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Show HOW TO SELECT MEATS. The Cost of the Choice! Oats are In Inverse In-verse Itatlo to Their Ileal Vood Tela. Sallio Joy White in the Woman's Home Companion glvea this .practical advice to Inexperienced cooks: "Tho finest roasts and steaks are found In the bind quartor, as well as tho juiciest meats for making beef tea, meat pies,; beef a la mode, or potted beef. Sirloin, of course, gives the very choicest roasts and steaks; next comes tho rump, this being cut In three parts. The back, the middle and the faco are good roasting roast-ing pieces; but tho most economical Is tho middle cut, as it Is free from bono and has not a scrap of waste on It. Good steaks aro cut from the top of the round; some people go so far as to say that the flavor ot a round steak Is superior to that of any other. The lower portion of the round Is used for braising and for beef tea. The tenderloin ten-derloin has the most tender meat, but It Is neither so Juicy nor so well flavored fla-vored as other portions that are not to tender, and it Is not nearly so nutritious nutri-tious as portions that require much cooking. Tho sirloin comes next lu tenderness nnd delicacy. These cost more than any other cuts, but thero Is leas nutritive value than Is found in tho cheaper parts. Indeed, the cost ot the meat seems to bo In lnverso ratio to Its real food value. Ot course, this Is so bocauso ot the much smaller proportion pro-portion ot the so-calltd choicer cuts. It Is one of the wise economies of nature na-ture that It should be so, The harder working class of people, those who do a crrcat deal of manual labor, and particularly par-ticularly those whose occupation takes them a great deal Into the open air, need the nourishment and sustaining quality of the heavier meats, And these are found iq the cheaper parts, particularly whero there is a great deal ot Juice In tho meat and rich marrow In tho bone. Stews and braised rseatq, or those that are steamed in their own Julcea over the Are, as pot-boiled or rousted meats, give tho most nutriment and add to the physical strength that Is needed, besides, In cold weather, supplying a great deal of warmth by furnUhlng carbon for tho body," |