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Show i VTHE DEMOCRAT. si:.ut-yyEi;ur,Y. issued ovcry Wednesday ana Saturday. . ' 11115 t NKWOy, JMItnrnnil I'uMWIicr. Application ban boon n.ado at tho ponlonlco nt J'ravo City, Utah, for tr inininslon through tho malls n$ ocopd claus mutter. SUIISCKirTION HATK3: I'ayubte In Advance .One your $2.00 .Six Monti; too Thrco Months K BH The Official Orxnnofittio Utah Comity I)im rmaaWlt -aT-ny. dovntod to tho Inttrwts pfl'rovpOlty utid Utah County, ' XKatkffl lIFnMTCr tub Utah Couktv Im- KsWafltf IUfll I Pll ooiiat wnntH nccntH mid WKjf Hi I 11 1 1 LL solicitor In 1'rovo mid HnKBafC every city and town In pSBmft: Utah county, Tthornl cornuilnslon allowed on nil iniHlncm, V.'c Khali hito tic pleased to re- jaBh'5w- colvo communications ai to local liappcnlngi mEL?- .pf Interest. A oon an possible our manapcr ffSKmutf wl" vl,lt tho dlfTortnt precincts of the county s.imS, with a ylew of ftccurlnir corropondpntn and UHHC Jigctits, AddjrsM all communication to Wlfflm T'9 UTAH COL'JNTY DUMOCItAT. jaW . J'rovot'lty. Utah. ' - - lo OUR TEA AND COFFER, tell tho lalo of their goodness 'lu unmistakable un-mistakable language, Thoo yvho ap-preclato ap-preclato tho luxury of a good cup of either boverairo can gratify their tasto by purphaslng otir best toa nt -lOo. and our host coffco at 10c Thoso aro from crops and aro unrivalled for strength and deljeaoy qf flavor. Your grocery bjll will ho tpn per contlpss If you trado hore. " , GEO. E. HOWE, Grocer. 28 Center St., Proyo. c; PROFESSIONAL. W. II. ldng. J. W. ifurto'C S. A. King.', RIM. UURTOS & KING, Attorncys-at-Law. I First National Bank building, Provo -City, .Utah, . . . . M. M, Warner. D. D. Houtz. yAimm & houtz, J.l ' Attorneys-at-Law. Rooms 10, 14, 15, Union block, Provo City, Utah. '. . ,- , .-:n , - V JIXU & JOHN. Attorneys-at-Law. Union block, Provo City, Utah. - ' ' J . I.. Rawlins. S. It. Tlnirman. J. II. Hunt. K. A. Wedgwood. OAWLINS. THURMAN, JIL'RD & JV WKDUWOOI), Attorneys-at-Law. ... , Hioper block, Salt Lako City; 'First Na tlonal llatik Building, I'rovo. Utajij (J RANT C. BAG LEY, Attorney-at-Law.. First National Bank building,-Provo City. Utah. j TACOB H.VANS. Attorney-at-Law. ,)lllce. Firt't'Nntlonal Bank' building,-Provo, building,-Provo, Utah. JiJI.MEIt E. COKFMAN, t Attorney-at-Law. r . ' First National Bank building, Provo City(Utah. . Pavson. JOS. E, CROOK, .., ' Attorney-at-Law. 1 -Hi ' , ' Kin -1 Persson lilookvPiiyson.'Utuh."1 ' 1 ' i " . ,'), Salt Lakev ' . ' 6. AV. Powers. D. H, Slruup. Jos, Ltpyinan. pOWKRS, STRAUP t LII'I'MAN, Attorneys-at-Law. Englo I lock, Salt Lako City, Utah. GEO. W. JONES. . Ticket Broker No. 10 West Second South, Salt I.ako City; and 'Mi 23 1 h St., Ogdon, U.ah. IWill give you Reduced Rates to all points EAST, WEST, NORTH, SOUTH. Baagauo chocked; berths secured; new tickets furnished at reduced rates. WHITE EOH HATES. SILVER Trie PKINTeK. 'it' ( j(t 'Headquarters for l strictly up-to-dato ' Soijjoty.'and Com-, Com-, incrolttl Piutlng. ' i In the Cellar, Unlon'blpck. ! ' " ! i Meaf Co. " '. ""'"'MM11 A IJ j ii tNj)SDF 'MEATS"!' Gash Paid for mat Lire Stoci-. SI gpn,er St., Provo, Uln), . .... . Z ' -1 WATCH FOR THE ; 'OPENING ....OF THE,,,. 1 UtaWMIlineiy & Dry Gyods ! ...Company... j Opp. PostofTice; S. S. Jones old stand. 'j " 1 Haycrcamp & Co., 1 Abstractors of Title Bl --ig for Utah County. :EEEJ: " I Loans, Insurance, I 'I I Real Estate. h R Olllco opp. Postofllco, Provo City, Utah. y ' U E, J, WARD & SONS, LUMBER YARD AND PLANING MILLS, j All kinds of COAL Telephono 32. Provo, Utah. We want you ' to. come and see our beautiful stock of Furniture, Car-' Car-' petSj Wall-paper, Linoleums, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Pianos, Organs, Guitars, etc.; Crockery, Glassware and Jewelry; Steel Ranges, Stoves and 9 Stove Furniture. The largest line of these goods Jfl carried by any house in the West, at prices that will ' be sure to please you, m OUR NEW CARPETS ARE BEAUTIES. PRICES WAY DOWN. Our entire stock of Wall Paper will be sold at a sac- W rifice to make room for new slock. Come any time; wL we never sleep. H TAYLOR RROS. CO. I Center o' Center St.. PJtOVO; Brandt IIouso, EUUKKA. UTAH: I H ' Remember the (F I S--. MAINE, f : 1 I m 20 West Center St. H B M ' Provo City, Until. B I fVi ' "R D' SUTTON' PrP'r- '.J . I m v3&!f Elnrst lino of Wines, Llquois and SjR H I (Mgard in Central Utah. m Courteous tie itineut for all. H ft wwifw ITp mil irr rnir rTrnawwiniiwiii n ' I Book-Binding. Fapor-Bnling. I smfiM Improved machinery. Skilled H 5S5?iJ. workmen einployed. None but .Jl p lliHt-chiss uork turned out of our H B3 ( si Corporation work especlaliy so- flaj i5-'1 Lawyers will .llnd . 'us capable of HSSy all iho high-ol i.ss,work that can H iay- be done in tho Inruo concerns' of jMm , . tho East unit SaJtJ.aUo City. The, Skolton Pub. & Stationery Co, 1 ' PROVO CITY, UTAH. -V B Smoot Lumber Co. I HEADQUARTERS FOR B j1 oors' Windows, Lath, B Mouldings, Shingles, - Lumber, etc. I - Ytro havo tho moat opnjplotc Stpok sontl; . .of Salt Lake Oity. '"'l" v ' - I OOERESPONBENOE SbHOITjiJDT ' I Box 1 28, Provo City, Utah- V |