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Show Attention democrats. Call for Democratic County Conven-M Conven-M tion for Utali County I At. meeting of tho Democratic County Central Comtuiltae of Utah County, hold in Provo City on tho 15th day of August, 1808, it was ordered H;thata convention of delegates rcpre-gHjientlng rcpre-gHjientlng tho Democratic voters of Utah IH County bo called to conrcno at Provo Hcity on tho nh day of September, 1803, HBtit tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m for the Yj following purposes: Tho election of MMflB dolegatcs to the Democratic Stuto Convention to bo held ut Suit Lako City on September 14th, 1803; tho oloc-KtloH oloc-KtloH of a chairman, socrotary and Bf treasurer of the Democratic Central IB Committee of Utah County, and for tho nomination ot candidates tor tlio H following offices'.' jK Two members of tho Sonatu and four H nierobors ot tho House of Rcpresonta-B Rcpresonta-B lives nf tho Utah Stale. Legislature. Hb Three monibors of (ho Board of B County Commissioners. Shorlff.County Treasurer, County Assessor, County B Attorney, County Clerk, County Ro-B Ro-B corder and County Surveyor, -mid for (ho transaction of such other busluess IB as mny regularly come- before the Con-H Con-H vontlon. JB The apportionment of delegates B among tho several precincts Is on tho KfE Lasts df ouo delegate for each thirty B vntes or fraction thereof cast for Hon. mm William II. King at the Congressional jB oloctlon In 1800, as follows: B. Provo 80 B Spanish Fork 21 I'ayson 18 Bf Lako Shore 6 fl S.tutiuiul 0 ffi? Vairilold 1 B MHtinltig 4 2 B Highland 1 B American Fork 10 H Vineyard 3 K Provo Bench..... 4 M Thistle 2 Tucker 2 B Springvlllo 22 B Salem 4 H Donjumln Spring Lake a Uoshon .. ,. o Cedar Fort 2 Lehl 17 Alpine 8 Plonsant Grove 18 Lake View 2 Mnppleton 4 Cllutou l P. V. Junction 1 Total number of delegates, 203. Tuo committee reoommonds that pilnmrlcs for the election of delegates to the said County Convention bo held In the respective precincts on September Septem-ber 3d, 1808. Tho committee further rcconipien:!, with a view to expediting tho business before the County Convention, tbut at tho primaries to be held In the respective respec-tive precincts, delegates to the Democratic Demo-cratic State Convention bo nominated, subjoct to the ratification o"f the Counjv Convention, In conformity with, the following apportionment: Provoi 11, Springvlllo, 0; Spanish Fork. 5; Salem; 1; Puyson, 5; Benjamin, 1; Lake Shore, 1; Spring Lnke,l;Santaquln,8; Goshen, I; Fairfield, 1; Cedar Fort. 1; Lehl.fi; Alpine, 1; Atnorican Fork, 5; Ploaaaut Grove, 4; Vintvyard, 1; Lako View, 1; l'rovo Bench, 1; Mapleton, 1; Thistle, 1; and Tucker, 1. All voters who endorse the principals ciiuuclatcd iu tho plntforai adopted at Chicago by tho Democratic National Convention of 1800, and who will support sup-port the nominees of tho Democratic Convention aro entitled to participate In the primaries and the Convention hereby called. It was further resolved Hint an assessment as-sessment of fifty cents for each delegate be laid upon the several precincts, to bo forwarded to the Committee by the delegates for use In the payment of bills against the party incurred up to and Including the date of the County Convention. Dated August 10, 1808. A. D. Gash, Chairman. jfJuANT 0. Baqley, Acting Secretary. |