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Show DEATH TO THE SPIES. While thf1 I nit!1.! Stau vrit ty-i'-e hn.s hepn fairly surrr-.-.t nl in "j'in with the vn-i organization of Herman ?pies in this country if is evident that in on;e of the pljus whf-ro spy work "ag rroat to be f xpete i the rvn-e hm failed to rm-niro up to it ta-k. It is not po-ild'' to fix th" blame at thin time. In'iff'd, the Anu-ri'-an people nr willing to defer the trial and judgment of f'overnii!fr. tal i rp-orn jrffr-n t if the adrni n i - t ra t ion, aide! hy ron re-"j, v.d I! l.f ji n a rit-t enn i ned of feni ve ani nt fjspionaje. It is in th" nature of a di. -fer that the spies should have !,en perrnilted to teake sn h head ,, ay in our aviation plants. Certainly the povprn ni'-n t should have anticipated exten-ivi ef-! ef-! forts to eripple our i'antie plans to ; hi vp cont rol of the i i r to the nl 1 ies I Senator (H erman s r'Vf;i t iom mint he tak'-a as proof that in th1 aviation field, at fu t , the spie-i wee out l''T eralin the yei-ret service. I 'ndou bf'dly courer-H will pam a law pro id i n y the ie;t Mi pen.i It v f or nia n v forms of e-ipionae and the cnmitry will five i t -s in-taut approval f the .statute. Onlv lv this meitris -hall we he ahle tn ri d on rs'd -e- of the i ncn Ijm wli i" h i h'ddiiw hack oar war pn-pa ra i ion T'.nt the law iN'if will not tamp out the spv evil. There ijunt he p new horoi: I'll nes introduced into our ferret ser view met hod 4, J ' rha p t h " -ri J--t'mri of fono"r f'hief 1'lynn that afl the govern mental de;a rt men t a (,n, to one kind or a no' her of Mer-nd e r vice he (O -ii hi ned tinder a ea hi net of firer is thf! bet ho I n t ion. In any even t , t h'1 re Oiould he Mti r- h an e x pa n si on of the service ;h will nal. e it capable of dealing deal-ing v.iMi manv thousand of .ir. |