v Hie me.'Mure, but we suppose Mr. Mc.Vdoo will be nble to accompli di a corisideralde amount of L'ood with the tools at his command. The war finance corporal iori is a war riecenity, for the country will suffer untold injury if nee,r, improvements annot he made mid no new- construe ;ion is possible. Mnch of the nvnil.-ilil" money of the country is bejng invested in Liberty bonds, thrift .stamps or being be-ing gii n to th" (e, Cross arid other '-Mir service orga ni:i t ions. Cash is not to be had iii considerable ainoiiiils and the rate of interest is rising. There are more bond issues to coriie and more -ubsc ,-j pt ion s for war purposes to be made. So it became apparent some time iil'o that the government would be cnmpellcl to step into the breach and finance such of the corpora I ions lis neeil lej;i t i inn t e help and congress was risked to leeislale for that purpose. Wo do not Know that th" com prom i -e bill is iiny better than the nrigiiuil dm ft. present.' I by Secretary Mc,oo, but it ,ill .loiibtles-t sere the pcipose for w hich it is inten Id |