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Show A Neir Wlno llcrry. "Thero Is a now tablo berry on the market this year," said a markot dealer deal-er to a rcportor, "which proves that there Is something now undor tho sun after all, at least In tho berry business. Tho nowcomor 1b called the wlno berry. In shapo and color It is not unllko tho roBpberry, though It Is n trlflo amnllor in size. Its taato and flavor Is a combination com-bination of tho raspberry and tho old-fashioned old-fashioned red currant. It is uupcrlor to either of tho berries from which It sprung, and haB an advantage over either In that It Bhlps better and lasts longer. It Is a graft from tho rasn- bcrry and Ib the result of considerable study and experiment. It grows in ov-cry ov-cry reaped like tho red raBpberrf, and la as prolific. Thoso that have been Bent to markot so far this season do not show up as woll as they should for, tho reason that therp has been but lit-' tlo rain in this section of tho country for tho past two months, when tho fruit was maklng'-T-WaBhlngton Star. |