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Show lUHTH DISTRICT. PROCEEDINGS IN THE FOURTH DI8TRICT COURT. What Judge Duseiiberry Has Done Slnco Our La t Issue. Licenses to marry were granted to David J. Evans, ago 21, mid Mary N. Hanks, ago 23, both or Spanish Fork; Joseph W. Halliday, ago 21, nnd Pliena Hanson, nge 23. both of Ph-as'int Grove, John Hardy Combs, ago 2A, of Pnyson, and Merle Pruo Halliday, ago 10, of Pleasant Grove. Further proceedings in tho caso of liurkloy wore postponed until Saturday, Satur-day, September 1", for the purpose of giving the defendant, Andrew Diirk-loy, Diirk-loy, tho privilege of complying with tho order of the court, or for tho defendant de-fendant to pay the stun of 130 to the clerk of the court for the plaintiff. Tho evidence was heard, final 'account 'ac-count approved nnd distribution ordered or-dered In tho estate of Isaac It.. Robblns, deceased. In the case of State of Utah vs. Chas. Lundqiiist, Thomas John appeared and entered his appearanco ns attornoy for defendant and ont rcd a plea of gullly. Defendant was soutencod to pay n fine of$.F)0. In dpfntilt tho dotendnnt Is to bo committed to jail ono day for .each dollar In the lino. Tho estate of Harriet M Ilrln,ton, doceasod, was set for hearing September Septem-ber 17, on roturn of sale of personal property. J. J. Wllklns of Alpine, who was recontly convicted of unlawfully using water for Irrigation purposes, putf-tloned putf-tloned the District court Monday for writ of habeas corpus, which was granted. Ito alleged tho illegality of Ins Imprisonment on tho ground that though he was convicted on August 5, 1898, at Alplno of unlawfully taking water and sentenced to 915 line or Imprisonment Im-prisonment of one day for each dollar, uo warrant of commitment was Issued until September 6, tho day upon which his term of imprisonment would have expired had tho warrant been served upon him. Marriage llcenso was issued Mouday to Wm. E. Harding, age 23, and Phwbe Drown, age 10, both of Provo. Matter of cstato of Johu Crane, deceased, de-ceased, camo up to bo heard Tuesday on petition to sell real estate. Evidence Evi-dence was heard and real ustuttt.or-dorcd ustuttt.or-dorcd to bo sold. Matter ot the estate of ..Wm. Wlgnull was uct to bo heard on September JO, on roturn of real estate. |