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Show IP NEIGHBORHOOD. 1 Regular nicnls 25c ut Flclncr's res- I J taumnt. I' .Tobn M. Swlshor of Eureka was in i? town MoDilny. I Wm. Ncslilt of Muuiiuoth was lu Frov.i Tuesday. I - FrcHh oyster season has oponod up nt I ' Flclnur's restaurant. I Will Medina (if Ndpbl was In town I Bunilny visiting frlontls. I J, A. Holler or Salt Lako City was I in tho Garden City Mnudity. I Smoko tho Itlo Grnndo cigar. Made ' by J. W. Hurd, Eureka, Utah. I O, P. Dcckor & Co., produce and commission merchants, Proro. f Prof. Jool Jenifer leaves tonight for Eureka to tako up h's school work, j A squaro deal for fruit, produco and y fish at C. P. Deoker & Go.'s, 1'royo, John 0, Graham went to Salt Lake ob Monduy.to sco what James wout up for. James Olovi), editor of tho Enqulror, ruado a trip to Salt Lake City on Mon- fc tly. V Nearly aU of the business houses J wcro closed Monday on account of ' Labor Duy. Only a small crowd attended the Labor Day cxourslon to Castlllu Monday Mon-day evening. W. H Donnell, travelling freight agent of tho 11. 0, VY. was doing business' busi-ness' fp town Monday. W. DjGtillick has turned his Interest Jn thoProyo Stcnni Laundry over to his brother, Juo. Gulllok. Tho Palace saloon has been neatly repaired and painted and presents ak very. attractive apjenruco. C. Ft Dccjccr fp Pq. aro the leading buyors and sellers o'f all kinds of fruit and produco Jo Utah county. TVm. II. Loo was ''sotting up" tho cigars Tuosduy on ooouunt of ilio arrival ar-rival of a new boy at his houso. Tho BtuttzDnimatlo company folded their tent and departed Sunday for ''green Qelds and pastures new." Mr. and MrB. Char. Budd, who have been visiting relatives, left this morning morn-ing for their homo on Green river, Fruit growprs should bear In mind lhm( C. If. Decker Co. of Provo are -"tSe leading buyers of their produce. I J J. V. Iloblson, State Senator from i.;' Fillmore, Millard county, spent Sun- w sy and Monday in the Cardan City, W Judge W. M. MoCarthy of Hiolilleld f tvas in town on legal Imslucu nud visiting old friends Monday and Tues- k rl.ay at jJ. M. Goodwin, tho tall hustler for H the Salt Lake Tribune, was interview- fr Ing tho local patrons of that paper last P Saturday evening. John Pike of Salt Lake City was in WL town Monday. John whs endeavoring IK.. f,o get a crowd to go up Provo canyon Bj, .on a Qfthiug expedition. jl'"' ' O. F. MalmbeHf o Suntsquln Is ). mpvlng hid family to Proyo .on account fit hotter school fttcllitles. He expects Jbm, U he settled hero Saturday! it Bf . 1 Tho county school board of jofamlmj. ft ... Ujuniet, Monday, Tuesday and Wed. ? - neftday in the Prtrk school bjiUdlng. C Therc yyere yery fow teachers presout, BP &, ' 'rbo ' W" WU 8011 ,,t,ktlt8 t0 .Otaaha ami return for ti5, September WF-W f Otl ihI J)tli; lmUi'(J to Si-nteniber flft WL Wth. This wlj) bo the jhoapest rajte of wasj Hip ' io Provo yterduy on buslncus. Mr, HHr'' Homw s u former resldeutof this H.- plae aad at prsent Is jpgaged in the Hp ; lrug binej In Zioo. HK " Wm, Hatfield, oneof the.proailootH HH " D Ukhold6rs of the Grand Central, and HI ,m P.HJn Martha Wash'fngtgn wKkl mlno at Tlntlc, was In Provo yesterday nttendlng tho nieellng of tho directors of tho former comtmny. Preslu . jo Q. Cannon and vv' paid Provo a v.itTuoday. PrsYdent Cannon came down to ntior,'( meeting meet-ing of the boa'ttl of tjAfcotors of the Grand Central Mliil'.fjf company. Cull nt theHomc Hakory for bread, cakus, plct, IcAcreftin, trults and con-fecttouoiy. con-fecttouoiy. CakU for tho family and for balls, receptions and parties made "to- OtktVfffcmcr Hros. Prop'rs. Eureka Lodge No. 13 I. 0. O. F. and Columbia Lodge No. 2 D. of It. will have it grand excursion next Monday from Tintlt. to tho Proro Luke ltusort. The local lodge will join in tho good time. Oicar Wllklns, Jr., and wifo of Kulghtvllle nro In I'rovo visiting. Mr. Wllkf) returned homo Monday evening. even-ing. Mrs. Wllklns will remain hero with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Deal, a month or so. For the Slate Democratic convention at Salt Luke City, September Uih, and tho State Populist convention at the same place September l&lh, the It. G. W. will make a late of one single faro for tho round trip ($1.00 from Provo) to Salt Lako City and relurnT Selllug dates Soplcmbur 13th, 14th and 15th. Limited to September 17th. Four fast trains way dally. Last Saturday, Miss Daisy Mooro hnuded her letter of resignation to tho school board. Tho reason for which, sbo stales, wits (ho rumor to the e licet that some of the patrons would not sond their children to school If she retained re-tained her position. Miss Mooro thanked tho board for cxonnratloicher, but she does not think, us the board thinks, that sho has acted Indiscreet heretofore while In the ofllclul capacity as public teacher. I |