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Show v HIS HAPPENED IN KAN SAO. tiallna County Fnrmnr In Almnt Strangled liy u slrnoco. Dennis Sullivan, who liven west of Brookvllle, Is In town today marketing his wheat and relates a strango experience expe-rience at his place. Mr. Sullivan has been In this country claven years and canio to America on account of very unpleasant domestic relations. The incident referred to took place Thursday Thurs-day morning about 11:30 and occurred In n patch of rye near the Sullivan pasture. pas-ture. Mr. Sullivan went there to look after a young calf; when ho cntorcd tho field ho noticed a movement In tho grass as of somo animal. But no animal ani-mal appeared, only some strango spirit of tho wind or unknown thing passod .over the Held In a narrow zigzag path, whirling nnd beating tho grain In a horrible lashing manner and coming In Mr. Sullivan's direction. Ho hur rlcdly stepped asldo nnd only folt tho edge of this Btrnngo clement as It swept by. He was almost strangled and fearfully wrenched and was powerless pow-erless to move. Ho saw tho grass beaten nnd torn, with dead leaves and grain following tho wako high In tho air after tho demoniacal sirocco. Tho calf which stood partially In tho path was struck on tho hind leg and gavo a low bellow of fear and pain. As soon as Mr. Sullivan recovered ho went to tho calf's asslstonce and found tho flesh bruised and torn, and bones broken brok-en as If some mighty club had stnoto it. Mr. Sullivan says tho grain traversoil over and tho grass also had died clear to the roots. Ho can not account for tho tcrrlblo thing that Bwopt upon him. He only remembers the curso that was hurled upon him and his household by his aged father so many years ago In tho laud beyond tho sen, and Is looking look-ing for n block-edged letter from County Coun-ty Claro from his boyhood homo tolling of his father's death. Sallna Correspondence of Topokn Stato Journal. |