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Show ATTENTION, DEMOCRATS. Call for Democratic Primaries for Provo Precinct. Tho Dcmocratlo primaries for Provo precinct aro hereby called to muit nt tt;o following places on Monday oven-Ing,. oven-Ing,. September fi, 1898, at 8 o'clock: First ward, at Webster school homo; Second ward, at county court houso; Third ward, at Franklin chool houses Fourth ward, at Purkor school hotiho (up-stalrs); Firth ward, Parker school houso (down-stairs). Said primaries aro callod for tho following fol-lowing purposes: 1, For tho election of delegates to l ho County convention to bo held In Provo City, Soptcmber 7, 1898. 2. For tho nomination of dclcgntcs to tho State convention to bo held at Salt Lako, September 15, 1898. 8. For the olection of n chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and treasurer for each of tho municipal wnids. 4. For the transaction of such other business as may regularly como bofore tho meeting. Tho following is the apportionment of delegate to bo elected by tho respective re-spective wards to the County convention: conven-tion: First wnrd, 0; Secoud ward, 6; Third ward, 8; Fourth ward, 0; Fifth nVard, 0. Nominations of delegates to the Slate convention should be nudo in accordance with the following apportionment: appor-tionment: First ward, 2; Second ward, 2j Third ward, 8; Fourth ward, 2; Fifth ward. 0. All Democratic voters aro Invited to attend. fay onlor of tho ward chairmen. Dated August 81, 1893. |