Show I BI BANQUET I OF THE Y M GI A AI AYoung I Young Christans Christian Pleased of Honors from tile the Ladles SPEECHES AND FINE FEAST Je 1111 Dillies of ber Dud situ Oilier luCe Joist The Tho members of the tho Young Mens Christian association were feted by the tho ladle auxiliary last night In the gymnasium Wil was decorated for tor th time O I I 01 let In Slow how Slower howera er era and hugs T eru ieN several good speeches lado made interspersed by yell 01 fron from the tho team tables were spread In excellent tate taste and de doe I orated wih with onet attended by byoung young oung ladles ladies Dr C T Drown rod read an interesting PaPer after which the company numbered about one hundred let sat down downto to the tho banquet Secretary John T 1 Axton acted ni as toastmaster Ja In th the absence of E B G 0 THE manES hIGHEST LIE LIPIL TI Time first speaker was Rev A I Ii len lent lien t 17 whose subject WI vein The Highest Life The man who was simply ply on con was not great grent lee he The football player not meet dIstinguished for Though he was ns not nat op opi i sd to athletics the speaker kr did nt not favor them to tuch such nn an excess as pu l lIm Im and the like The highet highest life U is found In the tho Nazarene who WI was ot at home with the tho great grent of earth orth with the theOl loor Ol the maimed anti time the children The Tho In Is the most p per perPlexing problem that Is II confronting us Wo We ore allied to the brute bruIt through our physical nature as 01 we Itt get hungry tred tired grow old and die like the brute but bul w we are als also ale allied to something higher than the Iho OUr spirit spiritual ull ual nature The speaker ald said he wal went a firm believer In Ih tha Y 31 I C A and the Die I spirit I it manifested I IE TALKS Short talks on memberships were then made by George Horace Tuck Tucker er S U 13 Wod STood Frank Walden and am Jacob young men oil all plead et od t or r 1 it more enthusiastic spirit liMit among the members and urged d them to 11 be bemore the tho more In their to increase OP OF Dr E Y V SIer Silver then thon spoke on What thu Iho Members OWl Owe to the Association he said owed their duo dues some lame wed owed the another In tact they time owed the association some something m walked thing from every lne itne In ii which tle they DUTY OF MEN IN Why thee the Business Men Should Sup Support port the Association Iola ton was the thorn by I rank Frank Ii D The he association ice he said hat had 1 a great It at attraction traction for tor time the business men 1 as they could look Into I it arid and fod find young men who had a defnie definite purpose In lire life young men who wit t to make some something thing of le lIe though thought that reform y ld come omo through h hIl Il time members or of the young yung mens sock tes ties henc hence tho they were looke looked upon by bythe bythe the business mon men with great favor faor AXTON Mr Axton then thon mentone mentioned that I it was wal hIs sixth anniversary as 86 secretary of the association and ond M e wondered If ice he was Q the right man to stand land ther there as that officer There were loud cies cries pr of kep keep stand standInG standing InG ing accompanied with heart hearty imp ap Ilia U DH Bit Dr Br Paden then Ihen spoke earnestly on Worth of the Work of the Y M I C A relating some of his eor early experiences In the Y 3 lit C A and amid o of ls its In influence fluence In the hort heart ot of I a great cly city CHEERS FOR TI TIlE LADIS LADIES After three rousing chers cheers for the l lIles Ia Iles lies who had prepared the banquet the guests to their several dorni cue The committee In charge con can slated ot of Mesdames OIsy Giesy I P I II hudson udon Smith J Curtis and The were Curt Melon ant assisted by Misses Thor Curtis Lucy and Winifred Gatrel Stel tei In and Hue Clark May Moy Mayne tn l Oi Ott send nd |