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Show I. F" KIAO-CHAU. German Urrac Itoea Introduced Into Clitiin. Now8 from tho far cast is not uniformly uni-formly warlike, and it la gratifying to record that the German colony in Shantung Shan-tung has received Us first baptism of boor. It appears that a patriotic Berlin Ber-lin brewery dispatched several casks of lta famous bock beer last February as a free-will ofTerlng to tho gallant Gorman marines In Klao-Chau. The gift was fully appreciated, and the acknowledgment, ac-knowledgment, dated April 18, has just reached Berlin. Cap.. Rosendaul, the naval governor ot Klao-Chau, Is the author of one letter of thanks. He states that the beer arrived In excellent excel-lent condition. "A solemn supper," as ho describes It, was arranged by the , offlcora of Uio tacrine battalion, at which the meaa consisted of fre3h aausagos and Berlin bock beer, Tho governor and all the higher officials ' In Tslag-Tau wore Invited to this appetizing ap-petizing ropast. A second acknowledgment acknowl-edgment hu arrived at tho brewery from tho undar fflccrs and men. It Is written on tho familiar post card and Is signed by all the participants. The picture displays a, German marine astride a cask ot bock and a Chinaman standing In a suppliant attitude, begging beg-ging to be allowed to taste. It ap-pears ap-pears that this privilege, too, was ex-tended ex-tended by the lessees to their landlords, K for among tho officers' guests was the worthy Toa-Tal of Kiao-uuau, who Is said to bavo taken to the German bov-B bov-B erase as meekly as to the German oc-cupailon, oc-cupailon, London Post, |