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Show THE CAUSE OF THE PEOPLE." Under the ahovo headline tho last Issue of tho Utah State Journal (Og-den) (Og-den) refers to the HepubHcun party as follows: "Tlmo was when tho ltopubllcan party was a party of tho people and tho friend of Immunity. That wits A-lien It wjis controlled by patriotism rather than pelf, and before the death of nearly all of Its great statesmen. Today tho Iteptlbllcaii party Is com plctcly dominated and controlled by a class of cormorants of which Mark Manna Is a typo and representative. It has ceased to be u party of tho people, by tho people and for the peoplo, and has become t lie nbject slave nud tool of an oligarchy based upon and upheld by the power of gold." Ilrntlier LHtlelleld of tho Journal is an nbli) and. wo believe, eott'cieutlotis advocate of bimetallism, and wo can heartily endorse tho above arraignment arraign-ment of tho Hoptibllcan party. Wo regret, however, tlmt uotwlthnlnnitliig his objections Id tho g. o p (?) he Mill adheres to that party, although Insisting Insist-ing on the Incouslstant prolix 'Vllver." In thu eotiroo of tint Journal article- of which tho above Is tho commencement, tho Dlnglcy bill Is referred to as u law "Which has made modern Republican promotion a disgraceful synonym for l.rnsty," It condemns the Issue of "unnecessary "un-necessary interest bearing bonds;" It says "the establishment of an honest money system Is of paramount Import ance;" It declares that an endorsement of President MeKInley would be ''stultification;" ''stul-tification;" and yet It closes with tho crowning Inconsistency Ihaf'The cause of silver Republicanism is the cause of tho people." Thero Is but ono Hoptibllcan Hoptib-llcan party, and that Is the party that Is rcspons'blo for tho perpetuation of tho gold tlandard, that, Is responsible, for that faiclcal junketlnj of Senator Wolcott under pretense of a dcslro for International bimetallism, that U 10-sponslblc 10-sponslblc for tho 'dlsgracetul" Ding-loy Ding-loy law, that. Is responsible for tho Issue of un-uccessary interest bearing bond:', that Is reaponslMo for the Mo-Kluley Mo-Kluley Administration, that Is respon sible for the appointment of Incompetent, Incomp-etent, dishonest and disloyal govern ttU-iit olllelals, that is respnuslLlo for thu disgraceful nud Inhuman treatment of biavo American soldiers and sailors. Is it possible that men of tho ability, Intelligence and patriotism of Druther Llttlotleld mid that newspapers of the standing of the Utah Stato Journal aro going to cling to tho iiamo "Republl-canY" "Republl-canY" To return to our titlo what, is "Tho cause of tho people," and by what party Is it represented? Tho prlnciplo of truo bimetallism In favor of th "people's money 1 is represented and endowed by the Democratic party. Tho principle of an equitably distributed distri-buted turlll, opposed to tho "sectional, solflsh and oppressJvo" Dlngloy lniv, Is represented by tho Democrat lo party. The principle of a people's Judiciary is represented by tho Democratic parly. Tho principlo that the rich should bear an equal burden of tho taxation now mainly borne by the poor is represented repre-sented by tho Democratic parly. Tho principle of opposition to tho Issue ot Interest-bearing bonds is represented by tho Democratic party. Docs not such a parly como nearest to representing repre-senting "the causo of tho people?" As for outsolvcj, we think It does. |