Show DEATH OF EMilY D Was a Daughter Presiding Bishop of the Church j WIFE OP 01 YOUNG sass hardshIps Early tat a tt III tue tho Church atad ud I 1 Nt and pud med Mrs frs DOW Doy lou Young n 1 wIle o of the late Young and one On of the heroines or of the Church of Jesus Christ of Saints SAint departed thIs thle lire this morning 9 I 15 at 4 aged lb J I month and tI 9 days daI Mn Ir Young n born In the town or of n sills 1111 county Ohio on ell ai S lIen Parents wire tire Rd lCd I Iward ward ned aAd Idla ar And WIN were both of them burn born itt III but mow moved to 10 Ohio with theIr when people where thy they b became fI acquainted married antI and settled In Ill 1111 lather father ot of 1 11 flU tisa the pr presiding ordained In tho Church JIll wn was De December cember 11 UI at Seema l Phie New Nework York ork State b by J Joseph ph Smith the lie HI hal had gone to Falls to f ftC e tile Iho Prophet Mrs n loun Young grew to 10 womanhood un tIer the influence of the hue an and has Itu hen been faithful and devoted to 10 the work throughout hei whole Wt M Ing to the right nor left With her the yo W M ever eer uppermost fhe Purl I or tile tue lite or tisie Mood ODd woman I Is a and lid has hAlt ever beyond question e t abs b tins known such lIuch persecution till as but fUI Women have experienced In land IlInd In In every everywhere where that the Ihl Saints hats settled Mn Young has haa been bwll associated with them through the and Incident to the hitter ot of this people Hot wrItten b by and In Ih this Woman Womans lix Ex gives some somo of the tho most mOlt heroic that hero 1110 among the Saints Mrs Ira Mini D I Partridge was one of lie lint first women to accept and enter in to the order oner of Plural marriage Site She became the he wife vf of the Joseph Smith the lull full and aDd In free or of Mil bPs wIfe I Smith After Arter hl tile death she ehe agaIn entered l Into Inlo that order or of montage and was Willi to PresIdent Brigham Young and receIved her bless InJa ings all the ordinances ot of the house ot of the Lord In the Temple at al and with her husband crossed the MIs II river In February 1546 at the time into of the tho exodus oC ci the Saints from Illinois During that jour Jur Jurn journo n no l she rhe experienced many lug Ing In ht health nn anti Ira with n a babe a be a at t that most In element eon or of the tho year but M she never murmured or hut hUI OO bore patiently nil all the tho hardships incident to 10 th the journey life liCe III at Quarters afterwards The eldest son IOn of Mrs I Young born henri In Ih lived 1 to be seven end tiled died lii In this elt city U it was Edward Edwan Partridge Youns Wal wa it Il very err brIght anil promising boy ho Young oung haS been the mol mother her heror or of seven on children Augusta u her daughter Is in the wife lUe of H D 13 lawson the Iho second daughter Is the tho wire of oC e Q Cannot Cannon liar Her only lIving son Prof Edward Don Young resides at present In and is II connected with the Brig haul ham Young Academy Miriam Is the wife of Plump I Leonard U 1 hardy and recently moved to the only onto one absent from the lie city It Josephine Is the wile ot of Ir A C Young A ter Lima the youngest child chilli died when seven feen mouth montha old Mrs Irs Young has over Oer forty grandchildren several great grandchIldren II a numerous pee terRy anti antl all In th the faith of the los Oos in which she phi believed and for tor which she he made mad great and noble Mrs Young oun was a ter Or retiring mod modest et est and reticent but firm In her convictions all ott the everlasting 1111 Mrs Irl passed II avay nt at last although ah she has haa suffered with considerably during the last Insl tour four years artl lien lIr death WAS vas the he of general debUlt brought on b by a kind or of nervous prostration nail And weak M fleas S She was sas greatly beloved by her own family and also alo loved loI and h by the family or of her late husband hUband and the women oh 01 the Saints who had the or of her acquaint OM aries She passed away at the rest resl I of hr her daughter Irs litre Clawson itt In this elt city though her own flomo was In the Second Funeral over oer the of the tho late Inte Mrs 1 1 Young will be beheld held hehl In the Twelfth ward chapel at 12 1 noon on Tue Tuesday next F ate invited to be pre present nl I |