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Show I THE PMM ABIES. MpROVO DEM0CRAT8 ELECT DEL-B DEL-B EQATES. ,B Ljirge Attendance nnd Tcrfcct IK Harmony Prevailed During1 B Proceedings. Monday cvcnlnjr the various nuinlcW Bil wards hold their primaries In tho Bh'spcutivo plucus designated for tho Burposo of electing dolomites to tho Bounty convention and to the Stato Bt-nn vpntlon. the lntter bolnj subject to Btho ratifleatlou ol tho county convon-Dmlon. convon-Dmlon. There were good topiesontutlons Bfrom nil the wards and much interest taken in tliu election of delegate.. B We uWo below in brief tho proceed-Hugs proceed-Hugs In each ward, with list of dele- Wt FIRST WARD. " 1 B Chairman John D. Mllnor. B Secretary 1). J. WilUuins. j B Call for primary read. , 1 B IJULICOATES TO COUNTY CONVKNTION. B D. J. Williams. B Thomas Bucsloy. B Mrs. M. L. Pratt, ijl T. E. Tburtnan. Mrs. William Strong. Jacob Evans. Roger Fnrrcr. Bj John D. Milncr. Bn Alternates M. I.. Pratt. B Kelson TitTany. H II. F. Tliomus. Wm David John. 'Jr. f jffi David Giles. I ' j Jl B DELECIATES VO STATE CONVENTION. JB John B. Mllnor.'' V B Poger Farrcr. IB Alternated jK Jncob Evans. K O. II. liorg. R SECOND WARD. B Chulnuan Alox Wllkins. B Secretary Grant C. Barley. B Call of primary road. . BdBLEQATES T6 COUNTV CONVENTION. 1). D. Houtz. B Zlmi Smoot. IV W. S. Gibblo. B A. O. Smoot. B Alternates jR Mrs. Eolccta Bullock. HB James Gray. jH Mrs. Alex Wilkin . jjB DELEGATES TO ITATK CONVENTION. B Alex Wilkius. I). Houtz. MRi.l to mates Geoi o Craig. IB S. A. Klntf. H THIRD WARD. EdELEQATES TO COUNTY CONVENTION. John A. Brown. jB John A. Waruer, B W. K. Ilonry. B Mrs. May Spencer. Ej Mrs. Mary Brown. Bl Frank E. Nowell. H: Mrs. Sarith E. ClulT. B Luke Cook. B Altornntcs B Mrs. Emma Warner. BBhMts. Epslg Pace BE Logan G. Ilolduwny. B DEI.EOATESTO STATE CONVENTION. B W. K. Ilmiry. B J. A. Brown. B Alternates B Frank E. Newell. BK Mrs. Emma Waruer. B Ohalriuun of Ward Organization HpT.iuk E. Nuwcll, - - 1 B Vico-Cbulrnian Mrs. Emma War- pcr. B Secretary and Treasurer Mrs. May BflppaQCl'l', Hj FOURTH WARD. B Chalrmnn Frank McGiaw. B Secretary Alex Robertson. B Oall for primaries read, flBf plI.EOATKS TO COUNTY CONVENTION. $jl J-11- Kroupu. 1 ' IB 0-r Toung. r loliu E Lewis. B Alex Robertson. B Mrs. N. L. Nelson. f B Alternutcs . . L 4 H H, F Fielner. i B Frank MpGruw, B Uqsu Young. SXnxi'':".. B DELEGATES TO STATE COyENTION. jVf B. F. Flclncr. . ,f , BE T. M. Taylor.' i H I I ' Alternatcs-B Alternatcs-B John E. Lowls. B J. R. Kruupa. flg Frank McGraw wss elected perma-jment perma-jment chairman, B AUx Jlubortsnn was elected pormii-Bf?'enL pormii-Bf?'enL seci'oury, I FIFTH WA1D, j Chalrnirtti-N' r.olsoni Secrotary A. y. Roblson, , ELEGATES TO COUNTV CONVENTION. S. R. Thurman. Georgo Ilavercamp. Wm. Probort. jmmm. 11 II- Iivine, Jr. B W, M. McJtcndilcL'. H' Mi M. Kellogg. SB EHen Jiikcmau. IB A v ,l(,,)lao"- i'tMIMMllVini i' U Alternates-Mrs. Alternates-Mrs. M. 0. Newell. E. S. "Hinckley. M. M. Warner. M. C. Newell. DELEGATES TO 8TATE CONVENTION. S. R. Thurman. J. W. N. Wlntccotton. Mr. Jessio Knight. Alternates M. M. Kelloeg. Ellen Jakotnan. Pcrnianentchalrman E. L. Jones. Vlco'presldont Myron Newell. Seerota'V and treasurer Mrs. E. S. Hinckley. It was decided that tho chairmen of tho rcspcctlvo voting precincts will call n mass meeting later on of nil the municipal wards for tho purpose of nominating n prccluut constable and Justice of tho peaco. |