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Show IN MEMORIAM. The death tif President Wllford Woodruff cannot but bo regarded as a severe blow to Ihe church of which ho was tho head, and a great loss to tho Stato of Utah. President Woodruff was, wo belluve, In till respects it good man, and In his walk In Ufa n great ono. lie was a man who won tho ro-spoof, ro-spoof, conlldenco nud esteem of all wih whom ho camo in contact, whethor Mormon or gentile. To tho former especially ho was a loving and belovod fnthor. Ills reputation ns an honest, falthltil and consistent church w.irker extends far boyoud thoconllnes of Utah. Ills death Is regretted by all and to his family sincere sympathy Is extended by all citizens of tho Slaty |