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Show THE COUNTY COURT. W RESOLUTIONS OVER THE DEATH , , S OF COMMISSIONER WINN. - Petitions Presented Reports of the IU County Oillcers -Reports on fjfl Contingent Funds. Hsfl Tlio county commissioners met In jl regular session yostorday and disposed ot the follows business: Tho potltlon of Jas. F. Nelson nnd imW fifteen others to havo tho slaughter hotiso of Phil. Spcckart removed, which Jmt was declared n iiulsauco, o.i account 11 of its uubearablo condition to the lm- mediate residents, was roferrcd to the flfl county attorney with powor to net. 91 The petition of tho R. G. W. railway H oompnuy for permission to construct Jfll an ovorhoad crossing to the county road loading to Spanish Fork canyon, jM was grained on the condition that tho mm company bo responsible for tiro, accl- mU dents, porinanent maintenance, otc. -11 Tho resignation of Sarali Giles as ro- '11 glstry agonb ot Provo district No. 8 -H was accepted. jH R. Klootlng, sccrotary of tho Utah t Forestry association, petitioned the ' board to havo road supervisors and wmm othors Instructed to subduo forest tiros ill at tho expenso of tho county, Tho i&ifl petition was accepted and clerk In- .'IM strtiotod to couimunlcato with super- ' Ifl REPORT OF COUNTY OFFICERS. Geo. A. Storrs, fees for Aug. $ 20.40 H. F. Thomas, ifccs for Aug. , 2011.10 H Gco.lIavorcaiuifccsforAug. 103.69 mm COVXTX THUABUREII. JM Quarterly roport ending August 31. State funds received $ 603.8-1 JH Paid out 03,84 County funds 1201.06 mm Balaneoon hand 9 840.47 41 School funds.balunco an hand I10.4J " " Goncral county funds. roo'U. 000.05 Balance on band Aug. 9 165.21 t 1085.80 HH Dlsburecd 640.11 Baianco on hand M0.75- mm . Tho county troasuror reported upon TB contlngont fund for July and August, ' ;H Hhowlng au over payment of $0.68; and ';H upon $100 contiugont fund received '"'mm May 0. . .M County treasurer's report received, .M George A. Storrs reported upon $50 JB contingent fund appropriated August I, showing him to hnvo ovor paid Kt.30. Total amount paid out for salaries In Utah county for tho month of Au- 'M gust Is $1,003.01. Tho clerk was Instructed to nes., J munlcato with Provo city council nnd iifk tho appolntnwnt of n.'comiulttco m to consult with tho county com nils-sloncrs nils-sloncrs for building a tdockndo fur the vH employment ot county utid city prl- frnm Then followed tho introduction and f passage or tho following: ''H HKSOI.UTIONS OK CONUOr.K.NCE. 'il Whereas, In tho wisdom ot Divine Provldcnuo our boloved follow laborer mW and brother, William II. Wlnu, has mM boon summoned by tho Augol of Death :jmm to tho groat beyond; aud Whereas, His departure from us has 'jl occasioned deep sorrow In our heasUJ!H for his beiovod wife, affectionate child- 1B rot: and confiding frlonds; aud f'l Wliorcas, His sudden death has been ''H a serious and sad loss to'thW county and State; thoroforo, bo It Rosolvod, By tho bonrd of county commissioners of Utah county, Utah, i'II that iu tho sacred, solemn hours of death, we, on behalf of Utah county oxtond our slncerost syjnputhy to lilt boreaved famllv, and as.sure.thcurthat in death as in llfo wo.bear. a faithful testimony to his fidelity to duty, to his honesty of purpose, to his boundless iH courage in the oauso of honesty and vH truth, and that in private as well us In H publlo llfo he was iu every senso a -mau; and, bo it ReRolvejl, That a copy of theso rcso- ) lutlons bo spruad upon tho records of n)H this county, nnd that a copy bo fpr- fl warded to the family of tho deceased. , ' Tbo board of county commissioners . will mcot tomorrow and elect a sue- r ccssor to County Commissioner Win a. |