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Show Cheap Kates via II. G. W. It'y. WST Or 6UUMKR EXCURSIONS. Travolors day at Omaha, Neb.. Sep-tcmbcr Sep-tcmbcr 3Uh. Faro for round, trip ?3. Selling dato Soptcmbcr 31st, limited to September- 20th. NntlnniilJRiipnninment Grand Army Of tho Republic ut Cincinnati, Ohio, Fitra for round trip $,t!0. Sidling ilfltra September 1st. 2nd and4rd, ' limited I.. ScpU'inbiT i7ih, but ca bo extended to ()utpl)t'-2nd. " I Annual tfutianul Encimpment Sons ' of Veterans U. 8. A. at Omaha. Fare or round trip JSJ, Sjelljnjj (Jute Sop- i ii . |