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Show AN EXPLANATION. The Enqulror related rceoutly with some gleo tliut one of our local officeholders office-holders hnd renounced tho Democratic party and announced tlmt In futtiro his tilleglanco would be given to tho, party tf ITanna. Wo are not surprised. Tho gontjemun referred to Is, a per potUal onice-scekor; ho uow holds ono olllco to which ho was clcoted as u Democrat and ono to which ho was olectcd as a "non-partisan-," ho Is also recognized an a caiidldato for a county ofllce, and knowing that ho had no hope of a nomination from tho Demo orats, lias sought a new pasture A near rolatlvo U also a Republio in and a prominent oHlce-scekerln that party and It is probably thought the two can hunt better In cnuplos. The los9 of such peoplo to tlio Democrats is a distinct dis-tinct gain fpr tho party. |