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Show WisScclldiw SI riMHiotis AtMrlics Stvc to Uo- rt uoni't n 'tin iiiv )c 'ii.i .1 tint ,,.l,l,.t 011 l.-t Mr nlii'i. 1. l im i ulth inn. I. . inii'-.i jiii'i ."..innv. ri..iii .i r.sio.i (,r trt tii li dm v. w h( a!1 '.i to turn In ;ml hi.-fp until t n.-y cou'.ii Fi'-p " luruer. lint 11 1; a i-o:i ftmi.d ih.it fi't-.u- of tins t ; of w.uf.tro 1-liu 1-liu utal limn ;-;; al. ;unl t ! M si r.ivl tier'. -s mil. if 1 1'.- : ni i'or im i-.s.-'.hlt u lu'n tt.f nuMi went t (Mice lioni lh lr,'m'!n-5 to u i'M (.imp for .sovorai o i A r.'iiiitrkithly xu;-v!tu n .-'Jio.l of t-'t-tin- the h.n k mui .-'',! tion ;u.iui h;t vvn hy I.l-u-n.uit H.-hort i uf the I'r'-ni ii anr.v. Wiiho'it I'.iii'nc to tft. th'v .iro inaa ' ii tioni th'1 t rt'Mi'!',i s ir. I o t :u' o-v:i o.int : h;i,-k "t tin- Inn. 'i'n i t t'r;.'- :r p ; 1 1 thro'ih a i-.unsf of .'r.T .:s ph s'.i .i! pi'r'.'iK. .ir;p' I to i1'' Witt..;. tl,- w.vn s.'t out f'i a ito.'S-i.'0 ;tif. " run. owr Jfivcs an i ,!it '!,, s. 'i.p lu,l ;i ti.i il'Ui n, :n.d a lor w I Tltl l tot oM p:; I'us. Tiu-v lump, i .' mo tt. . .-r.-ittl .vukes thr :u) -.: rassv p;;o-(.'V, th uliiii' yiiotitK'.c ami sliiv;- tni: a I tlir topi of titotr oift s. it is sa'.l t'al the peasant to amazoM anl .-tn Ml. n t tlw I'.fM Mal i-i liaii-n.ikfi w.inl-tis. ,'oniinn at tv.'p sy v fro'n a I'll oi" vo(m1,,iih1 v;a.-h p oA of v:oU'Tit (-Mi-is'1 Iu!!t,-i hy oi;v oi oih't. t'jsv into 1'it;. uils. At tho rriil. in ;i tine nrnl wlih niln.i ni orti'-l. .-ouiul. rnrcslun l-h-rp i r.,s. W'hll) ono ohioot of the new Hvsieni Is to Uir, h.i lv to top hum nion o:to from tr.-n. h life, tl-t.;.'! that tliov a i M'i'i lot's Is Hlwav? th V lu st oonshif i -1 1 1 inn. .'i ml ia r!i of t ln i'ViMvIm's pi-o-y '--, is. .Mvcfiilly planii.-.l ti in.'rfao thi'ir .ihliiii: ahiil:. A in. in who, throni;h fia-t.. in iTjw'iiiu:, lis a.-pilrr.l :t:;ht whih' lln-4 piov(t;it' li.i-- J hrttor t'ii.un't' .f hit' iti ;i i 'ii h'H oiu'onnti'r at nW;h; In Nti Mm'r I .a ml. untl runntiu', juinp-Inc juinp-Inc mil I'll'iUMta; ni;);o hint ;i nioio iii 1 1 t;''i"tn )f o; ooi ii' n I in a h;i i iu't it n il . Tl now nu-tho.i hns nilh-'iv (lispLu-nl t In- oh I svs! nit oi t nt in j n n'.'i nils hist oallo.l tn lh. . oioi 4. Tho Kp-n.-li uol,l.-r Is iii'W t:nni!u ti' 1 1 o' i1 m -M i ' s that wi'l I i' of it.-t na 1 va hio in h;i : 1 1 inrhiil im: tlioionnh i nst niot Pni in thiownn; hml i- rofulcM mill tint uno of tht laont. 'I'll'1 op.m nil' i.'ivM' toihrns t!n ntus-oU's. ntus-oU's. hai ileus tin1 vhin mui Ills a matt to wtthMan.i o pt'-nnv to all wruilirr. Tbi- hom-ht of v.tti trumint; ai Hln'Wn wiian ti-MOi'S i'Hh''l nmh'i tin- now v stfrt m.'t iii ,.li,nn h:i(!la art cnnal nnnt-h.n nnnt-h.n .It ili.'.l In i hi' ol,l mi'ih.O Tho mn pli-.-'H ii.-. iHi.ni was that t i-.rv ha.l hi four ".h-a.r ami a iVw "woun h-.l" ai'.ainsl " ".h-.n!" for lln-ir oppo:trnt. |